A cost-benefit analysis of methods for the determination of biomass concentration in wastewater treatment

Clinical supervision, the title with the built-in-bias: a health psychological perspective

Understanding clinical supervision: A health psychology orientated process of person centred development

Effects of biomass-generated syngas on cell-growth, product distribution and enzyme activities of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T

Effects of biomass-generated producer gas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T

Fermentation of biomass-generated synthesis gas: effects of nitric oxide

Writing works: a resource handbook for therapeutic writing workshops and activities

The gifts and ‘contributions' Friedrich Froebel and Russian education (1850–1929)

A systematic review of the contribution of art education to cultural learning in learners aged 5–16

Mayor-making and other ceremonies: shared uses of sacred space among the Kentish Cinque Ports

Basal defence in Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae pv. phasiolicola: beyond FLS2?

Crossing the border from school to higher education: a case study of the Into the Future programme at the University of Glamorgan

The joys and frustrations of being a part-time nursing student

Service firm connections in the Dublin-Belfast corridor

City-regions in the global knowledge economy

Whooping cough

Novels - the whole story

The Greek times? Re-visiting Greek mythology in relation to children's popular culture

From lucid to lyrical language

The short story genre

Places and spaces: the right environment for literacy

''You have been personally selected...'': Navigating non-fiction negotiating modes

Cultural politics, cultural policy and cultural tourism

Faith and experience: paradigms of spirituality

A review of research on the nature and function of sport pedagogy, 2004-2005

Healthy eating in primary schools

Liberating the heritage city: towards cultural engagement

Gender and sports

Evaluation of the special educational needs parent partnership services in England

Linking up directories of children's services

Pre-registration education: making a difference to critical care?

Heat stress, plasma concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, 5-hydroxytryptamine and cortisol, mood state and cognitive performance

Teachers leading change: Doing research for school improvement

Nutrition and the prevention of cancer

Searching behaviour in Chilocorus nigritus (F.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

Barriers to effective nutritional care for older adults

Living with disability: part 3. Communication and care

Images and economic development in the cross-channel Euroregion

Human resource solutions? Dimensions of employers' use of temporary agency labour in the UK

Cognitive executive function in Down's syndrome

'Daß man unter so viel tausend Menschen so fort einen Juden erkennen kan': Johann Jacob Schudt und der jüdische Körper

Anthonius Margaritha and his 'Der Gantz Jüdisch Glaub'

Methodius and methodologies: ways of reading third-century Christian sexual symbolism

Faith and secularisation in religious colleges and universities

Kambala's Ālokamāla and the perils of philology

Gender transformed and meta-gendered enlightenment: Reading Buddhist narratives as paradigms of inclusiveness

Mythos, katalog und prophezeiung

Building bridges between universities and middle schools: A teacher-centred collaboration

Inclusion and the standards agenda: negotiating policy pressures in England

Improving schools, developing inclusion

European integration and East Central European media

"So many sects and schisms": religion in Kent, 1640-1660

Sites and occasions of peacemaking in England and Normandy, c.900-c.1150

Learning in a border country: using psychodynamic ideas in teaching and research

Claiming and sustaining space? Sure Start and the auto/biographical imagination

Exploring the limits of queer and sport: gay men playing tennis

Able bodies and sport participation: social constructions of physical ability for gendered and sexually identified bodies

Inclusive approaches

Usefulness and truthfulness: outlining the limitations and upholding the benefits of constructivist approaches for career counselling

Spirituality and education: inner and outer realities

Researching classrooms: complexity and chaos

"A ripple that ruffled feathers": an appreciation of 30 years of Michael Rosen's poetry for children

Racing cyclists as sports tourists: the experiences and behaviours of a case study group of cyclists in East Kent, England

Placebo effects of caffeine on cycling performance

Anglo-American relations, the Cold War and the Middle East defence, 1953-55.

