New approaches to engineering higher education: case studies

Conference poster

Nortcliffe, A., McIntosh, G. and Hernandez, J. E. 2019. New approaches to engineering higher education: case studies.
AuthorsNortcliffe, A., McIntosh, G. and Hernandez, J. E.
TypeConference poster

All the BEng (Hons) with Foundation year in Biomedical /Chemical /Mechanical /Product Design Engineering programmes have been designed with the underlining principles of inclusive engineering and Conceive Design Implement and Operate (CDIO) approach to learning. CDIO education approach has been shown to close the engineering skills gap, and produces professional practicing engineers, (Crawley, et al, 2014). The engineering educators are also adopting Beddoes (2018) Toolkit to ensure the facilitation of good inclusion practice. The projects have been identified and provided by local industry. The approach is to enable the programme to develop engineering principles and practice of the students, and also enable the students to engage and contribute to local businesses. As all the engineering programmes are newly developed and a new offering to the Kent and Medway region in terms of engineering provision, the curriculums have been co-designed with local industry to support the development of industry ready engineering graduates

KeywordsCDIO; Industry projects; Engineering education; Conceive Design Implement and Operate; Higher education curriculum design
ConferenceIET New Approaches Case Study
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Beddoes, K., Panther, G., Cutler, S., & Kappers, W. M. (2018). Training and Resources for Gender Inclusive Teamwork., [online] Scholarly Comms [viewed 12 September 2019] Available from:

Crawley, E. F., Malmqvist, J., Östlund, S., Brodeur, D. R., & Edström, K. (2014). The CDIO approach. In Rethinking engineering education Springer, Cham. pp. 11-45.

Nortcliffe, A., Barley, R. and Andrews, J. (2018) Are We (Engineering Education) Missing Engineering Student Potential?, [online] Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium of the UK & IE Engineering Education Research, Network, [Viewed 12 September 2019]. Available from:

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Deposited30 Jun 2022
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Bohnel, H., Morales, J., Caballero, C., Alva, L., McIntosh, G., Gonzalez, S. and Sherwood, G. 1997. Variation of rock magnetic parameters and paleointensities over a single holocene lava flow. Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity. 49 (4), pp. 523-542.
A detailed record of normal-reversed-polarity transition obtained from a thick loess sequence at Jiuzhoutai, near Lanzhou, China
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Using time- and temperature-dependent Preisach models to investigate the limitations of modelling isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves with cumulative log Gaussian functions
Heslop, D., McIntosh, G. and Dekkers, M. 2004. Using time- and temperature-dependent Preisach models to investigate the limitations of modelling isothermal remanent magnetization acquisition curves with cumulative log Gaussian functions. Geophysical Journal International. 157 (1), pp. 55-63.
A catalogue of Spanish archaeomagnetic data
Gomez-Paccard, M., Catanzariti, G., Ruiz-Martinez, V., McIntosh, G., Nunez, J., Osete, M., Chauvin, A., Lanos, P., Bernal-Casasola, D. and Thiriot, J. 2006. A catalogue of Spanish archaeomagnetic data. Geophysical Journal International. 166 (3), pp. 1125-1143.
A new 200 Ma paleomagnetic pole for Africa, and paleo-secular variation scatter from Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) intrusives in Morocco (Ighrem and Foum Zguid dykes)
Palencia-Ortas, A., Ruiz-Martinez, V., Villalain, J., Osete, M., Vegas, R., Touil, A., Hafid, A., McIntosh, G., van Hinsbergen, D. and Torsvik, T. 2011. A new 200 Ma paleomagnetic pole for Africa, and paleo-secular variation scatter from Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) intrusives in Morocco (Ighrem and Foum Zguid dykes). Geophysical Journal International. 185 (3), pp. 1220-1234.
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Recent developments in archeomagnetism: the story of the Earth's past magnetic field
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