The extent of delay of language, motor and cognitive development in HIV posititive infants

Moving beyond the biomedical approach: recognising the impact psychosocial issues have upon professional healthcare practice

Fermentation of synthesis gas to fuel ethanol

Effects of biomass-generated syngas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of clostridium carboxidivorans P7 T

Ureteric complications of renal transplantation: the impact of the double J stent and the anterior extravesical ureteroneocystostomy

Thematic Network Project Aligning a European Higher Education Structure in Sport Science - Report of the Second Year (01.10.2004- 30.9.2005)

Theatre in education programmes in schools (in Greek)


Primary mathematics: reflective reader

Getting published

Contemporary life stances and education for sustainable development

Globalno upravljanje, Ujedinjeni narodi i demokracija

Supporting form tutors

Locational strategies of advanced producer services in Dublin: towards a polycentric mega-city region?

Implementing an adult nursing pathway within an inter-professional framework

Caring and technology: time to redress the balance?

Implementing moving and handling in higher education

Developing clinical placements for nursing students in general practice: a survey of the views of practice nurses

The ‘knowledge economy’: a critical view

Aesthetics: a lost cause in cartographic theory?

Not getting lost in translation: establishing a working alliance with co-workers and interpreters

Motivating young writers to write with purpose and pleasure

Scatterplot matrices

Three dimensional (3D) scatterplots

Pie charts


Living with disability: part 1

Needle phobia - changing venepuncture practice in ambulatory care

Respite for children with complex health needs: issues from the literature

Student assessment using poster presentations

Cultural insight

District nurses and the modern workforce

Guest Editorial

''There's no place like home'' A pilot study of perspectives of international health and social care professionals working in the UK

Communication about sexual problems in male patients with MS

Increasing practitioner knowledge of falls in older people: role of higher education

Partnerships with parents part 5: singing from the same hymn sheet benefits children

Partnerships with parents part 4: for a truly balanced workforce we need to attract more men

Remember, we are all rowing in the same direction

Parents must be made to feel equal with practioners

Parents have skills that settings need to make use of

Interagency working

Key factors that affect every child's development

Ensure the setting has a positive effect on the child

The impact of the practitioner on the young child

Care is coming home where all learning begins - the impact of the home on the young child

High-speed non-invasive measurement of tibial rotation during the impact phase of running

Accountable, responsive and independent: on the need for balance in police governance

The research governance framework: implications for developing research in primary care

Joan, wife of Llywelyn the Great

Managing special educational needs: a practical guide for primary and secondary schools.

A resourceful partnership: work in progress on the UK Teacher Training Resource Bank (TTRB)

Medication management: older people and nursing

Organ and tissue donation: a survey of nurse's knowledge and educational needs in an adult ITU

The perception of ward-based nurses seconded into an outreach service

The principles of inflammation in the development of rheumatoid arthritis

Infections and their treatment in older people

The management of obesity: the role of the specialist nurse

A cognitive sketch pad to record thoughts of psychiatric patients

Communication about sexual problems in male patients with multiple sclerosis

Education and training of the maternity care assistant: developments from a BTEC diploma in maternity care

The effects of 24 weeks of moderate- or high-intensity exercise on surrogate measures of insulin sensitivity

A WSRF based shopping cart system

Morphometric analysis of large Falco species and their hybrids with implications for conservation

Building career guidance capacity in the voluntary and community sector

Conceptions of evidence, evidence-based medicine, evidence-based practice and their use in nursing: independent nurse prescribers' views

Evaluating the relationship between physical education, sport and social inclusion

'Mit Leib und Seele?' Christlicher Glaube und jüdischer Körper

To keep silent, ask husbands at home, and not to have authority over men. (1 Corinthians 14:33-36 and I Timothy 2:11–12): The transition from gathering in private to meeting in public space in second generation Christianity and the exclusion of women from leadership of the Public Assembly’ (Part II)

To keep silent, ask husbands at home, and not to have authority over men. (1 Corinthians 14:33-36 and I Timothy 2:11–12): The transition from gathering in private to meeting in public space in second generation Christianity and the exclusion of women from leadership of the Public Assembly’ (Part I)

Unconscious beliefs in Buddhist philosophy: a comparative perspective

Jewish tales on converts and conversion in early modern Germany

“You could see it on their faces…?”: The importance of provoking smiles in schools

The re-emergence of character education in British education policy

Statistical survey of the attainment and achievement of pupils in Church of England schools

Investigating the reliability of the Key Stage 2 test results for assessing individual pupil achievement and progress in England

Questions of quality: the contribution of research evidence to definitions of quality in early childhood education and care practice.