Franklin Roosevelt and the Runciman visit to Washington in 1937: informal diplomacy and Anglo-American relations in the era of Munich

Natural capital and the advocacy of ecotourism as sustainable development

The United Nations International Year of Ecotourism: a critical analysis of development implications

Relationships between pulse wave velocity and heart rate variability in healthy men with a range of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels

The effects of caffeine ingestion on performance time, speed and power during a laboratory-based 1 km cycling time-trial

Effect of creatine supplementation and sleep deprivation, with mild exercise, on cognitive and psychomotor performance, mood state, and plasma concentrations of catecholamines and cortisol

Making CALL work: towards normalisation

The role of genre in language syllabus design: the case of Bahrain

On musicians and singers: an investigation of different approaches taken by vocal and instrumental teachers in higher education

The Battle of Lepanto: the introduction of James VI of Scotland to the Dutch

Tales told out of school: Anstey’s relation to Dickens and vice versa

Rethinking the benefits of an adapted version of 'Alzheimer Café' for individuals with Alzheimer's and their partners

Self-esteem and self-acceptance: an examination into their relationship and their effect on psychological health

An inter-professional approach to children's nursing education

The illness perceptions of women following symptoms of acute myocardial infarction: a self-regulatory approach

Alzheimer's cafe for people with and affected by dementia

With woman, with my sister

Mental health promotion through supported further education: The value of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health

Music and well-being

Providing support and supervision: an introduction for professionals working with young people

The health promoting school: a resource for developing indicators

Golden times of writing: the creative compliance of writing journals

English law as implicit religion

Socio-environmental Influences on the Police Culture of the London Metropolitan Police Force Between the 1930s and 1960s

Arts in health: the value of evaluation

A survey of supported education for people with long-term mental health needs in Further Education colleges in the South East of England

The MusicStart Project: evaluation of an early years music initiative




Sports tourism research 2000-2004: a systematic review of knowledge and a meta-evaluation of methods

Olympic tourism? The tourism potential of London 2012

Interpretive qualitative synthesis in the sport & exercise sciences: The meta-interpretation approach

The influence of policy makers' perceptions on sport-tourism policy development

Personal responsibility for private sector housing renewal: Issues in health improvement

Encouraging and enabling low-income owner-occupiers to maintain their homes: An exploratory study

Interpreting and managing risk in a machine bureaucracy: Professional decision-making in NHS Direct

The story of an ethnography: the experience of watching the 2002 World Cup in the pub

Housing as a health determinant: is there consensus that public health partnerships are a way forward?

Understanding the sports tourism product

Virtual football fandoms

Sports tourism and the development of sports events

Sports tourism research: the state of the field

Making spaces for sport and the arts

Outdoor play and learning

Through a different lens: exploring Reggio Emilia in a Welsh context

Involving children in strategic planning for play

Making spaces for sport and the arts

Queer sport for all: to what extent does gay sport address inclusion and human rights?

Masculinities on the move: negotiating male identities within the context of physical education and dance

Transcending the heteronormative in sport: masculine sporting identities, sexuality and in/exclusive practices

Evaluation of a series of action learning sets designed to provide professional development opportunities for nurses in general practice

Sports tourism research futures

Academic renewal in leisure and tourism studies

All sports for all people: the Socialist challenge, Coubertin and the ideology of 'popular' Olympism

Effective learning: an evaluation of the Protected Learning Time Project in a PCT in the South of England

The effect of the new GMS contract on the extended primary care team - findings from a qualitative study

The new general medical services (GMS) contract: appreciative inquiry: interprofessional collaboration and quality improvement, a recipe for innovation?

Professional behaviour in a machine bureaucracy

Beginning primary teaching: moving beyond survival

Learning out of school: an exploration of poverty and children's educational relationships

Educational relationships and their impact on poverty

Coaching as an educational relationship

Women's ambivalence towards mend and the contact hypothesis

Adapting clinical supervision: the role of guided reflection in offering clinical support for research activity

Seeking the moral within the ethical

Discerninig the auto/biographical moment

Seeking the moral within the ethical

Qualified (registered) nurses and electronic learning. Pilot study

A pilot study - qualified nurses and electronic learning. A phenomenological and biographical study of qualified nurses' learning and perceptions and use of electronic resources

Developing assessment insight in study returners and overseas learners

Systemic reviews for social care: evidence for practice?

