Mediating serious crime: an analysis of victim and prisoner mediation

Journal article

Tong, S., Waters, B., Bryant, R., Williams, E. and Norman, J. 2017. Mediating serious crime: an analysis of victim and prisoner mediation.
AuthorsTong, S., Waters, B., Bryant, R., Williams, E. and Norman, J.

The following paper builds on research aimed at examining previous attempts to facilitate VOM and RJ approaches between victims and adult prisoners.

This interview-based study located in the United Kingdom, focused upon the perceptions of victims, offenders and prison authorities and their experiences of VOM in eleven separate cases, involving 31 interviews with participants.

The findings of this research, reveal that preparation for, and assessment of, mediation cases is a crucial factor in their success. The victims and offenders interviewed were supportive of the process and recommended it for appropriate cases. There was evidence of delays in some cases and awareness of mediation approaches was lacking among some prison authorities, prisoners and victims prior to their involvement. There was evidence of perceived resistance by some prisons and probation services particularly in the context of austerity.

The paper also reflects on the challenges of conducting research during a period of austerity.

Publication process dates
Deposited16 Jan 2018
AcceptedFeb 2017
Output statusUnpublished

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Waters, B. 2014. The importance of teaching dispute resolution in a 21st century law school.
“A part to play”: the value of role-play simulation in undergraduate legal education
Waters, B. 2016. “A part to play”: the value of role-play simulation in undergraduate legal education. The Law Teacher. 50 (2), pp. 172-194.
Widening participation in higher education: The legacy for legal education
Waters, B. 2013. Widening participation in higher education: The legacy for legal education. The Law Teacher. 47 (2), pp. 261-269.
Watching the detectives: researching investigative practice
Hallenberg, K., O'Neill, M. and Tong, S. 2015. Watching the detectives: researching investigative practice. in: Brunger, M., Tong, S. and Martin, D. (ed.) Introduction to Policing Research: Taking Lessons From Practice London Routledge. pp. 101-117
Police education in England and Wales: a changing landscape
Tong, S. 2014. Police education in England and Wales: a changing landscape.
Evolving partnership and collaboration
Tong, S. 2013. Evolving partnership and collaboration.
Mediating serious crime: an analysis of adult prison restorative justice mediation
Bryant, R., Tong, S., Waters, B., Williams, E. and Norman, J. 2014. Mediating serious crime: an analysis of adult prison restorative justice mediation. London Nuffield Foundation.
Policing digital crime
Bryant, R., Bryant, R., Bennett, D., Day, E., Kennedy, I. and Stephens, P. Bryant, R. and Bryant, R. (ed.) 2014. Policing digital crime. Farnham Ashgate.
Police training and education: past, present and future
Bryant, R., Cockcroft, T., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2013. Police training and education: past, present and future. in: Brown, J. (ed.) The Future of Policing London Routledge.
Mediation and experiential learning: how a mediation clinic can inform a law-based curriculum
Waters, B. 2011. Mediation and experiential learning: how a mediation clinic can inform a law-based curriculum. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education. 16 (2), pp. 90-96.
Graduate police officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring officers
Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2011. Graduate police officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring officers. The Police Journal. 84 (1), pp. 69-74.
Privatisation of agencies in the public sector
Tong, S. 2013. Privatisation of agencies in the public sector.
The more serious the offence, the more powerful the effect? An evaluation of victim-offender mediation in a prison setting. Report for the European Forum for Restorative Justice, The 6th Biennial Forum Proceedings 2010.
Tong, S. and O'Mahoney, J. 2011. The more serious the offence, the more powerful the effect? An evaluation of victim-offender mediation in a prison setting. Report for the European Forum for Restorative Justice, The 6th Biennial Forum Proceedings 2010.
Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift?
Silvestri, M., Tong, S. and Brown, J. 2013. Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift? International Journal of Police Science and Management. 15 (1), pp. 61-72.
Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future
Alys, L., Massey, K. and Tong, S. 2012. Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future.
Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.)
Bryant, R., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2012. Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.). London Home Office.
Graduate Police Officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring police officers
Tong, S. 2010. Graduate Police Officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring police officers.
Training the effective detective: report of recommendations
Tong, S. 2005. Training the effective detective: report of recommendations.
Watching the detectives
Tong, S. 2000. Watching the detectives.
Investigating effectiveness: competing ideologies and police performance management
