Authors and Creators

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Naanouh, Hassan


Nadar Arulmani, Glady

Academic Sessional

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nader, Lour


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Naeem, Naeem


Nagar, Iaysha


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Nagel, Britta

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Naick, Madeline

Academic Sessional

Naiduwa Handhi, Thaksala


— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services

Nalletamby, Lucie


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Namata, Carol

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

Nariculam, Joseph

Associate Lecturer (Clinical)

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nasaar, Hasan


Nash, David

Academic Sessional

Nash, Sharon

University Instructor in Business

— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Nasim, Asma


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Navaratnam, Ragavan

Specialist Associate Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Naz, Nabila

Lecturer in Engineering

— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Naz, Roohi


Nazarjuk, Andy

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nduka, Kalu


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Neal, Ben


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Neal, Christian


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Neame, Laurel

Lecturer in Apprenticeship Provision (Nursing)

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Neden, Catherine

Reader & Lead for GP & Community Ed

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Neden, John

Specialist Associate Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Neild, Phil


Neilson, Susan

Academic Sessional

Nel, Steve


— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Nesma, Bara


Newberry, James

Academic Sessional

Newberry-Baker, Ria

Senior Lecturer

Newell, Patricia

Academic Sessional

Newey, Angela


Newing, Helen

Academic Sessional

Newman, Ann

Associate Head Foundation Years and Undergraduate Apprenticeships

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Newman, Dean

External Examiner

Newsholme, David

Academic Sessional

Newton, Paul


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ng, Poh Yen


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ng, Poh Yen

Senior Lecturer in Management and Organisation

— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ngai, Yee-Man


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Nguyen, Hang


Nguyen, Jenny


Nhara, Vanessa

Lecturer in Anatomy

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nicholl, James

Clinical Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nicholls, Alice

Academic Sessional

Nicholls, Katie


— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nielson, Simon

External Examiner

Nigbur, Dennis

Senior Lecturer

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Nishat, Rawnak


Njeatih, Courage

Academic Sessional

Njoku, Patience


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Njoku, Patience Ngozi


— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services

Nkala, Nqobile

Senior Lecturer - Secondary and Post 16 ITE

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Nkrumah, Linda


Nkwocha, Obinna


Nmaju, Chidi

Academic Sessional

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Noman, A H M


Norbury, Lindsey

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Norman, Frankie

Academic Sessional

Norman, Paul

Academic Sessional

Norman, Ralph

Principal Lecturer

— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Norman, Richard

Academic Sessional

Norrington, Paul

Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nortcliffe, Anne


— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Norton, Russell


— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Notice, Petrena

Senior Lecturer in Law

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ntalaka, Olga

Academic Sessional

Ntung, Alex

Academic Sessional

Nwagboso, Nomso

External Examiner

Nweze, Doris

Senior Lecturer: Year 4 Specialty Lead

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nyaaba, Gertrude

Lecturer in Public Health/Health Sciences

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Nyame-Asiamah, Frank

Academic Sessional