The conduct of systematic research reviews for SCIE knowledge reviews

Systematic Map 1: The extent and impact of parental mental health problems on the family, the interventions available and the acceptability, accessibility and effectiveness of interventions

Nation states and super-states: the geopolitics of the new world order

Submission, emergence and personal knowledge: principles for validity in qualitative research

SPARKLE project

Exercise prescription: the physiological foundations

Defining 'corruption' in the modern Olympic movement

Cultural imperialism and the diffusion of Olympic sport in Africa: a comparison of pre- and post- Second World War contexts

Arts and health care: the student nurse's journey

Arts in nurse education: learning to make us feel better

On the Weickian model in the context of open source software development: some preliminary insights

A room of one’s own? How the new academics in the expanding Higher Education sector are transforming the understanding of what it means to be a university teacher

Age and learning: an exploration of the ways in which the changing age profile of learners and teachers in higher education is changing pedagogy

Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaborations

Learning support: a guide for mature students

Deleuze, philosophy, and the materiality of painting

Deleuze and Tarkovsky: cinema, thought and the restoration of belief

The Australian Fair Pay Commission and work and family balance

Middle leadership in schools: harmonising leadership and learning

Platform driven development of product families

Let's get theatrical with our students

Teachers acting up - from stage presence to classroom presence

The end of French rule in Vietnam

The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, 1945-1960

Susan Vreeland

Home-made head tanks can be used to demonstrate Darcy's law

Simulating environmental surveys using custom developed software

Art, craft and science of detective work

Square pegs and round holes: performance measurement in the police and prison services

PGGA: a predictable and grouped genetic algorithm for job scheduling

Future imperfect

What have entrepreneurship and innovation got to do with HRM?

Market efficiency in person-to-person betting

An implementation intentions intervention to increase uptake of mammography

No peace without Constantinople

Apotres, Maitres de Maison et Domestiques: Les Origines du Ministere Tripartite

Englishness and the victim hero in One for my Baby (2001) by Tony Parsons

Roundtable on science fiction criticism

Effectiveness of acupuncture for migraine: critical literature review

Are the needs of children and young people with social, emotional and behavioural needs being served within a multi-agency framework?

Emotional maps

Social justice, service delivery and welfare reform: the politics of deprivation, disaffection and education in the District of Thanet

Public sector policies and practice, neo‐liberal consumerism and freedom of choice in secondary education: a case study of one area in Kent

On track multi-agency projects in schools and communities: a special relationship

Revisiting Postman and Weingartner’s ‘New education’ – is teaching citizenship a subversive activity?

Using an education Foundation Degree as a route into teaching

Categorization of investigation: defining the ethical questions

Early mathematics development and later achievement: further evidence

Japanese and English school students' views of physical education: a comparative study

Documenting ‘possibility thinking’: a journey of collaborative enquiry

Connecting drama and writing: seizing the moment to write

Creativity, uncertainty and discomfort: teachers as writers

Pedagogy and possibility thinking in the early years

Pedagogical connections, boundaries and barriers: the place of travel in teachers' professional development

Fighting for survival? The financial management of football clubs outside the ‘top flight’ in England

Research synthesis in the sport and exercise sciences: Introduction to the collection

Undiscovered public knowledge: the potential of research synthesis approaches in tourism research

Warm-up prior to undertaking a dynamic psychomotor task: does it aid performance?

A response to building a decommodified research paradigm in tourism: the contribution of NGOs by Stephen Wearing, Matthew McDonald and Jess Ponting

Edible maps

Exploitation of energy resources in Africa and the consequences for minority rights

Spatial patterns and GIS habitat modelling of Solea solea, Pleuronectes flesus and Limanda limanda fish larvae in the eastern English Channel during the spring

A comparison of motivational theories of identification

Essene community houses and Jesus' early community

The heart of the matter

Stammi a sentire, Gran Bretagna!

Purloining of an agenda, or, a spectre is haunting John Clute

The Sparrow: music, food, sex

Adaptation and contingency: teaching history to learners of English as an additional language in the mainstream classroom

Is it worth investing in training clinical psychologists via the statement of equivalence route? A pilot study

God as other, God as self, God as beyond: a cognitive analytic perspective on the relationship with God

Deconstructing delusions: a qualitative study examining the relationship between religious beliefs and religious delusions

Children's explanations of aggressive incidents at school within an attribution framework

Acupuncture in the treatment of psychosis: the case for further research

Community focus: political communication

Community focus: space - the final frontier

Returning to learning through the arts

Assessment of the risk of transmission of CJD and vCJD during interventional procedures

BSE and vCJD - origins (part 1)

Perceptions of critical care outreach within a network

Report generates a mainly positive reaction

Responses mould group’s activities

What information patients require on graduated compression stockings

Focus on a unit: British Columbia Children's Hospital NICU

Three faces of care…with similar features: Neonatal care across three continents

Delivering care for women seeking refuge

Developing services for women seeking refuge

Pregnant asylum-seekers: perceptions of maternity service provision

Nutrition matters for older adults

A study of quality of life in Internet health chat room users

The effects of reflexology on foot pain and quality of life in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis: a case report

Working with others


Sustaining hope

Spiritual care

Spiritual wellbeing and spiritual distress

Past and present discourses


Clarifying the concept

Understanding clinical supervision: a health psychology orientated process of person-centred development

Transition to adulthood

The importance of appropriate respite care

Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning

Doing practitioner research

Constructing the future: transforming career guidance

A cautionary note on support and supervision

What is support and supervision?


