A room of one’s own? How the new academics in the expanding Higher Education sector are transforming the understanding of what it means to be a university teacher

Conference paper

Hoult, E., Bryan, H., Goouch, K. and Revell, L. 2006. A room of one’s own? How the new academics in the expanding Higher Education sector are transforming the understanding of what it means to be a university teacher.
AuthorsHoult, E., Bryan, H., Goouch, K. and Revell, L.
TypeConference paper
ConferenceInternational Society For The Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning 3rd Annual Conference: Making a Greater Difference: Connecting to Transformational Agendas
Publication process dates
Deposited09 Mar 2011
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Spiritual development in public and religious schools: a case study
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The return of the sacred
Revell, L. 1996. The return of the sacred. in: Wolton, S. (ed.) Marxism, Mysticism and Modern Theory Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan.
Nihinjinron: made in the USA
Revell, L. 1997. Nihinjinron: made in the USA. in: Hammond, P. (ed.) Cultural Difference, Media Memories: Anglo-American Images of Japan London Cassell. pp. 51-81
Revell, L. 2003. Citizenship. in: Alfrey, C. (ed.) Understanding Children's Learning: A Text for Teaching Assistants London David Fulton. pp. 182-194
Circle time
Revell, L. 2004. Circle time. in: Hayes, D. (ed.) The RoutledgeFalmer Guide to Key Debates in Education Oxford Routledge. pp. 55-59
An introduction to religious education
Revell, L. 2011. An introduction to religious education. in: Driscoll, P., Roden, J. and Lambirth, A. (ed.) The Primary Curriculum : A Creative Approach SAGE. pp. 195-210
Schools and their communities: pupil and teacher perceptions of community action
Durrant, I., Peterson, A., Hoult, E. and Leith, L. 2011. Schools and their communities: pupil and teacher perceptions of community action.
Collaboration between universities: an effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships
Pratt, J., Matthews, S., Nairne, B., Hoult, E. and Ashenden, S. 2011. Collaboration between universities: an effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 4, pp. 119-135.
...AND...The Winter's Tale and resilient learners
Hoult, E. 2011. ...AND...The Winter's Tale and resilient learners. Critical Survey. 23 (2), pp. 91-105. https://doi.org/10.3167/cs.2011.230207
BERA Dissertation Award 2010: the search for an authentic methodology in an interdisciplinary study into resilient adult learning
Hoult, E. 2010. BERA Dissertation Award 2010: the search for an authentic methodology in an interdisciplinary study into resilient adult learning. Research Intelligence: News from the British Educational Research Association. 113, pp. 22-23.
With love and anger
Hoult, E. 2011. With love and anger. in: Brown, T. (ed.) Ten Years of National Teaching Fellowships: Four Stories from Education Bristol ESCalate/HEA. pp. 9-12
Adult learning and la recherche féminine: reading resilience and Hélène Cixous
Hoult, E. 2011. Adult learning and la recherche féminine: reading resilience and Hélène Cixous. New York Palgrave Macmillan.
Education and schooling 5-11 years
Bryan, H. 2012. Education and schooling 5-11 years. in: Arthur, J. and Peterson, A. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Education Abingdon Routledge. pp. 179-189
Reconstructing the teacher as a post-secular pedagogue: a consideration of the new teachers’ standards
Bryan, H. 2012. Reconstructing the teacher as a post-secular pedagogue: a consideration of the new teachers’ standards. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 33 (2), pp. 217-228. https://doi.org/10.1080/13617672.2012.694064
Post secular trends: issues of faith and education
Bowie, R. A., Peterson, A. and Revell, L. 2012. Post secular trends: issues of faith and education. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 33 (2), pp. 139-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/13617672.2012.694057
Islam and education: the manipulation and misrepresentation of a religion
Revell, L. 2012. Islam and education: the manipulation and misrepresentation of a religion. Trentham Books.
Pupil and teacher perceptions of community action: an English context
Durrant, I., Peterson, A., Leith, L. and Hoult, E. 2012. Pupil and teacher perceptions of community action: an English context. Educational Research. 54 (3), pp. 259-283. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131881.2012.710087
An investigation into PhD supervisors' perceptions of their roles
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Mentors: a practice developed in community
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The South-East coastal communities programme
Hoult, E. and Hart, A. 2009. The South-East coastal communities programme.
Exploring resilience
Hoult, E. 2009. Exploring resilience. in: Brown, T. (ed.) The Doctorate: Stories of knowing, power and becoming Bristol, UK ESCalate/HEA. pp. 18-22
Islam and education
Revell, L. 2007. Islam and education.
Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom
Grainger, T., Goouch, K. and Lambirth, A. 2005. Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom. Abingdon Routledge.
Recognizing the sham: authority moves, truth claims and the fiction of academic writing
Hoult, E. 2010. Recognizing the sham: authority moves, truth claims and the fiction of academic writing.