Athelstan, charters and the English in Cornwall

The politics of Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland: the origins of the Troubles

"Not the 'general will' but the will of the general": the input of the Paris Embassy to the British 'great debate' on Europe, summer 1960.

The topical concerns of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britannie: history, prophecy, peacemaking, and English identity in the Twelfth Century

Student primary teachers and their experience of religious education in schools

Narrative and career guidance: beyond small talk and towards useful dialogue for the 21st century

School exclusion: the will to punish

Sport tourism destination resource analysis

Distinctions between emotion and mood

SEATO, MEDO and the Baghdad Pact: Anthony Eden, British foreign policy and the collective defence of South-East Asia and the Middle East, 1952-1955

Managing the Americans: Anthony Eden, Harold Macmillan and the pursuit of “power by proxy” in the 1950s

"The key log in the jam": Mackenzie King, the North Atlantic Triangle and the Anglo-American rapprochement of 1935-39

Reliability of sprint test indices in well-trained cyclists

Changes in cardiorespiratory fitness and coronary heart disease risk factors following 24 wk of moderate- or high-intensity exercise of equal energy cost

Cardiovascular disease risk factors in habitual exercisers, lean sedentary men and abdominally obese sedentary men

Physical activity levels during phase IV cardiac rehabilitation in a group of male myocardial infarction patients

The effects of 24 weeks of moderate- or high-intensity exercise on insulin resistance

A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home

Development and validation of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire

The struggle to teach English as an international language

A degree of independence: teachers' approaches to instrumental tuition in a university college

Victorian print media: a reader

All we need is geniuses

Gottfried Finger's Christmas pastorellas

How is it possible to write?

The health promoting school: international advances in theory, evaluation and practice

Understanding our bodies, understanding ourselves: The menstrual cycle, mental health and women with learning disabilities

The dilemmas of residential care staff working with the challenging behaviour of people with learning disabilities

Dying Matters: a workbook on caring for people with learning disabilities who are terminally ill

Three Old Gramophones

'Implementation deficit' and 'street-level bureaucracy': policy, practice and change in the development of community nursing issues

Mental health needs in the workplace

The Open Door programme: student journeys to employment and university

South West London Practice Nursing Project. Final Report

Primary care nursing: education for changing roles and boundaries

'Dangerous and severe personality disorder': A psychiatric manifestation of the risk society

Sports tourism

A grounded theory of the policy process for sport and tourism

Sports tourism theory and method - concepts, issues and epistemologies

Active bodies for 'real' men: reflecting upon the social constructions of activity and passivity for gendered and sexually identified bodies

Girls and physical activities: a summary review

Young children's views on play: methods and findings from a research and consultation project

Young children's views on play: methods and findings from a research and consultation project

Canterbury City Council play strategy: report on a research and consultation project

Ethical aspects of power in research with children

Play in the early years: the influence of cultural difference

A flame inside me is ignited when I dance: Physical activity and embodied reflexive practices in young ballet dancers

Investigating talented girls in dance

Performing sporting masculinities: sexuality, body practices and gay identities

Implementing a new health visiting service: an action research project

International Olympic Committee

Education for nurses in general practice: another form of health inequality?

Implementing a new health visiting service: an action research project

Access book and choice: public perceptions of choice

Evaluating effective school improvement: case studies of programmes in eight European countries and their contribution to the effective school improvement model

Hostile sexism and rape proclivity: The moderating effects of sexist jokes

The role of sexist humour in male self-reported proclivity to rape

Managing expectations and benefits: a model for electronic trading and EDI in the insurance industry

Addressing the politics of intercultural understanding in TESOL

What happens between people: who we are and what we do

Eating places, consuming cartographies


Coordination processes in open source software development: the Linux case study

Improve your leadership skills

Levinas, 'Illeity' and the persistence of skepticism

Mature students and CPD in education

'As the Jews like to eat garlick': garlic in Christian-Jewish polemical discourse in early modern Germany

Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaborations

Transitions into higher education: processes, outcomes and collaboration

Levinas and the persistence of skepticism

Levinas: skepticism and transcendence

Hegel, absolute freedom and terror

30,000 BC: painting animality - Deleuze and prehistoric painting

Tonnage tax: is it working?

