Anaerobic treatment of phenol in a two-stage anaerobic reactor
Converting biomass into ethanol using a gasification-fermentation process
Ethanol from biomass: effects of biomass-generated producer gas
Biomass to ethanol: a holistic approach using gasification-fermentation
Transplant renal artery kinking: a rare cause of early graft dysfunction
The experience of Neuropsychological assessment: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
The role of the hospital in medieval England: gift-giving and the spiritual economy
Philosophy of religion and religious ethics AS/AA2 for OCR study guide
Genetic mapping and QTL analysis of fiber-related traits in cotton (Gossypium)
Support services and mainstream schools: a guide for working together
The psychodynamic approach to therapeutic change
Pre-registration education: making a difference to critical care?
Models and methods in social work in the UK: between theory and practice
Intensive care nurses' experiences of assessing and dealing with patients' psychological needs
Appropriate prescribing for older people: managing the effects of ageing
Invasion and expansion of Corophiidae (amphipoda) In the Stour Estuary (Kent, UK)
Oxygen diffusion in SrCe 0.95Yb 0.05O 3-d
Designing web based education courses for nurses
Doctors on an edge: a cultural psychology of learning and health
Supporting teachers leadership: What can principals do? A teacher’s perspective from research
Buddhism, knowledge and liberation: a philosophical study
What do we know about... nutrition and older people?
Promoting cartographic diversity
The Protestant devil: the experience of temptation in early modern England
What is 'responsible Theology'?
Chilling out: The cultural politics of substance consumption, youth and drug policy
A creative cocktail: creative teaching in initial teacher education
The provision of foreign language learning for pupils at key stage 2
Western influences in the print media of Post-Communist East-Central Europe
Sports tourism: participants, policy and providers
Calendar of Patent Rolls 32 Elizabeth I (1589-1590) C66/1337-1361
Right and left ventricular diastolic function of male endurance athletes
Social fabric in Francis Thynne’s ‘Debate between Pride and Lowliness’
A wide range of baroreflex stimulation does not alter forearm blood flow
The dynamics of the instrumental tutorial
The London Journal 1845-1883: Periodicals, Production and Gender
The value of reconstruction in revealing hidden or counter cultures
In the greater scheme of things: musical form in the twelve-note works of Nikos Skalkottas
Nikos Skalkottas: sets and styles in the Octet
Children with HIV in the UK: a longitudinal study of adaptive and cognitive functioning
Peer relationships in adolescents experiencing a first episode of psychosis
Arts in health: a review of the medical literature
Barriers to dentists' involvement in smoking cessation
Editors' introduction and section introductions
Issues of validity in progressive paradigms of qualitative research
The theories underpinning rational emotive behaviour therapy: where's the supportive evidence?
Maintenance and repairs: an exploratory study into homeowners views on alternatives to grants
Keeping sport queer: maintaining the challenge to exclusive masculinity
Remembering risk and resilience in work with young families
Friend or FLO? Identity formation for school-based family liaison workers
Gender issues in Chinese early childhood
A systematic review of learning behaviour in school contexts
Evaluation of Leicester Children's Fund: final report
Evaluation of the Kent Family Liaison Officer Service: final report to Kent Children's Fund
Developing transferable guidelines for evaluation
'Disengaged' - young people and the impact of study support
Research Governance Framework: views of researchers in primary, community and social care
Fostering a human rights discourse in the provision of social care for adults
Administering rights for dependent subjects
Popular discourses of dependency, responsibility and rights
Ethical techniques of the self and the 'good jobseeker'
Coubertin, colonialism and control of the spread of Olympic sport in Africa
Voluntary sector's role in prevention
Whose learning? The role of the personal tutor
Pedagogical implications of working with doctoral students at a distance
A critical analysis of youth participation
The dangers of native-speakerism and cultural chauvinism in TESOL
Exploring the origins of culturism in TESOL [2]
The lived experience of an occupational therapist in the High Court
World maps: a plea for diversity
Hellenism, Coubertin and Modernity in the discourse of modern Olympic Movement
The future shortage of seafarers: will it become reality?