Reading through Bourdieu and Cixous to recognize and escape the sham of academic writing
Hoult, E. 2010. Reading through Bourdieu and Cixous to recognize and escape the sham of academic writing.
The nature of objectivity in religious education
Revell, L. 2010. The nature of objectivity in religious education.
Religious education and post-secular society
Revell, L. 2010. Religious education and post-secular society.
The baby room project
Powell, S. and Goouch, K. 2010. The baby room project.
Who cares?
Goouch, K. and Powell, S. 2010. Who cares? Nursery World.
The miraculous opening of the angelic?
Hoult, E. 2010. The miraculous opening of the angelic?
Exploring resilience
Hoult, E. 2010. Exploring resilience. Academy Exchange. 9, pp. 21-22.
The use of drama as a RIT strategy
Skinner, P. and Hoult, E. 2010. The use of drama as a RIT strategy. in: Graham-Matheson, L. (ed.) Research Informed Teaching: Exploring the Concept Canterbury Christ Church University. pp. 19-20
Permission to play
Goouch, K. 2010. Permission to play. in: Moyles, J. (ed.) The Excellence of Play Maidenhead Open University Press.
Interprofessional practice
Bryan, H. and Goouch, K. 2010. Interprofessional practice. in: Graham-Matheson, L. (ed.) Research informed teaching: exploring the concept Canterbury Christ Church University. pp. 52-53
Whatever happened to the literacy hour?
Bryan, H., Westbrook, J., Cooper, K., Hawking, V. and O'Malley, S. 2010. Whatever happened to the literacy hour? in: Davison, J., Daly, C. and Moss, J. (ed.) Debates in English Teaching Abingdon, UK Routledge. pp. 89-103
The voice of the child: "We're Writers" project
Grainger, T., Goouch, K. and Lambirth, A. 2002. The voice of the child: "We're Writers" project. Reading. 36 (3), pp. 135-139. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9345.00200
Cultural constructions of childhood and early literacy
David, T., Goouch, K. and Jago, M. 2001. Cultural constructions of childhood and early literacy. Reading. 35 (2), pp. 47-53. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9345.00161
Early literacy teaching: the 'third way'
David, T. and Goouch, K. 2001. Early literacy teaching: the 'third way'. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. 29 (2), pp. 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004270185200171
L’éveil à la lecture et à l’écriture en France
Barrière, I., Jago, M. and Goouch, K. 1999. L’éveil à la lecture et à l’écriture en France. International Journal of Early Childhood. 31 (2), pp. 65-74. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF03166898
Policy implementation
Hoult, E. 2004. Policy implementation. London Optimus.
Constructs of teacher professionalism within a changing literacy landscape
Bryan, H. 2004. Constructs of teacher professionalism within a changing literacy landscape. Literacy. 38 (3), pp. 141-148. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-4350.2004.00386.x
Supporting children's development and learning
Goouch, K. 2006. Supporting children's development and learning. in: Bruce, T. (ed.) Early Childhood: A guide for students London SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 173-190
Making connections - community involvement
Revell, L. 2005. Making connections - community involvement. Junior Education.
Have faith in RE
Revell, L. 2005. Have faith in RE. Junior Education.
Active citizens
Revell, L. 2005. Active citizens. Junior Education.
On track multi-agency projects in schools and communities: a special relationship
Bryan, H., Austin, B., Hailes, J., Parsons, C. and Stow, W. 2006. On track multi-agency projects in schools and communities: a special relationship. Children & Society. 20 (1), pp. 40-53. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1099-0860.2005.00003.x
Connecting drama and writing: seizing the moment to write
Cremin, T., Goouch, K., Blakemore, L., Goff, E. and MacDonald, R. 2006. Connecting drama and writing: seizing the moment to write. Research in Drama Education. 11 (3), pp. 273-291. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569780600900636
Pedagogical connections, boundaries and barriers: the place of travel in teachers' professional development
Goouch, K. and Bryan, H. 2006. Pedagogical connections, boundaries and barriers: the place of travel in teachers' professional development. NZ Research in Early Childhood Education. 9, pp. 81-90.
Understanding educational discourse: attending to multiple voices
Goouch, K. 2007. Understanding educational discourse: attending to multiple voices. in: Goouch, K. and Lambirth, A. (ed.) Understanding Phonics and the Teaching of Reading: Critical Perspectives Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 41-58
Parents' voices: a conversation with parents of pre school children
Goouch, K. 2007. Parents' voices: a conversation with parents of pre school children. in: Goouch, K. and Lambirth, A. (ed.) Understanding Phonics and the Teaching of Reading: Critical Perspectives Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 23-40
Forging and fostering relationships in play: whose zone is it anyway?
Goouch, K. 2009. Forging and fostering relationships in play: whose zone is it anyway? in: Papatheodorou, T. and Moyles, J. (ed.) Learning Together in the Early Years: Exploring Relational Pedagogy Abingdon, UK Routledge. pp. 139-152
Naked writing in the academy
Hoult, E. 2009. Naked writing in the academy.
