Mediating serious crime: an analysis of victim and prisoner mediation
Journal article
Tong, S., Waters, B., Bryant, R., Williams, E. and Norman, J. 2017. Mediating serious crime: an analysis of victim and prisoner mediation.
Authors | Tong, S., Waters, B., Bryant, R., Williams, E. and Norman, J. |
Abstract | The following paper builds on research aimed at examining previous attempts to facilitate VOM and RJ approaches between victims and adult prisoners. This interview-based study located in the United Kingdom, focused upon the perceptions of victims, offenders and prison authorities and their experiences of VOM in eleven separate cases, involving 31 interviews with participants. The findings of this research, reveal that preparation for, and assessment of, mediation cases is a crucial factor in their success. The victims and offenders interviewed were supportive of the process and recommended it for appropriate cases. There was evidence of delays in some cases and awareness of mediation approaches was lacking among some prison authorities, prisoners and victims prior to their involvement. There was evidence of perceived resistance by some prisons and probation services particularly in the context of austerity. The paper also reflects on the challenges of conducting research during a period of austerity. |
Year | 2017 |
Funder | Nuffield |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 16 Jan 2018 |
Accepted | Feb 2017 |
Output status | Unpublished |
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