Tong, S. 2002. Investigating effectiveness: competing ideologies and police performance management.
'Art, craft & science: contemporary detective practice’
Tong, S. 2010. 'Art, craft & science: contemporary detective practice’.
Police leadership: an historical account of the development of police leaders
Caless, B. and Tong, S. 2011. Police leadership: an historical account of the development of police leaders.
Restorative justice in prisons: a presentation to Kent Probation Service victim seminar
O'Mahoney, J. and Tong, S. 2011. Restorative justice in prisons: a presentation to Kent Probation Service victim seminar.
Skills and abilities in crime investigation: the investigative journalist versus the detective
Poyser, S. and Tong, S. 2011. Skills and abilities in crime investigation: the investigative journalist versus the detective.
Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future
Murphy, R., Tong, S. and Underwood, R. 2011. Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future.
Police research and interviewing police elites
Tong, S. 2011. Police research and interviewing police elites.
The science of criminal investigation
Tong, S. 2011. The science of criminal investigation.
The detective past and present: an examination of an evolving profession
Tong, S. 2011. The detective past and present: an examination of an evolving profession.
Policing research in an age of austerity
Brunger, M. and Tong, S. 2012. Policing research in an age of austerity.
Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future
Massey, K. and Tong, S. 2012. Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future.
ASC 547 higher education and policing. Report submitted to the Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Cluster
Bryant, R., Bryant, S., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2012. ASC 547 higher education and policing. Report submitted to the Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Cluster. Higher Education Academy.
Discretion and decision making
Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2009. Discretion and decision making. The Police Online Knowledge Area (POLKA).
An appropriate space: chief officers and police accountability
Caless, B. and Tong, S. 2011. An appropriate space: chief officers and police accountability. Police Practice and Research. 14 (1).
Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future
Tong, S., Massey, K. and Alys, L. 2013. Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling. 10 (1).
Confessions of a back seat detective: an ethnography of detective training and practice
Tong, S. 2008. Confessions of a back seat detective: an ethnography of detective training and practice.
In need of professionalisation: the case for pre-employment training and education for police officers in the UK
Tong, S. 2008. In need of professionalisation: the case for pre-employment training and education for police officers in the UK.
Developments in initial police training: a university perspective
Tong, S. 2008. Developments in initial police training: a university perspective.
Toward a theory of intelligence
Bryant, R. 2008. Toward a theory of intelligence.
How a mediation clinic can inform the curriculum
Waters, B. 2009. How a mediation clinic can inform the curriculum.
Applying for your first academic job
Tong, S. 2009. Applying for your first academic job.
Conducting research interviews in a policing context
Tong, S. 2009. Conducting research interviews in a policing context.
Interim report: An evaluation of adult prison RJ (Restorative Justice) mediation
Bryant, R., O'Mahoney, J., Waters, B. and Tong, S. 2009. Interim report: An evaluation of adult prison RJ (Restorative Justice) mediation. Canterbury, Kent, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.
An evaluation of the Broadstairs dispersal area
Bryant, R. and Cockcroft, T. 2009. An evaluation of the Broadstairs dispersal area. Thanet District Council.
Restorative justice in prisons
Bryant, R. 2009. Restorative justice in prisons.
Teaching and training in post-compulsory education
Armitage, A., Bryant, R., Dunnill, R., Hammersley, A., Hayes, D., Hudson, A. and Lawes, S. 1998. Teaching and training in post-compulsory education. Buckingham; Philadelphia Open University Press.
Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK
Phipps, J., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2007. Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK.
Teaching diversity: Islamophobia, critical pedagogy and the education of criminal justice professionals
Cohen, C., Waters, B. and Phipps, J. 2007. Teaching diversity: Islamophobia, critical pedagogy and the education of criminal justice professionals.
Adult prisoner victim-offender mediation: the Kent experience
O'Mahoney, J. and Tong, S. 2010. Adult prisoner victim-offender mediation: the Kent experience. Resolution: News from the Restorative Justice Council. 34, p. 8.
The work of the European cybercrime training and education group
Bryant, R. 2010. The work of the European cybercrime training and education group.
An analysis of conversion to UCAS 'Accepted Applicant' status of AHKM partnership school students
Apps, J., Bryant, R. and Rogers, R. 2010. An analysis of conversion to UCAS 'Accepted Applicant' status of AHKM partnership school students. Aimhigher Kent and Medway.
Professionalising investigation
Tong, S. 2009. Professionalising investigation. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 197-216