The 'feminine' university: exploring the possibilities of radically re-thinking higher education within a Cixousian theoretical framework
Hoult, E. and Marsh, I. 2009. The 'feminine' university: exploring the possibilities of radically re-thinking higher education within a Cixousian theoretical framework.
Reading and trust in managed learning systems
Hoult, E. 2008. Reading and trust in managed learning systems.
Speaking as a miraculé: the search for a framework within which to provide an autobiographical account of resilient adult learning as a doctoral student
Hoult, E. 2008. Speaking as a miraculé: the search for a framework within which to provide an autobiographical account of resilient adult learning as a doctoral student.
University-aided transition from schools to the public sector professions
Hoult, E. and Wells, D. 2008. University-aided transition from schools to the public sector professions.
The changes to English A-level from September 2000
Hoult, E. 1999. The changes to English A-level from September 2000.
Using media to teach English at Key Stages 2 and 3
Hoult, E. 1999. Using media to teach English at Key Stages 2 and 3.
Peer learning in Initial Teacher Education: the use of subject pairing in school experience placements as a strategy for professional learning
Philpott, C., Hoult, E., Katene, W. and Sears, J. 2002. Peer learning in Initial Teacher Education: the use of subject pairing in school experience placements as a strategy for professional learning.
Learning to lead: the implications of the standards for subject leaders in England
Hoult, E. 2002. Learning to lead: the implications of the standards for subject leaders in England. Journal of In-Service Education. 28 (3), pp. 475-494.
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Hoult, E. 2005. Mature students and CPD in education.
Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaborations
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Age and learning: an exploration of the ways in which the changing age profile of learners and teachers in higher education is changing pedagogy
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Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaborations
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Learning support: a guide for mature students
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Deconstructing Rita: literary theory as a transformative tool in educational research
Hoult, E. 2007. Deconstructing Rita: literary theory as a transformative tool in educational research.
Older learners in HE
Hoult, E. 2007. Older learners in HE. Academy Exchange. 6, p. 41.
Religious education, conflict and diversity: an exploration of young children's perceptions of Islam
Revell, L. 2010. Religious education, conflict and diversity: an exploration of young children's perceptions of Islam. Educational Studies. 36 (2), pp. 207-215. https://doi.org/10.1080/03055690903162390
Young children's views on play: methods and findings from a research and consultation project
Powell, S. and Goouch, K. 2005. Young children's views on play: methods and findings from a research and consultation project.
Research matters
David, T., Goouch, K. and Powell, S. 2004. Research matters. in: Abbott, L. and Langston, A. (ed.) Birth to Three Matters Maidenhead, UK Open University Press. pp. 42-55
The world picture
David, T., Goouch, K. and Powell, S. 2009. The world picture. in: Pugh, G. and Duffy, J. (ed.) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years London, UK SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 33-46
Young children's relationships in the UK
David, T., Powell, S. and Goouch, K. 2010. Young children's relationships in the UK. in: Kernan, M. and Singer, E. (ed.) Young Children's Relationships in a Changing World Netherlands Routledge.
Religious education in England
Revell, L. 2008. Religious education in England. Numen. 55 (2-3), pp. 218-240. https://doi.org/10.1163/156852708X283050
Understanding playful pedagogies, play narratives and play spaces
Goouch, K. 2008. Understanding playful pedagogies, play narratives and play spaces. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development. 28 (1), pp. 93-102. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575140701815136
Patterns of spiritual and moral development in religious and public schools in Chicago
Blain, M. and Revell, L. 2002. Patterns of spiritual and moral development in religious and public schools in Chicago. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 23 (2), pp. 179-189. https://doi.org/10.1080/1361767022000010833
Character education in schools and the education of teachers
Revell, L. and Arthur, J. 2007. Character education in schools and the education of teachers. Journal of Moral Education. 36 (1), pp. 79-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240701194738
Student primary teachers and their experience of religious education in schools
Revell, L. 2005. Student primary teachers and their experience of religious education in schools. British Journal of Religious Education. 27 (3), pp. 215-226. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200500141231
‘Playing the game called writing’: children’s views and voices
Grainger, T., Goouch, K. and Lambirth, A. 2003. ‘Playing the game called writing’: children’s views and voices. English in Education. 37 (2), pp. 4-15.
Learning and teaching at M-level: a guide for student teachers
Bryan, H., Carpenter, C. and Hoult, S. 2010. Learning and teaching at M-level: a guide for student teachers. London SAGE Publications.
Places and spaces: the right environment for literacy
Goouch, K. 2006. Places and spaces: the right environment for literacy. in: Lambirth, A. (ed.) Planning Creative Literacy Lessons London, UK David Fulton. pp. 16-28
Supporting form tutors
Revell, L., Hughes, S. and Blain, M. 2005. Supporting form tutors. Pearson.
Birth to three matters: a review of the literature
David, T., Goouch, K., Powell, S. and Abbott, L. 2003. Birth to three matters: a review of the literature. Department for Education and Skills. https://doi.org/RR444