Supporting transitions from student to professional: a mentoring case study from early childhood education

Observing subject knowledge in action: characteristics of lesson observation feedback given to trainees

Supporting children's development and learning

Managing transitions

Working with colleagues

Constructing new understandings of career guidance: joining the dots

Challenging the laws of talk: ground rules, social reproduction and the curriculum

Creativity in the primary curriculum

Canterbury Tales: continuity, change and conflict in the historic city of Canterbury

The clarinet and its players in Eastern Europe and Greece

Lactose intolerance

Chicken pox

Demonstrative kingship in late Anglo-Saxon charters

The West-Wealas in the 10th century

The Vietnam War and the making of modern Southeast Asia

The rise and fall of detente

The rise and fall of detente

The so-called ‘moratorium’ on the licensing of new genetically modified (GM) products by the European Union 1998–2004: a study in ambiguity

Baghdad to Baghdad: Britain’s odyssey

Multilateralism as a way of life in Europe

Factors influencing levels of research activity in clinical psychologists: a new model

Validating the efficacy of neurofeedback for optimising performance

The logic of the stimulus

Service practitioner and referrer perspectives of a primary care based mental health consultation service

Assessing the reading comprehension of adults with learning disabilities

Synthesis of four novel pendant armed macrocyclic ligands and their interaction with lanthanide(III) cations

The freely chosen contribution of the leg kick to the total power during simulated front crawl swimming on a onland ergometer

Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power

Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power

Relationships between gross, delta and pedalling efficiency

Differences in daily activity levels, dietary energy intake and body composition in primary school children who walk to and from school compared to those who travel by car

Caffeine works: whether you believe it or not: evidence for pharmacological effects of caffeine ingestion on 40km cycling performance

Placebo effects of ergogenic aids in sports performance: experimental, psychometric and interview data

Is caffeine all in the head? Evidence for the placebo effects attributable to caffeine in cycling performance

The relationship between selected cardiovascular variables and exercise intensity during continuous and discontinuous incremental exercise tests

Organizing space in a dynamic economy: insights for policy from the Irish experience

Searching behaviour in Chilocorus nigritus


The illness perceptions of women following acute myocardial infarction: implications for behaviour change and attendance at cardiac rehabilitation

Cardiac patient assessment: putting the patient first

Illness perceptions, treatment beliefs and the relationship to self-care in heart failure: a self regulatory approach

30,000 BC: painting animality - Deleuze and prehistoric painting

The implementation of inclusive education in South Africa after ten years of democracy

Promoting the implementation of inclusive education in primary schools in South Africa

Validation, approval and monitoring: the HPC and its role

Decision-making in professional practice

Spirituality in organisations - exploring the way forward: international conference on organisational spirituality

Integrating spirituality in health and social care: perspectives and practical approaches

From spirituality to coping strategy: making sense of chronic illness

Acute solutions and beyond: lessons on service user involvement

Identifying potential predictors of traumatic reactions to psychotic episodes

The impact of improved pay and conditions on low-paid urban workers: the case of the Royal London Hospital

Transformation of regional societies through ICTs: State(s) of the Art(s)

Polycentric development and strategic spatial planning in Ireland

Re-thinking abilities

How I use multi-media tools (1): interactive whiteboards: the long and the short of it

Human physiology: the basis of medicine

Special needs and Early Years: a practitioner's guide

The SENCO handbook

Longman school atlas

Individual teacher training: a systematic map into approaches to making initial teacher training flexible and responsive to the needs of trainee teachers

A statistical survey of attainment in Roman Catholic schools in England with particular reference to secondary schools operating under the Trust Deed of the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Sound beginnings: learning and development in the Early Years

Learning to teach in the primary school

Blackstone's student police officer handbook

The Arthur C. Clarke Award: a critical anthology

Medium affecting mode: continuous summative assessment and collagorative groupwork in a VLE

