Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy

Journal article

Wright, T. and O'Connor, S. 2018. Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy. Journal of Public Mental Health. 17 (4), pp. 157-167.
AuthorsWright, T. and O'Connor, S.

The aim of this review is to scope out European and global policy documents focused on dementia with the purpose of providing a synthesis of the challenges the phenomenon poses and the gaps evident.

An adapted PESTEL framework as a data extraction tool resulted in an analysis of the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, organisational, educational, and research aspects of dementia policy.

Policy documents showed variability of dementia strategy, plan, and programme development. All documents recognised rapidly growing ageing populations, and increasing numbers of people living with dementia. Dementia as a public health priority is inconsistent in growth. Global policy documents stress the impact of dementia will be felt most by low-and-middle income countries. Main themes were: a need to raise awareness of dementia and action to reduce stigma around it, the need for early diagnosis and preventative person-centred approaches with integrated care, fiscal investment, further research, training and education for workforces, increased involvement of and support for people living with dementia, and care and support close to home.

Social and Practical Implications:
By identifying current dementia challenges and policy gap implications this analysis urges engagement with broader frames of reference as potential for enabling bolder and radically better dementia care models.

This paper offers a review of present global and European dementia policy, outlining the potential implications for the most marginalised in society if it fails to be critical of its own underpinning assumptions.

KeywordsDementia policy; international perspectives; marginalised peoples; public health priorities
JournalJournal of Public Mental Health
Journal citation17 (4), pp. 157-167
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
FunderInterreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeen
Publication dates
Online17 Dec 2018
Publication process dates
Deposited11 Oct 2018
Accepted10 Oct 2018
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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ContributorsWright, T. and O'Connor, S.
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