Authors and Creators

Browse our directory to find staff profiles containing contact information, biography and lists of publications.

Ibrahim, Ashraf

Visiting Senior Research Fellow

— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ildeniz, Gaye

Academic Sessional

Illsley, Mike

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Imam, Adil

Senior Lecturer in Engineering

— School of Engineering, Technology and Design, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Imam, M Salman


Inacio, Tiago

Senior Lecturer in Medical Education

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Induruwa, Abhaya

Academic Sessional

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ingate, Jay

Senior Lecturer in Roman and Classical Archaeology

— School of Humanities and Education Studies, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Ingham, James

Head of Secondary ITE

— School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education

Ingleby, Ewan

External Examiner

Ingram, Izzy

Lecturer in Applied Criminology

— School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ingram, Owen

Senior Lecturer Year 3 Module Lead

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Inneh, Omorodion

Placement Clinical Supervisor

— Kent and Medway Medical School (KMMS), Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Insley, Charles

External Examiner

Inyang, Ekomobong

Academic Sessional

— School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Iqbal, Javed


Iredale, Wendy

Senior Lecturer

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ireson, Jane

Academic Sessional

Irwin, Lin


Islam, Melissa

Academic Sessional

— Institute of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care

Islam, Shanta


Islam, Tasmina

Academic Sessional

Islam, Zahid


Ismail, Ahmed

Associate Tutor

— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Ituah, Festus


Ivic, Chris

External Examiner

Iwaniec, Janina

External Examiner

Iwowo, Vanessa


— School of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences