Professor Linden West

NameProfessor Linden West
Job titleEmeritus Professor
Research instituteSchool of Humanities and Education Studies
ORCID (unauthenticated)

Research outputs

Home from home: An auto/biographical narrative research pilgrimage

West, L. 2024. Home from home: An auto/biographical narrative research pilgrimage. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów / Adult Education Discourses. 25, pp. 133-152.

Engaging citizens: the Kent miners and workers' education

West, L. 2024. Engaging citizens: the Kent miners and workers' education. Forum. 66 (3), pp. 41-55.

Professionalism and the auto/biographical imagination

West, L. 2024. Professionalism and the auto/biographical imagination. in: Demaziere, D. and Wittorski, R. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Professionalization: Organization of Professions, Production of Professionalities and Growth of Professionalism New York and Oxford John Wiley & Sons. pp. 265-284

Class then and now: adult education, class and the psychosocial; auto/biographical perspectives

West, L. 2024. Class then and now: adult education, class and the psychosocial; auto/biographical perspectives. Sisyphus. 12 (1), pp. 59-82.

Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire's dialogical popular education

West, L. 2021. Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire's dialogical popular education. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. 61 (3), pp. 421-441.

The PhD and me: A liminal space

Stone, P. 2021. The PhD and me: A liminal space. in: Bainbridge, A., Formenti, L. and West, L. (ed.) Discourses, Dialogue and Diversity in Biographical Research: An Ecology of Life and Learning Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 203-216

A key? Conflict, and the struggle for an ecology of dialogue, learning and peace among Israeli Jewish and Palestinian educators

Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2021. A key? Conflict, and the struggle for an ecology of dialogue, learning and peace among Israeli Jewish and Palestinian educators. in: Bainbridge, A., Formenti, L. and West, L. (ed.) Discourses, Dialogue and Diversity in Biographical Research: An Ecology of Life and Learning Leiden Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 121-139

3. Narratives of Fundamentalism, Negative Capability and the Democratic Imperative

Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2020. 3. Narratives of Fundamentalism, Negative Capability and the Democratic Imperative. in: Wright, Hazel R. and Høyen, Marianne (ed.) Discourses we live by: Personal and professional narratives of educational and social practices Open Book Publishers. pp. 73-90

Psychoanalysis, fundamentalism, critical theory and the unconscious: adult education Islamic fundamentalism and the subjectivity of omnipotence

West, L. 2020. Psychoanalysis, fundamentalism, critical theory and the unconscious: adult education Islamic fundamentalism and the subjectivity of omnipotence. in: The Societal Unconscious: Psychosocial Perspectives on Adult Learning Leiden Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 185-201

Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, communities and movements

West, L. 2020. Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, communities and movements. in: Power and Possibility: Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World Leiden Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 167-177

Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, movements and communities

West, L. 2019. Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, movements and communities. in: West, L (ed.) Power and Possibility : Adult Education in a Diverse and Complex World Leiden Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 167-177

A history of biographical research in the United Kingdom

West, L. and Merrill, B. 2018. A history of biographical research in the United Kingdom. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)Biográfica. 3 (9), pp. 765-780.

Transforming perspectives in lifelong learning and adult education: a dialogue

West, L. and Formenti, L. 2018. Transforming perspectives in lifelong learning and adult education: a dialogue. London Palgrave Macmillan.

Transitional, transformative and transgressive spaces in university education

West, L. 2018. Transitional, transformative and transgressive spaces in university education. in: Jackson, S. (ed.) Developing transformative spaces in higher education: learning to transgress London Routledge. pp. 34-49

Connecting big and intimate worlds: using an auto/biographical imagination in career guidance

Reid, H. and West, L. 2017. Connecting big and intimate worlds: using an auto/biographical imagination in career guidance. in: Hooley, T., Sultana, R. and Thomsen, R. (ed.) Career Guidance for Social Justice: Contesting Neoliberalism: Volume 1 Routledge.