Remodelling schools manual: workforce reform

Channel habitat atlas for marine resources management (CHARM): towards phase 2

Through a different lens: exploring Reggio Emilia in a Welsh context

Moving outside: recognising the potential of the outdoor environment

What counts as a display of learning?: the microgenesis of misunderstandings in adult-child learning conversations

Can education be subversive? Postman And Weingartner and the case of citizenship in the National Curriculum for England

Post 14 Citizenship examinations

Some insights into Citizenship teacher training in France

Transforming hearts and minds: the contribution of Christian values to the curriculum

Curiosity - vice or virtue for the Christian teacher? Promoting faithfulness to Scripture in teacher formation

Why teachers have to be social workers: Adlerian individual psychology and positive approaches to behaviour management: a lost legacy in the UK

Is there any point in wearing dead men's spectacles? How the theoretical insights of Adler and colleagues relate to current practice with children experiencing Emotional Behavioural Difficulties

Different ways of seeing: the language games of mothering

El Banco Del Recurso De Entrenamiento De Profesor (TTRB) Y De Orientación Educativa En Inglaterra = The Teacher Training Resource Bank and Initial Teacher Education in England

Mobile mentoring: the results of a TDA funded study into the use of PDAs to support mentors

The assessment of athletics ‘knowledge’ with written and video tests

Aischylos in Wolkenkoekoeksland: Paratragodia in het koorlied Ar. Av. 1470vv

How graduate teachers experience professional identity

Hinduism and cross curricular work

Islam and pedagogies of religious education

Christianity and citizenship education

Spiritual development and secular humanism

Health needs assessment of Otford, Shoreham and Kemsing

Health needs assessment Trench Ward Tonbridge

Health needs assessment Broadwater Ward Royal Tunbridge Wells

Defining 'Olympism' in the discourse of high/late modernity

Isolation – a threat and means of spatial control: risk and protection in a deprived neighbourhood

The development of a questionnaire to measure in-patient satisfaction with forensic services - the Forensic Satisfaction Scale

Guest editorial

The masters dissertation

Primary pupils’ perceptions of talent in physical education

What works and what doesn’t - creating successful strategies in sport tourism

Deleuze, Murakami and the literary affect

Comparative perspectives: reflections on a field visit to Sweden

Walking the e walk: lifelong career learning for all

Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPtoB suppresses basal defence in Arabidopsis

Transforming higher education through participation: an activity theoretical approach

Cross faculty and interagency programme development: case study: Foundation Degree in Working with Young People and Young People's Services

Identifying the terms and conditions of nurses employed within general practice: the implications for employers

Cyprus: communal conflict and the regional and international setting since 1955

Baghdad to Baghdad: the United Kingdom’s odyssey

Truth, power & the learning process: pre- and post- the Twin Towers

Conflict and collaboration in Anglo-American relations: a polemic on not being Anglo-Saxon

A preliminary model of enduring positive change in professionals working with trauma survivors.

Kinetic and mechanistic basis of the nonprocessive kinesin-3 motor NcKin3

Targeting retroviral Zn Finger-DNA interactions: a small-molecule approach using the electrophilic nature of trans-platinum-nucleobase compounds

Hosting a student from overseas: the impact on the hosting teacher and children

A detailed linkage map of lettuce based on SSAP, AFLP and NBS markers

A hAT superfamily transposase recruited by the cereal grass genome

Providing care for older people with learning disabilities

A catalogue of Spanish archaeomagnetic data

GREMO: a GT4 based Resource Monitor

Resource monitoring with Globus Toolkit 4

Confronting the abject: women and dead babies in modern English fiction

The realm of shells

Re-make or re-take?

Labour as leisure - the Mirror dinghy and DIY sailors

Power, ideology, and Olympism: reflections on British sport policy

Strategies of inheritance among Kentish fishing communities in the later Middle Ages

The Archangel Gabriel's stone and other relics: William Haute's serach for salvation in fifteenth-century Kent

¿Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos en el conocimiento genético de los mamíferos mexicanos?

Young Muslim women's experiences of Islam and physical education in Greece and Britain: a comparative study

Incompatible? Compulsory mixed-sex physical education initial teacher training (PEITT) and the inclusion of Muslim women: a case-study on seeking solutions

Socioeconomic background and participation in physical activity: a case study

Miami Animal Police

Review of Dickens Studies Annual 35

European topographic mapping and the aesthetics of landscape cartography

Review of "type and typography"

Classification of organizational failure root causes producing human error