Authors and Creators
Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.
Naanouh, Hassan
Nadar Arulmani, Glady
Academic Sessional
— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nader, Lour
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Naeem, Naeem
Nagar, Iaysha
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Nagel, Britta
Academic Sessional
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Naick, Madeline
Academic Sessional
Naiduwa Handhi, Thaksala
— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services
Nalletamby, Lucie
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Namata, Carol
Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Nariculam, Joseph
Associate Lecturer (Clinical)
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nasaar, Hasan
Nash, David
Academic Sessional
Nash, Sharon
University Instructor in Business
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Nasim, Asma
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Navaratnam, Ragavan
Specialist Associate Lecturer
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Naz, Nabila
Lecturer in Engineering
— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Naz, Roohi
Nazarjuk, Andy
Academic Sessional
— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nduka, Kalu
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Neal, Ben
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Neal, Christian
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Neame, Laurel
Lecturer in Apprenticeship Provision (Nursing)
— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Neden, Catherine
Reader & Lead for GP & Community Ed
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Neden, John
Specialist Associate Lecturer
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Neild, Phil
Neilson, Susan
Academic Sessional
Nel, Steve
— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Nesma, Bara
Newberry, James
Academic Sessional
Newberry-Baker, Ria
Senior Lecturer
Newell, Patricia
Academic Sessional
Newey, Angela
Newing, Helen
Academic Sessional
Newman, Ann
Associate Head Foundation Years and Undergraduate Apprenticeships
— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Newman, Dean
External Examiner
Newsholme, David
Academic Sessional
Newton, Paul
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Ng, Poh Yen
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Ng, Poh Yen
Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisation
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Ngai, Yee-Man
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Nguyen, Hang
Nguyen, Jenny
Nhara, Vanessa
Lecturer in Anatomy
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nicholl, James
Clinical Lecturer
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nicholls, Alice
Academic Sessional
Nicholls, Katie
— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nielson, Simon
External Examiner
Nigbur, Dennis
Senior Lecturer
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Nii Laryeafio, Nii
Nikita, Nikita
Nishat, Rawnak
Njeatih, Courage
Academic Sessional
Njoku, Patience
Njoku, Patience
— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Njoku, Patience Ngozi
— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services
Nkala, Nqobile
Senior Lecturer - Secondary and Post 16 ITE
— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education
Nkrumah, Linda
Nkwocha, Obinna
Nmaju, Chidi
Academic Sessional
— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Noman, A H M
Norbury, Lindsey
Academic Sessional
— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Norman, Frankie
Academic Sessional
Norman, Paul
Academic Sessional
Norman, Ralph
Principal Lecturer
— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education
Norman, Richard
Academic Sessional
Norrington, Paul
Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nortcliffe, Anne
— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Norton, Russell
— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education
Notice, Petrena
Senior Lecturer in Law
— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Ntalaka, Olga
Academic Sessional
Ntung, Alex
Academic Sessional
Nwabuikwu, Stephanie
Nwagboso, Nomso
External Examiner
Nweze, Doris
Senior Lecturer: Year 4 Specialty Lead
— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Nyaaba, Gertrude
Lecturer in Public Health/Health Sciences
— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care