Perceptions of foreign exchange risk in the shipping industry
Financial risks and opportunities
An introduction to early childhood studies
Intercultural communication: an advanced resource book for students
Deleuze, animality and the prehistoric aesthetic
The Sunday of the Negative: reading Bataille, reading Hegel
Temporary agency work in the EU: an overview
The determinants of capital structure: evidence from the Asia Pacific region
The future shortage of seafarers: will it become a reality?
Casual work in nursing and other clinical professions: evidence from Australia
'The very first of his art': reading Burns through Byron
'My undisciplined heart': romantic friendship in David Copperfield
Revisiting the North Atlantic Triangle: the Brebner thesis after sixty years
Talking after theory: an interview with Terry Eagleton
Peak oxygen uptake responses to free and simulated swimming using different body segments
Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society
Littorina littorea (Linnaeus 1758) considered as an indicator of recovery from sewage pollution
John F Kennedy and the New Frontier
The Health Promoting School and Social Justice in a Global Environment
Understanding why people use complementary and alternative medicine
Public images and private lives: the case of Hungary
Leveraging legacy codes to distributed problem-solving environments: a web services approach
Continuing Professional Development
Justification of the need for an ontology for accessibility requirements (theoretic framework)
Neurofeedback as a treatment for ADHD: a methodological review with implications for future research
Marine GIS and spatial analyses: current situation and prospects
Challenges to the use of GIS in fisheries oceanography
Ulva problem in Kent: 1973-2003
Investigation into the macro-algae community of Pegwell Bay
Going Uphill: An interview with Gwyneth Jones
A note on methods for measuring industrial agglomeration
Using spreadsheets to teach aspects of biology involving mathematical models
The skills of training: teacher training in Tanzania
Kent in the Civil Wars and Commonwealth, 1642-1660
Challenging careers, perspectives from auto/biographical research
Beyond the toolbox: integrating multicultural principles into a career guidance intervention model
Constructs of teacher professionalism within a changing literacy landscape
Understanding and developing inclusive practices in schools: a collaborative action research network
The nature of citizenship education provision: an initial study
Re:fractions: engagement reloaded
Why nurses need to understand the principles of bereavement theory
Skin protection for use with caustics in podiatric practice: efficiency of a polymer paint
The role of outcome measures in assessing change in the at-risk rheumatoid foot
A clinical study and the national service framework for diabetes
Men talking about Viagra: an exploratory study with focus groups
Reflections on the Journey of a Research Student
Magnetic resonance imaging for investigation of the knee joint: a clinical and economic evaluation
Assessing patients' eligibility for fully funded nursing care
Management of a CJD case: part 2: the patient with CJD in the operating theatre
Management of a CJD case: part 1: preoperative organisation of the case
The role of police 'discretion’ in Britain and an analysis of proposals for reform
Renewing the practice-knowledge interface
14C concentrations in estuarine molluscs - a comparative investigation of place, time and taxon
The HALO system - a light weight portable imaging system
Using arch height and flexibility to characterise foot type
High-speed, non-invasive measurement of tibial rotation during the impact phase of running
A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home
Enteral feeding and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Is governance now inhibiting research?
Malnutrition in hospital: an indictment of the quality of care?
The potential risks of alternative therapies in the treatment of cancer
What teenage girls write to agony aunts: Their relationships, perception, pressures and needs
Postnatal weight loss in term infants: What is 'normal' and do growth charts allow for it?
Assemblage as Rorschach: empirical hermeneutic aesthetics and the art spectator
Gastrointestinal evaluation & treatment in psychology
Clinical handbook of health psychology: a practical guide to effective interventions
Du foetus au nouveau-né: une perspective métabolique
The international criminal court and the prohibition of the use of children in armed conflict
1816-17: Childe Harold III and Manfred
Isolation and physical mapping of sex-linked AFLP markers in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)
Drama and writing: enlivening their prose
Literacy: singular or plural? For today or tomorrow?