Using role-play to stimulate and develop children’s understanding of scientific concepts

Business ethics: an unfolding challenge for HR

Evaluation, conformity and resistance in London primary school girls' fashion shows

Detecting cheating in written medical examinations by statistical analysis of similarity of answers: pilot study

Slow habituation of induced gamma and beta oscillations in association with unreality experiences in schizotypy

Event-related brain potential correlates of human auditory sensory memory-trace formation

Can neurofeedback training enhance performance? An evaluation of the evidence with implications for future research

O nasoj prici (On our story)

Duhot na slobodata (The spirit of freedom)

Thanks for the memories: The films of Philip K. Dick

The View from Retirement

The View from the Armadillo

The View from the Stool and Steps

Robert Sheckley's Comic Labyrinths

The View from Behind the Sofa

The View from Alderney - Kenneth Vye Bailey (1914-2005)

Reading 'Red': portrait of a fairy tale

The View from the Erasmus Building

LSD, Lying Ink and Lies, Inc

Discontinuity and D.G. Compton's The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe

Between the ''Deaths'' of science fiction: a skeptical view of anti-genres

A professional identity for the EAL teacher

Completing the Calendar of Patent Rolls, Elizabeth I

''Never be divided again'': Armadale and the threat to romantic friendship

Canadian Studies teaching in Canterbury: a case study

''Journeying Against the Current'': A carnivalesque theatrical apprenticeship in Sarah Waters's Tipping the Velvet

Youth subcultural theory: a critical engagement with the concept, its origins and politics, from the Chicago School to postmodernism

''On your mind'' Howard Gardner - child development pioneer

Physical education and school sport: the international Sport in Education Project (SpinEd)

"If only": Outdoor and adventurous activities and generalised academic development

Coping with, and reducing the number of careless shots: a case study with a county golfer

The dubious merits of PDP

The moral authority of ecotourism: a critique

Preparing students for the real world

Possible implications of nervous system-immune system links in sports rehabilitation

Potential for the use of the placebo effect in sport rehabilitation

Mood matters: a response to Mellalieu

The status of marine turtles in Montserrat (Eastern Caribbean)

Diversification, specialization, convergence and divergence of sectoral employment structures in the British urban system, 1991-2001

Shopping centre design, decline and crime

Using oral history to investigate police culture

Validation and quality assurance of foundation degrees - a case study of a foundation degree in policing

Mastering a masters

Maternal breastfeeding positions: Have we got it right?

Maintenance of oral health in people with learning disabilities

Marking criteria for assessing practice-based portfolios at masters’ level

Using reflective writing within research

Continuing professional development and portfolio development

Over the Rainbow: recommendations for service provision as voiced by post-Apartheid South African gay and lesbian youth

South African gay and lesbian youth coming out to their families: analysing various decision-making pathways and outcomes

Accuracy of radiographers' reports in the interpretation of radiographic examinations of the skeletal system: a review of 6796 cases

'From shared learning to interprofessional education' - an update on the implementation of the Interprofessional Learning Programme at Canterbury Christ Church University

Cancer and health policy: the postcode lottery of care

The implications for the imaging department of people who self harm

Malignant hyperthermia

Theorising inter-professionalism

Radiotherapy and Primary Care

The theory - practice relationship in interprofessional education

Viejos temas, neuvos enfoques: Aprendizaje familiar, relacion y avtivismo comunitario. Un enfoque auto/biographrafico

Science from games

The role of the science coordinator

Working with families of children with special needs

How to ensure your Early Years setting offers ''holistic'' provision

The how and why of interagency working

Whose lesson am I teaching?