Assessing performance: quantity or quality?
Tong, S. 2009. Assessing performance: quantity or quality? in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 135-171
Introduction: a brief history of criminal investigation
Tong, S. 2009. Introduction: a brief history of criminal investigation. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1-12
Police discretion: a British perspective
Tong, S. 2011. Police discretion: a British perspective. in: Palmiotto, M. and Unnithan, N. (ed.) Policing and Society: A Global Approach New York Cengage Learning.
Resources for teaching and learning
Bryant, R. 2007. Resources for teaching and learning. in: Armitage, A., Bryant, R., Dunnill, R., Flanagan, K., Hayes, D., Hudson, A., Kent, J. and Lawes, S. (ed.) Teaching and Training in Post-Compulsory Education Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 108-142
Art, craft and science of detective work
Tong, S. and Bowling, B. 2006. Art, craft and science of detective work. The Police Journal. 79 (4), pp. 323-330.
Validation and quality assurance of foundation degrees - a case study of a foundation degree in policing
Bryant, R. 2005. Validation and quality assurance of foundation degrees - a case study of a foundation degree in policing. Journal of Foundation Degree Forward. 5, pp. 48-53.
The legal issues relating to infection control
Waters, B. 2009. The legal issues relating to infection control. in: Elliott, P. (ed.) Infection Control: A psychosocial approach to changing practice Oxford, UK Radcliffe Publishing. pp. 39-50
Understanding criminal investigation
Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvath, M. Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) 2009. Understanding criminal investigation. Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell.
Future challenges in criminal investigation
Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvath, M. 2009. Future challenges in criminal investigation. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217-222
Criminal investigation in context
Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvath, M. 2009. Criminal investigation in context. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 171-196
Forms of reasoning and the analysis of intelligence
Bryant, R. 2009. Forms of reasoning and the analysis of intelligence. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 35-68
Theories of criminal investigation
Bryant, R. 2009. Theories of criminal investigation. in: Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvarth, M. (ed.) Understanding Criminal Investigation Oxford, UK Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 13-34
Plastic card crime
Bryant, R. and Stephens, P. 2008. Plastic card crime. in: Bryant, R. (ed.) Investigating Digital Crime Chichester Wiley. pp. 133-151
Digitalisation and crime
Bryant, R. and Stephens, P. 2008. Digitalisation and crime. in: Bryant, R. (ed.) Investigating Digital Crime Chichester Wiley. pp. 211-230
The future of initial police training: a university perspective
Wood, D. and Tong, S. 2009. The future of initial police training: a university perspective. International Journal of Police Science and Management. 11 (3), pp. 294-305.
Intelligence and its application to contemporary policing
Phillips, D., Caless, B. and Bryant, R. 2007. Intelligence and its application to contemporary policing. Policing. 1 (4), pp. 438-446.
Critical issues in rape investigation: a UK perspective
Tong, S., Horvath, M. and Williams, E. 2011. Critical issues in rape investigation: a UK perspective. The Journal of Criminal Justice Research. 1 (2), pp. 1-18.
A research informed teaching mediation clinic
Waters, B. and Raznovich, L. 2010. A research informed teaching mediation clinic. in: Graham-Matheson, L. (ed.) Research Informed Teaching - Exploring the Concept Canterbury Christ Church University. pp. 26-27
Three BOCU Improving Confidence Report
Williams, E. 2010. Three BOCU Improving Confidence Report. London Metropolitan Police Service.
Preliminary well being report into sickness and absenteeism within women officers and staff
Williams, E. and Jacobs, S. 2010. Preliminary well being report into sickness and absenteeism within women officers and staff.
Reviewing rape and rape allegations in London: what are the vulnerabilities of the victims who report to the police?
Williams, E. and Stanko, B. 2009. Reviewing rape and rape allegations in London: what are the vulnerabilities of the victims who report to the police? in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking Cullompton Willan. pp. 207-228
Reflections from a Police Research Unit: an inside job
Dawson, P. and Williams, E. 2009. Reflections from a Police Research Unit: an inside job. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 3 (4), pp. 373-380.
Too little too late: assessing vulnerability
Williams, E., Norman, J. and Wünsch, D. 2009. Too little too late: assessing vulnerability. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 3 (4), pp. 355-363.
Interagency policing
Tong, S. 2008. Interagency policing. in: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. (ed.) Dictionary of Policing Abingdon, UK Willan. pp. 148-149
Foundations of the theory of maps on surfaces with boundary
Bryant, R. and Singerman, D. 1985. Foundations of the theory of maps on surfaces with boundary. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 36 (1), pp. 17-41.