Reflecting upon the nature of hand hygiene

Psychosocial issues in hand hygiene practice

Achieving compliance in hand hygiene

Psychology of hand hygiene non-adherence

Critical policy

Androgen-dependent regulation of human MUC1 mucin expression

Cyclooxygenase-2: a possible target in schistosoma-associated bladder cancer

The ethics of the self and the social security discourse of the ‘jobseeker’

Deconstructing teaching English to speakers of other languages: problematising a professional discourse

The nurses' perspective of psychological care given to patients in ITU: what helps or hinders

Optimising the use of [beta]-blockers in older patients with heart failure

Cyber schmyber: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the net

Environmental entitlements and the rural poor in South Africa

An introduction to leisure studies

Toxicology of a potential molluscicide derived from the plant Solanum xanthocarpum: a preliminary study

Knowledge harvesting in a healthcare organisation: evaluation of this process

The response to ''No Secrets''

From North–South to West Wing: why the 'Peters Phenomenon' will simply not go away

Books: a valuable resource for children's nursing care

The active mentoring programme, pack 1: principles and processes

Individual education plans and dyslexia: some principles

Developing services for people with dangerous and severe personality disorders

Children's books: a resource for children's nursing care

Why nurses choose not to undertake clinical supervision--the findings from one ICU

Womb to world: a metabolic perspective

Completing the story: connecting relational and psychological processes of exclusion

The menstrual cycle and immune status

Age as a poor predictor of blood-lactate and heart-rate responses during club-level orienteering

Heart rate responses of women aged 23-67 years during competitive orienteering

Construction of a NMR-MOUSE with short dead time

The church as the new covenant of effective economics: The social origins of mutually supportive Christian community

Knowledge and liberation: philosophical ruminations on a Buddhist conundrum

The trials Of Theology

How theology can be made simpler

Der Tod des Zauberers: Die Orpheus-epigramme in der Anthologia Palatina

Teachers as leaders: exploring the impact of teacher-led development work

Managing 'quality' early childhood services in England

Middle school climate examined and altered by teacher-directed intervention assessed through qualitative and quantitative methodologies

Where did all the charters go? Anglo-Saxon charters and the new politics of the eleventh century

"Why should one lack money while another hath plenty": The tales of two criminals in late-Elizabethan Kent

The worlds of Daniel Langdon: public office and private enterprise in the Romney Marsh region in the early-eighteenth century

Ernest Bevin: reluctant Cold warrior

Provincial preaching and allegiance in the First English Civil War, 1640-1646

Patterns of spiritual and moral development in religious and public schools in Chicago

Comparative youth marginalisation, disaffection and experiences of education: subcultures and young peoples' voices in Thanet and Lille

The health promoting school: policy, research and practice

Andover antecedents: Hampshire New Poor-Law scandals, 1934-1842

Agonizing reappraisals: Anthony Eden, John Foster Dulles and the crisis of European defence, 1953-54

Method of lactate elevation does not affect the determination of the lactate minimum

Feminist and figurational sociology: dialogue and potential synthesis

The effects of isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure and orthostatic tolerance in humans

The social and cultural dimensions of trainer training

Supportive teacher talk: the importance of the F-move

(Re)-visiting Der Heim: the amazing return to the place you've never been which isn’t there

Helter skelter, topsy-turvy and ‘loonycolour’: carnivalesque realism in 'Saturday Night and Sunday Morning'

Sympathy as subversion? Reading Lady Audley's Secret in the Kitchen

Japanese fragments: an exploration in cultural perception and duality

Investigating the psychosocial impact of anti-HIV combination therapies

Evaluation of the 'Sound Start' project - singing to babies before and after birth

Gay tourism: culture, identity and sex

Arts, well-being and health

Students' school-based learning

Boys, girls and writing: what are the issues?

Distinguishing the voices of researchers and the people they research in writing qualitative research

Managing health behaviour change

Boys and literacy: exploring the issues

The differences in perceived burdens between forensic and non-forensic caregivers of individuals suffering from schizophrenia

Factors influencing community nurses' treatment of leg ulcers

Coronary heart disease: Women's assessment of risk--a qualitative study

Advancing practice in family nursing across the cancer continuum

Chain reaction II: headteachers, teachers and action research

Women and CHD: inequality in provision of preventative health services

Women's beliefs about coronary heart disease: managing personal risk

Crossing boundaries: the experiences of mature student mothers in initial teacher education