Making connections - community involvement

Have faith in RE

Active citizens

What advisers want from support and supervision: ''pit head time to wash off the dust of their labours''

Multimedia fairy tales

Creative use of spreadsheets

Website development in primary schools

Taking websites further

Breath song cycle to poems by George Szirtes (16’)

Not the nine o'clock service: using children's culture

News from the United Kingdom Literacy Association

Short, sweet and potent

Teachers as writers: learning together

Including SENCOs in behaviour improvement: an exploration of the behaviour and attendance strands of the National Strategies

A change in Monacha cantiana distribution following a change in the use of arable farmland

Teachers leading change: Frameworks and key ingredients for school improvement

'Strangely familiar': authentic experience, teacher education and a thought-provoking environment

Hitting the right note (subject coordinator's file)

Planning the perfect curriculum

An assessment of quasi-arbitrage opportunities in two fixed-odds horse-race betting markets

Filozofia Mahajany i Mahamudra: zarys historyczny (Mahayana philosophy and Mahamudra: historical considerations)

''Thy grace shall always prevent...''

Total Recall (1990)


Metropolis (1926)

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (1962)

Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1985)

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard

The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling (1990)


Blade Runner

William Gibson: Neuromancer

''The rumour is we're slaves'' Michael Coney's early novels

The Republic of Heaven: The betrayal of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy

Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Beyond Competing for Beer Money: The Criticism of Christopher Priest

British-Canadian trade relations

Framing Robin Hood: textuality and temporality in Anthony Munday's Huntington plays

Coping with wage regulation: Implementing the National Minimum Wage in hairdressing businesses

Factors in outcome of cognitive-behavioural therapy for psychosis: users' and clinicians' views

The physical healthcare experiences of women with mental health problems: status versus stigma

WAIS III UK: an extension of the UK comparability study

Implementing no secrets: Issues in creating a multi-agency response to protect vulnerable adults from abuse

Management of cancer-associated malnutrition

Nutrition education in hospitals: a personal view

Assessing the quality of life - reality or impossible dream?

Exploring nurse education in South India: implications for success during post-registration neonatal education

Healthcare in 'God's Own Country' - Kerala, South India

Training Choices - a Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care

Creative teachers and creative teaching

Teachers as writers

Emerging themes

Continuing Professional Development for leaders and teachers: The English perspective

The Continuing Professional Development of educators: emerging European issues

Measuring Catholic school performance: an international perspective

The moralisation of tourism and the ethical alternatives

Global terrorism: business as usual

Total innovation management: turning ideas into action

Knowns and unknowns in innovation research: a psychological perspective

Person centred planning and the adult protection process

Managing difficult behaviour in the acute setting

Challenging the tragedy

The sociological and historical context of disability

The construction of social work in England

Dermatological conditions of the foot and leg

Management of tissue viability

Complementary therapies

Counselling and the youth support worker role - are they connected?

Old Issues, New Thoughts: Family Learning, Relationship and Community Activism

Why did America lose the Vietnam War?

''This is not an easy operation'': British Conservative Governments and the management of the Anglo-American ''special relationship'', 1951-63

International relations in France: a view from across the channel

Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) fail to show understanding of means-end connections in a string-pulling task

Relationships between static and dynamic indicators of foot type and the movement coupling

High-speed coupling characteristics of the foot type and shank during the stance phase of running

A preliminary assessment of the effects of foot type on the movement coupling of the foot and shank during the stance phase of barefoot running

Using pressure and high-speed kinematic data to assess foot-to-shank movement coupling during running

Barefoot, shod, plate and insole pressure measurement comparisons during 4-4.5m/s running in relationships to lower limb movements

Environmental entitlements and the rural poor in South Africa

Joint working with hospice teams: a renal collaborative approach

Investigating the gender discourse for mature women on a foundation degree

The types of drawings that young children produce in response to design tasks

The house of God: church architecture, style and history

Loss, grief and bereavement in interprofessional education, an example of process: anecdotes and accounts

Bridging the specialist-generalist divide: a creative Master's programme initiative

Strategies for living and employment

The consultation model in child and adolescent mental health: not just for waiting lists

POLYNET action 2.1 and 2.2: qualitative analysis of service business connections, Greater Dublin

POLYNET action 1.2: quantitative analysis of service business connections, Greater Dublin

POLYNET action 1.1: commuting and the definition of functional urban regions, Greater Dublin

Polycentricity in the Dublin mega-city region: a quantitative analysis of service firm connections

City-regions in the global knowledge economy (UII Working Paper Series)

Dublin: une region metropolitaine monocentrique?