Re-enchanting the academy: popular education and the search for soul in the modern academy

West, L. 2017. Re-enchanting the academy: popular education and the search for soul in the modern academy. in: Voss, A. and Wilson, S. (ed.) Re-enchanting the Academy Seattle Rubedo Press. pp. 67-92

Love actually: transformative learning meets Bildung, and the psychosocial concept of recognition

West, L. 2016. Love actually: transformative learning meets Bildung, and the psychosocial concept of recognition. in: Laros, A., Fuhr, T. and Taylor, E. (ed.) Transformative Learning Meets Bildung: An International Exchange Rotterdam Sense. pp. 217-232

Resisting the enormous condescension of posterity: Richard Henry Tawney, Raymond Williams and the long struggle for a democratic education

West, L. 2016. Resisting the enormous condescension of posterity: Richard Henry Tawney, Raymond Williams and the long struggle for a democratic education. International Journal of Lifelong Education.

Negotiating professional and personal biographies in a liquid world: creating space for reflexive innovation in career counselling

Reid, H. and West, L. 2016. Negotiating professional and personal biographies in a liquid world: creating space for reflexive innovation in career counselling. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.

Critical reflection? Auto/biographical narrative enquiry and illuminating professional struggles

West, L. 2016. Critical reflection? Auto/biographical narrative enquiry and illuminating professional struggles. in: Fook, J., Colliington, V., Ross, F., Ruch, G. and West, L. (ed.) Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives London Routledge. pp. 119-132

Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives

Fook, J., Collington, V., Ross, F., Ruch, G. and West, L. (ed.) 2016. Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives. London Routledge.

The power to illuminate; auto/biographical narrative research into the good democratic educational group and its enemies

West, L. 2016. The power to illuminate; auto/biographical narrative research into the good democratic educational group and its enemies. Culture, Biography and Lifelong Learning. 2 (1), pp. 39-59.

Pedagogie di amore e odio: auto-identificazione nei processi educativi di gruppi islamici e di lavoratori nel Regno Unito = Pedagogies of love and hate: self-recognition in Islamist groups and workers' education in the United Kingdom

West, L. 2016. Pedagogie di amore e odio: auto-identificazione nei processi educativi di gruppi islamici e di lavoratori nel Regno Unito = Pedagogies of love and hate: self-recognition in Islamist groups and workers' education in the United Kingdom. Pedagogia Oggi. 1, pp. 49-61.

Distress in the city: racism, fundamentalism and a democratic education

West, L. 2016. Distress in the city: racism, fundamentalism and a democratic education. London UCL Institute of Education Press.

Negotiating professional biographies in uncertain times: a crisis of innovation in career guidance?

Reid, H. and West, L. 2013. Negotiating professional biographies in uncertain times: a crisis of innovation in career guidance?

Runaway, frightening worlds. Careers counselling, its values and epistemology among marginalised peoples: a psychosocial, auto/biographical narrative exploration.

Reid, H. and West, L. 2013. Runaway, frightening worlds. Careers counselling, its values and epistemology among marginalised peoples: a psychosocial, auto/biographical narrative exploration.

What is career about if not biography? Examining the ‘shift’ to constructivist and interdisciplinary approaches in career counselling

Reid, H. 2015. What is career about if not biography? Examining the ‘shift’ to constructivist and interdisciplinary approaches in career counselling. in: Reid, H. and West, L. (ed.) Constructing narratives of continuity and change: a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives Abingdon Routledge. pp. 129-143

‘Moments of being’ and the search for meaning: epistemological and methodological challenges for the autoethnographic researcher

Fraser, W. 2014. ‘Moments of being’ and the search for meaning: epistemological and methodological challenges for the autoethnographic researcher. in: Reid, H. and West, L. (ed.) Constructing Narratives of Continuity and Change: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Researching Lives Routledge. pp. 25-36

Constructing narratives of continuity and change: a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives

Reid, H. and West, L. (ed.) 2014. Constructing narratives of continuity and change: a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives. Abingdon Routledge.

