Developing engineering growth mindset through CDIO outreach activities

Book chapter

Manna, S., Nortcliffe, A. and Sheikholeslami, G. 2020. Developing engineering growth mindset through CDIO outreach activities. in: Proceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference Gothenburg, Sweden CDIO.
AuthorsManna, S., Nortcliffe, A. and Sheikholeslami, G.

CDIO based learning is established around student-centred pedagogy where active learning method is incorporated, and project-based hands-on skill is fostered with academic facilitation. To support the development of the new School of Engineering, Technology and Design, the academic team of Canterbury Christ Church University has been promoting engineering courses through creative project-based activities at High Schools as a part of the university’s outreach. These sessions were aimed to help students realizing how complex, industry-standard engineering product can be designed from a simple idea. At the beginning of each activity, students’ response was usually very low as only few students were genuinely interested in pursuing engineering career. However, the confidence level of the students had been boosted through CDIO activities where they conceived an engineering problem, therefore designed and developed feasible engineering solutions of it. Feedback from students revealed a list of socio-economic barriers that were preventing students from considering engineering, such as; fear of mathematics; not having enough practical knowledge; hands-on skills. Students also perceived that they should be extra-ordinary or super-intelligent to pursue engineering course. According to a recent UCAS survey, the number of students admitted in graduate degree course (specially engineering) is decreasing. Even after enrolling into a graduate programme, the student retention ratio is very low, either they left the course or choose another career option. In this paper, we have identified the areas for improvement in the outreach activities to support the growth mindset of students, myth-busting who can be engineering professionals and develop student confidence in their ability to be a future engineer. Once they recognize their strength, they will be driven by their passion rather than pressure. This paper also highlights the advantage of utilizing CDIO activities in the outreach to change student’s mindset, successfully promote engineering.

KeywordsOutreach; CDIO; Project-based learning; Growth mindset; STEM
Book titleProceedings of the 16th International CDIO Conference
Output statusPublished
Place of publicationGothenburg, Sweden
Publication dates
Print08 Jun 2020
Publication process dates
Deposited11 Jan 2021
Official URL

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