Effect size: a statistician’s pseudo-concept?
Can everybody be a researcher?
The potential and possibilities of musical and physical literacies
Re-enchanting early childhood?
Young children’s social and emotional development
Corporate involvement in initial teacher training
Supporting the inclusion and achievement of learners with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD)
Virtual learning or real learning?
Geography, creativity and place
Why people learn: adult learning in a changing world
Specific learning difficulties (SpLD)/dyslexia
Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
Indian children’s images of England
Geography, learning and the brain: an example of literature-based research
The construction and development of health professions: where will it end?
Temporary agency labour in the UK
Reporting by radiographers: a policy and practice guide
Five fantastic islands for flute, clarinet, viola, cello, percussion and piano
Five fantastic islands for flute, clarinet, viola, cello, percussion and piano
Five fantastic islands for flute, clarinet, viola, cello, percussion and piano
Five fantastic islands for flute, clarinet, viola, cello, percussion and piano
La fleur de Rhododaphné et le péril de l’exégèse biblique selon Pierre Coustau (1555)
International maritime transport: perspectives
City-regional governance: on conceptual issues
Learning your lines: scripted communication in post compulsory education
Ageing in the English countryside: is it good for your health?
Pharmacological interventions and ECT
Cloudbusting: learning technologists and institutional culture change
Around the corner and into the woods? An evaluation of forest school
Nineteenth-century popular media
Trainees, mentors and citizenship: fair conflict resolution begins here
Concept cracking: a practical way to teach big ideas in RE
UK forges ahead with radiographer reporting
A dangerous culturist discourse
Recognising what our students bring with them
Let’s begin from mutual understanding: ELT teacher training in cross-cultural settings
Teaching grammar as a liberating force
The 'object' of an introductory programming course
Meta-analysis and qualitative data: insights from the history of probability
Evaluation of decontamination procedures used in primary care
Enhancing older people’s concordance with taking their medication
Enhancing concordance with prescribed medication in older people
Removing barriers to achievement: the changing role of the SENCO
Occupational changes in nursing: the situation of enrolled nurses
Using portfolios in the assessment of learning and competence: the impact of four models
Making portfolios work in practice
A first-stage evaluation of a group programme for PND
Reflective practice and daily ward reality: a covert power game
Dark horse: a life of Anna Sewell
Professional issues in community nursing
Using journals and diaries within reflective practice
Foam technology and its role in wound managment and prevention
'Getting your lines right': scripted communication in post-compulsory education
Miscarriages of justice: critical failure points
Co-ordinating history in primary schools
Leading the way - launching the subject co-ordinators file
Live entertainment at the seaside: a benchmarking exercise for local authority theatres
Creative activities for plot, character & setting: ages 9-11
Creative activities for plot, character & setting: ages 7-9
Creative activities for plot, character & setting: ages 5-7
Biological nurturing: a new approach to breastfeeding
Sink or swim - first term survival guide
Reflections on the experience of presenting at an international conference
Emancipatory career guidance in the zone of proximal development: a case study
Exclusion as exile: spiritual punishment and physical illness in Normandy c.1050-1300
Globalno upravljanje, Ujedinjeni narodi i demokracija
Conflict resolution as a pathway to peace
UN Peacekeeping from Hammarskjold to Brahimi and beyond
Achieving consistency through effective transition
The characteristics of effective practice: a report on the findings of the systematic review
Primary languages in England: implications for initial and in-service teacher development
The effect of hemparesis on sitting to standing
Genomic structure and cloning of two transcript isoforms of human Sp8.
Carers of older relatives in long term care: support needs and services
Carers of older relatives in long term care: support needs and services
100 Years - 100 puppets: Hungarian puppet art 1850-1950
Clothing the naked in late medieval Kent
Wax, stone and iron: Dover's town defences in the later Middle Ages
Challenging barriers: meeting the needs of Muslim women in teacher education: a case study
Review of Thomas McGeary, 'Verse epistles on Italian opera singers, 1724-1736'