Transformative learning and the form that transforms: towards a psychosocial theory of recognition using auto/biographical narrative research

West, L. 2014. Transformative learning and the form that transforms: towards a psychosocial theory of recognition using auto/biographical narrative research. Journal of Transformative Education. 12 (2), pp. 164-179.

Telling tales: do narrative approaches for career counselling count?

Reid, H. and West, L. 2014. Telling tales: do narrative approaches for career counselling count? in: Arulmani, G., Bakshi, A., Leong, F. and Watts, A. (ed.) Handbook of career development: International perspectives Dordrecht Springer. pp. 413-430

Families and their learning: an auto/biographical imagination

West, L. 2010. Families and their learning: an auto/biographical imagination. in: Jarvis, P. (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Lifelong Learning London and New York Routledge. pp. 67-79

Struggling for space: narrative methods and the crisis of professionalism in career guidance in England

Reid, H. and West, L. 2011. Struggling for space: narrative methods and the crisis of professionalism in career guidance in England. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 39 (5), pp. 397-410.

Connecting Bourdieu, Winnicott, and Honneth: understanding the experiences of non-traditional learners through an interdisciplinary lens

West, L., Fleming, T. and Finnegan, F. 2013. Connecting Bourdieu, Winnicott, and Honneth: understanding the experiences of non-traditional learners through an interdisciplinary lens. Studies in the Education of Adults. 45 (2), pp. 119-134.

Bridging gaps

West, L. and Bainbridge, A. 2012. Bridging gaps. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.

Introduction: minding a gap

Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2012. Introduction: minding a gap. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.

Prequels and sequels: a psychoanalytic understanding of developing a professional practice in an education setting

Bainbridge, A. 2012. Prequels and sequels: a psychoanalytic understanding of developing a professional practice in an education setting. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.

Psychoanalysis and education: minding a gap

Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) 2012. Psychoanalysis and education: minding a gap. London Karnac.

Psychoanalytic perspectives on learning and the subject called the learner

West, L. 2012. Psychoanalytic perspectives on learning and the subject called the learner. in: Jarvis, P. and Watts, M. (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Learning Abingdon Routledge. pp. 348-356

Introduction: making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education

Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2011. Introduction: making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education. Cliopsy. 6 (11), pp. 7-15.

Biographical perspectives on adult learning

West, L. and Merrill, B. 2008. Biographical perspectives on adult learning.

Auto/biography, learning and education: the critical and reflexive imperative

Fraser, W. and West, L. 2008. Auto/biography, learning and education: the critical and reflexive imperative.

Challenging margins and centres: auto/biography and struggles for critical reflexivity in working and learning lives

West, L. 2007. Challenging margins and centres: auto/biography and struggles for critical reflexivity in working and learning lives.

Only connect: families, communities, learning and sustainability perspectives from auto/biographical research

West, L. 2007. Only connect: families, communities, learning and sustainability perspectives from auto/biographical research.

All of a piece? Connecting lifelong learning, therapy/counselling and spirituality

West, L. 2007. All of a piece? Connecting lifelong learning, therapy/counselling and spirituality.

Histoires de vie et biographies comme methodologie de recherche sur les adultes et vies en formation: conversations Europeennes, apports et enjoux

West, L. and Merrill, B. 2007. Histoires de vie et biographies comme methodologie de recherche sur les adultes et vies en formation: conversations Europeennes, apports et enjoux.

Salvaging the self in adult learning

West, L. and Hunt, C. 2007. Salvaging the self in adult learning.

“Telling tales”: using narrative in career guidance

Reid, H. and West, L. 2011. “Telling tales”: using narrative in career guidance. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 78 (2), pp. 174-183.