Business services flows in the Dublin City region: qualitative analysis

Commuting flows and business services connections in the Dublin City region - quantitative analysis

Locational strategies of advanced producer services in Dublin: towards a polycentric mega-city region?

City-regions in the global space of flows: the case of Dublin

On geography of financial services in Ireland

Transport and technological mobility D.H. Lawrence's ''The White Peacock''

Living with a peripherally inserted central catheter for the delivery of cancer chemotherapy; a phenomenological study

District nurses’ involvement and attitudes to mental health problems: a three-area cross-sectional study

On the margins of inclusion: changing labour markets and social exclusion in London

As grandes religiões: temas centrais comparados

Die weltreligionen: zentrale themen im vergleich

Buddhismus: alles, was man wissen muss

Technology and culture: the film reader

Christopher Priest: the interaction

A celebration of British science fiction

Teaching English with drama: how to use drama and plays when teaching - for the professional English language teacher

Doing your Early Years research project: a step by step guide

Reflective reader: primary English

Planning creative literacy lessons

Reflective reader: primary professional studies

Reflective reader: secondary professional studies

Teaching science in the primary classroom: a practical guide

Creativity and writing: developing voice and verve in the classroom

Reflective reader: primary mathematics

Sonia Blandford's masterclass

Teaching mathematics in the primary school

Professional values and practice: achieving the standards for QTS

The anatomy of the sea

Between old and new worlds of adult learning

Reflective reader: primary special educational needs

Through a different lens: exploring Reggio Emilia in a different context

Stopping by woods: encounters with forest school

Teaching Citizenship is a subversive activity

The search for truth: postmodernism and religious education

Curiosity - vice or virtue for the Christian teacher? Promoting faithfulness to Scripture in teacher formation

Consumer influence on internet-based corporate communication of environmental activities: the UK food sector

Teaching and assessments of knowledge in athletics: which modes?

Higher education structures in physical education and sport

Can the frontal assessment battery (FAB) differentiate bradykinetic rigid syndromes? Relation of the FAB to formal neuropsychological testing

Gifted and talented and teaching and learning in Judaism

Research synthesis in sport management

Evaluation of the professional development for practice nurses action learning sets in Medway and East Kent Coastal Teaching PCTs

Making effective decisions about hospital care: what information will patients need to be able to benefit from Choose and Book policy? Report to Medway Maritime Hospital Patient and Public Involvement Forum

Women and CHD: perceptions of the role of exercise and diet in the development of CHD

Disciplines for understanding: avoiding cultural chauvinism

The caring child: an evaluative case study of the Cornwall Young Carers project

The concepts, values and ideas of critical community psychology

When chivalry backfires: benevolent sexism and attitudes toward Myra Hindley

English survey of applied psychologists in health and social care and in the probation and prison service

Effective healthcare leadership

Training the effective detective: report of recommendations

Miscarriages of justice: what can we learn?


The South West London Practice Nursing Project

International relations: never just an American social science

Gran Bretagna ed Europa attraverso il prisma della difesa

Britain and Europe: looking through the defence prism

Peace and security, the UN and global governance

Histories and theories of multilateralism

Ensuring the professional development of primary languages teachers: the essential ingredient in best practice

Findings from 'baseline' research: language learning at key stage 2: where to now?

Molecular marker genotypes, heterozygosity and genetic interactions explain heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana

Ty1-copia retrotransposon-based SSAP marker development in cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)

Planning ahead: meeting the needs of older people with intellectual disabilities in the United Kingdom

GP attitudes to early diagnosis of dementia: evidence of improvement

Father and son

Um Pintor na Corte

A likeness

Training the effective detective: a case-study examining the role of training in learning to be a detective

Natural perspectives

Continuing to care: the needs and roles of older carers of people with dementia

Factors affecting adolescents' participation in physical activity: an example of two secondary schools in the UK

Review of Dickens Studies Annual 34

Mental health in high-tech system