Whose evidence? Tensions within the role of the teacher researcher

Pedagogy of 'virtual groups': supporting doctoral students at a distance

Pedagogical implications of working with doctoral students at a distance

Effective school improvement: English case studies

Developing a common model? Comparing effective school improvement across European countries

Fostering a human rights culture in the provision of social care for adults

Meta-analysis of parenting programmes in improving maternal psychosocial health

The ethics of the self and the social security discourse of the jobseeker

Introducing a breast health strategy into schools

Teachers’ and students’ lessons

Discourses of resistance and the hostile jobseeker

Sport worlds. A sociological perspective

The economics of the seafaring labour market

Peer learning in Initial Teacher Education: the use of subject pairing in school experience placements as a strategy for professional learning

Learning to lead: the implications of the standards for subject leaders in England

Workplace change and the internal labour market: evidence from the NSW hospital industry

Children’s drawing, self expression, identity and the imagination

Making mirrors in primary course design

The use of lesson transcripts for developing teachers’ classroom language

Curtain up on drama - putting on a play with EFL learners

Review article: Putting America in its place? Recent writing on the Vietnam Wars

Defining the elements of urban system change

Putting America in its place: recent writing on the history of the Vietnam Wars

Solving problems: young children exploring the rules of the game

Functions of group identification: An exploratory analysis

Personality style, psychological adaptation and expectations of trainee clinical psychologists

Determinants of quality of life in black African women with HIV living in London

Exploring the conceptual space of LEGO: teaching and learning the psychology of creativity

Gravity rules in dogs?

Aspects of pairing and reproduction in the hermaphrodite freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

Controlling high power devices with computers or TTL logic circuits

The effect of prior cycling on the relationship between maximal test parameters and simulated hill climb performance

Human stability and conflict in the Horn of Africa: part two

Karyotype analysis of Oreochromis mortimeri (Trewavas) and Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppell)

Molecular-cytogenetic analysis reveals sequence differences between the sex chromosomes of Oreochromis niloticus: evidence for an early stage of sex-chromosome differentiation

Karyotype evolution in tilapia: mitotic and meiotic chromosome analysis of Oreochromis Karongae and O. Niloticus × O. Karongae hybrids

Early origins of the X and Y chromosomes: lessons from tilapia

Making a presentation

Whatever happened to the 'New Cartography'?: The world map and development mis-education

Knowledge economy: issues and challenges

Consultant practitioners in radiography—a discussion paper

The emergence of English identity


Medieval Europeans: Studies in ethnic identity and national perspectives in Medieval Europe

European nationality, place and Commonwealth in the writings of Sir Francis Palgrave, 1788-1861

Effects of navigation and position on task when presenting diagrams to blind people using sound

Cortical habituation of schizotypal individuals: a differential pattern for unreality subtypes

Democratisation and the mass media in Post-Communist Hungary

Some pardoners’ tales: the earliest English indulgences

Henry III

The role of non-training stress in the development of the overtraining syndrome

Morphological variation of the saker (Falco cherrug) and the implications for conservation

Visualization for fisheries management from a spatiotemporal perspective

Drag coefficients: a comparison of ten species of freshwater gastropod molluscs

Dirty work

Talent in physical education and sport: the Excellence in Cities initiative

Questioning as a teaching strategy in physical education

Playing social chess: children's play and social intelligence

Validity of a pictorial perceived exertion scale for effort estimation and effort production during stepping exercise in adolescent children

The overtraining syndrome: what exactly is this phenomenon? What causes it? How can occurrence be minimised?

Evaluating health-promoting schools: steps to success

The voice of the child: "We're Writers" project

Postmodernism and the changing 'subject' of adult learning

Primary geography at the core


Streets worldwide

Death by portfolio building: avoiding NVQ bureaucracy

Shared meanings: visions of support

Educating the emotions: interior and exterior realities

Nutrition and older adults

The fruits of a European partnership

The changing family

Reform of mental health legislation

DCP update: criticisms and concerns (results of a survey of DCP members’ opinions about proposed reforms to the 1983 Mental Health Act)

Do clinical psychologists care about the Mental Health Act reforms?

Confidentiality, consent and reports of clinical activity

Roman Catholic schools

Experiential learning, social literacy and the curriculum

Weighed down by ethical baggage

The state and complementary medicine: a changing relationship?

