Authors and Creators

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Pagden, Alan

Senior Lecturer

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Page, Amanda

Academic Sessional

Page, Jennifer

Academic Sessional

Page, Michelle

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Page, Rebecca

Academic Sessional

Page, Sarah

External Examiner

Paine, Karen

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pakes, Kirsty

Clinical and Academic Tutor

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Palfreyman, Laurence


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Palmer, Andrew

Principal Lecturer

— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Palmer, David

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

Palumbo, Martina


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

pandya, Kaushik


Pannum, Parminder


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Panourgia, Konstantina

External Examiner

Panter, Heather

External Examiner

Panuta, Claudia


Papadopoulou, Marianna

Senior Lecturer

— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Parfitt, Catherine

Academic Sessional

Parfitt, Mason

Academic Sessional

Parkar, Rosemeen

Associate Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Parker, Gaby

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Parsa, Ali

External Examiner

Parsonage, Grace

Academic Sessional

Parsons, Carl

Emeritus Professor

Parsons, Thomas


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Parsons, Tom

Academic Sessional

Parton, Fiona


— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Patel, Hasnah Salem


— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Patel, Sheila

Academic Sessional

Patera, Aurora

Academic Sessional

Patil, Prajakta

Clinical Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Patten, H

Academic Sessional

Patterson, Monifa

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Paul, Ben

Lecturer in Paramedic Science

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Payne, Ally

Senior Lecturer

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Payne, Lara

Senior Lecturer in Medical Education

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Paz, Tilly

Lecturer Public Health

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Paz-Fuchs, Amir

External Examiner

Pearce, Emo

Senior Lecturer in Law

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pearson, Amy

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Peasgood, Emily

Academic Sessional

peiris, Anthony


Pemberton, Shirley

Academic Sessional

Perera, Em

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Perkins, Julie

Lecturer in Physiotherapy

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Perrier, Bruno

Academic Sessional

Perrott-Webb, Oliver

Academic Sessional

Perry, James

Academic Sessional

Perry, Jane

Interim PVC and Dean for Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Perry, Jonathan

Clinical Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Perzic, Jovana


Petch, Joel

Senior Lecturer Academic Lead for Year 2

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Peter, Judy


— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services

Peters, Joanne

Senior Lecturer

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Peters, Kate

Academic Sessional

Petrou, Anastasis


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Petulla, Helen

Academic Sessional

Pham, Anna


Phan, Yih Chyn

External Examiner

Phillips, Arron

Academic Sessional

Philpott, Lauren

Clinical Fellow for Mental Health (Simulation)

— Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Phipps, Jaime

Lecturer in Adult Nursing

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Phipps, Ollie

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Phiri, Obby

External Examiner

Phoenix, Kye


Pickard, Angela

Director of Sidney de Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health

— Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pickard, Beth

External Examiner

Pickering, Andrea

Clinical and Academic Tutor

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pietroni-Spenst, Mo

Academic Sessional

Pike, Jacky


— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Pilkington, Cathy

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Piotrowski, Sue

Emeritus Professor

Piper, Keith

Visiting Professor

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pipon-Young, Fiona

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pirzada, Ahmed


Pitcher, Mel

Health & Care Engagement Lead

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pitchers, Guy

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pitt, Chris

Lecturer in Computing

— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pittaway, Ann

Research and Development leader

— National Institute for Christian Education Research, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Pittock, Lisa

Senior Lecturer

— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Plant, Emyrs

Academic Sessional

Plant, Robin

Academic Sessional

Player, Emma


— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pluckrose, Steena


— School of Allied and Public Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Plummer, Philippa

Academic Sessional

Plummer, Susan

Campus Director

— Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pole, Kristine

Principal Lecturer / Section Director for Advertising and Marketing

— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pole, Richard

Senior Lecturer

— Christ Church Business School, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pollock, Nicole

Associate Head of Placement Learning, Simulation, and Immersive Technology

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Polyviou, Neophytos


— International Partnerships & Development, Professional Services

Polyzou, Alexandra


— Centre for Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Pooke, Verity

Academic Sessional

Pope, Caroline

Senior Lecturer

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education



Pope, Rebecca

Academic Sessional

Popoola, Adetutu

Senior Lecturer GP & Community Education

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Popple, Elena


— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Potoczny, Boguslaw

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Potter, Craig

UCU Disability Representative

— Human Resources and Organisational Development, Professional Services

Potter, Jesse

Senior Lecturer

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Potter, Seb

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Potts, David


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Poveda, Blanca

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Powell, Hilary

Academic Sessional

Powell, Ken

Director of Curriculum

— Learning and Teaching, Professional Services

Powell, Nadine

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Powell, Simon

Senior Lecturer

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Power, Tony

Academic Tutor

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pradhan, Priyanka

Academic Sessional

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Precey, Robin


— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Price, Ann

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Price, Bridie

Academic Sessional

Price, Chris

Academic Sessional

— School of Creative Arts and Industries, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Price, David

External Examiner

Price, Nikki

Research Assistant

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Price, Ruth

Academic Sessional

Price, Sonia

Senior Lecturer

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Price, Sophia

External Examiner

Prieto-Acosta, Margarita

Academic Sessional

Prince, Rebecca

Visiting Honorary Senior Lecturer

Prince, Simon


— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Pringle, Pamela

Associate Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pristicova, Ivana

Associate Lecturer

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pritchard, Charlotte

Lecturer in Child Nursing

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Proctor, Tony


— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Prowse, Gemma

Academic Sessional

Pryor, Alexander

External Examiner

Psoinos, Maria

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

Pulickal Abdul Azeez, Ansari


— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Pullar, Elisabeth

Senior Lecturer

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Pullinger, John

Academic Sessional