Recycling old ideas for a new age

Master Elias of Dereham (d. 1245): a reassessment

England and the Albigensian Crusade

All change in nurse education: implementing an organisational strategy to promote user sensitive practice

Evaluation: assessing individual need

Advancing practice through research

Marketing yourself, the profession and the organisation

Credit where credit is due - AODP policy for CPD

The future need for CPD

Educating the community for social inclusion

Reform of the Mental Health Act: implications for the profession

The economic geography of the New Europe: a decade after the fall of state-socialism

Women in the Middle Ages

Socio-economic and ethnic influences on infant feeding practices related to oral health

Improving the patient’s experience of cancer-related fatigue

Knowledge, confidence and attitudes towards mental health of nurses working in NHS Direct and the effects of training

Medication management for people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Boys and literacy: exploring the issues

Who are you? An introductory examination of Citizenship education

Indoctrination and commitment

Raising aspirations: increasing the participation of students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Social Communication Difficulties) in Higher Education: report of the HEFCE strand two disability ASPIHE project

Meeting of experts on working and living conditions of seafarers on board ships in international registers

Writing: voice and choice

Abnormality detection in the appendicular skeleton: a practical workshop on professional responsibilities and subtle abnormalities

Figurative speech in dyadic discourse in the case of Chinese parents and children reading together

A review of "Literacy and development: ethnographic perspectives"

99 Fragen zum Buddhismus

Het Boeddha basisboekje

Children’s responses to character education

Recruitment and retention in legal education

The struggle against “us” and “them” conceptualizations in TESOL as the ownership of English changes

Skin changes in the ‘at risk’ foot and their treatment

Jiminy Cricket on my shoulder: ethical watchfulness and the place of support and supervision for personal advisers

Recent studies of the Lega Nord

Discursive strategies around 'community' in political propaganda: the case of Lega Nord

How important is non-training stress in the development of the overtraining syndrome?

Morphological classification of the so-called 'Altai Falcon'

Changing public attitudes to birds of prey in the UK

How theology can be made simpler (II)

How theology can be made simpler (I)

Proto-SF/proto-queer: the strange cases of Dr Frankenstein and Mr Hyde

Questioning the design and technology paradigm

Drama and writing: passion on the page

Forays into the unknown

Poetry: physical rhythms and response

Doctors on the edge

Do all children arrive at early years settings as equals?

Scientific and technological literacy in primary education and the TechnoScience 2000+ project: new opportunities to promote curriculum and teacher development

In search of diversity

A 58-year-old female with miliary tuberculosis of the spleen

United Kingdom Radiation Oncology 1 Conference (UKRO 1): accuracy and uncertainty in radiotherapy

Reflective practice: the future need for CPD

Credit where credit is due: AODP (Association of Operating Department Practitioners) policy for CPD, a summary

Is a CCN degree the only way to develop children's nursing in the community?

Do adolescents eat enough calcium?

The nature of evidence

Sourcing evidence-based nutrition information

Nutrition in the elderly: a problem on the rise

The problem of alternative nutrition

The debriefing of clients following the birth of a baby

Are you sitting comfortably? Stories and the usefulness of narrative approaches

The pilgrimages of the Angevin kings of England 1154-1272

Interpreters as co-workers: why is this working relationship hard to achieve?

British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology: survey of clinical psychologists' opinions about proposed reforms to the 1983 Mental Health Act

Nutrition and cancer

Investigating effectiveness: competing ideologies and police performance management

The human computer

Artificial minds

Women's beliefs about CHD: barriers to assessing and managing personal risk

The APECS-SRN: towards a model of SRT sequence learning

Factors associated with client drop-out from NHS psychological therapy. [Abstract].

Busy bodies: an interactive event for pre-school children and their carers

Nutrition and older people

The local environment ICT pullout

Critical influences on tourism as a subject in UK higher education: lecturer perspectives

Vacuum instability and gravitational collapse

Care homes’ food

Mind mapping using graphic organiser software

Entry into clinical psychology careers: meeting the diversity challenge

Eating and drinking: helping patients to eat and drink appropriately

Mapping and integration of sexual health services in Preston, Chorley and South Ribble. Report prepared for Chorley and South Ribble Primary Care Trust.

Enabling men to access help for testicular cancer

Global governance, the UN and democracy

Les relations internationals en France: un regard d’outre-Manche

The role of research in developing effective practice

Political ideology, helping mechanisms and empowerment of mental health self-help/mutual aid groups

The caring in later life report: a secondary analysis of the 1995 General Household Survey

The man from Welling

History and necessity: the evolution of soil conservation technology in a Jamaican farming system

The impact of cropping on weed species composition in rice after fallow across a hydrological gradient

Supporting the Canterbury hospitals: benefaction and the language of charity in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

Cultural factors influencing adolescent participation in PE and extra-curricular activities

TV mail

"Excavation marks: Victorian broodings on 'the birthless past'"