Family disputes: science, poetry and subjectivity in biographical narrative research

West, L. 2011. Family disputes: science, poetry and subjectivity in biographical narrative research. in: Herzberg, H. and Kammler, E. (ed.) Biographie und Gesellschaft: Uberlegungen zu einer Theorie des modernen Selbst Frankfurt am Main Campus. pp. 415-431

Lifelong learning and the family: an auto/biographical imagination

West, L. 2010. Lifelong learning and the family: an auto/biographical imagination. in: Jarvis, P. (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Lifelong Learning London, UK Routledge. pp. 67-79

Learning in a border country: using psychodynamic ideas in teaching and research

Hunt, C. and West, L. 2006. Learning in a border country: using psychodynamic ideas in teaching and research. Studies in the Education of Adults. 38 (2), pp. 160-177.

Claiming and sustaining space? Sure Start and the auto/biographical imagination

West, L. and Carlson, A. 2006. Claiming and sustaining space? Sure Start and the auto/biographical imagination. Auto/Biography. 14 (2), pp. 359-380.

An auto/biographical imagination: the radical challenge of families and their learning

West, L. 2007. An auto/biographical imagination: the radical challenge of families and their learning. in: West, L., Alheit, P., Andersen, A. and Merrill, B. (ed.) Using Biographical Approaches in the Study of Adult and Lifelong Learning: European Perspectives Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 221-240

Doctors on an edge: a cultural psychology of learning and health

West, L. 2004. Doctors on an edge: a cultural psychology of learning and health. in: Chamberlayne, P., Bornat, J. and Apitzsch, U. (ed.) Biographical Methods and Professional Practice: An International Perspective Bristol Policy Press. pp. 299-311

'Telling tales': do narrative approaches for career counselling count?

Reid, H. and West, L. 2010. 'Telling tales': do narrative approaches for career counselling count?

Apprendre et le sujet apprenant: point de vue psychanalytique dans la recherche auto/biographique

West, L. 2010. Apprendre et le sujet apprenant: point de vue psychanalytique dans la recherche auto/biographique. Cliopsy. 4, pp. 21-35.

In border country: connecting self, the other and spirit in transformative learning

West, L. 2010. In border country: connecting self, the other and spirit in transformative learning. in: Willis, P., Leonard, T., Morrison, A. and Hodge, S. (ed.) Spirituality, Mythopoesis and Learning Brisbane, Australia Post Pressed. pp. 206-217

Really reflexive practice: auto/biographical research and struggles for a critical reflexivity

West, L. 2009. Really reflexive practice: auto/biographical research and struggles for a critical reflexivity. in: Bradbury, H., Frost, N., Kilminster, S. and Zukas, M. (ed.) Beyond Reflexive Practice London, UK Routledge. pp. 66-80

Using biographical methods in social research

Merrill, B. and West, L. 2009. Using biographical methods in social research. London SAGE.

Salvaging the self in adult learning

Hunt, C. and West, L. 2009. Salvaging the self in adult learning. Studies in the Education of Adults. 41 (1), pp. 68-82.

Telling tales, the development of narrative approaches for career guidance in England: findings from a collaborative project

Reid, H. and West, L. 2009. Telling tales, the development of narrative approaches for career guidance in England: findings from a collaborative project.

Only connect: the auto/biographical, psychosocial imagination in researching lives

West, L. 2009. Only connect: the auto/biographical, psychosocial imagination in researching lives. in: Alheit, P. and Felden, H. (ed.) Lebenslanges Lernen und erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung Germany VS Verlag. pp. 45-59

Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning, an auto/biographical perspective

West, L. 2009. Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning, an auto/biographical perspective. in: Willis, P., McKenzie, S. and Harris, R. (ed.) Rethinking Work and Learning Springer.

Auto/biography, learning and education: the critical and reflexive imperative

Fraser, W. and West, L. 2008. Auto/biography, learning and education: the critical and reflexive imperative. in: Crowther, J., Edwards, V., Galloway, V., Shaw, M. and Tett, L. (ed.) SCUTREA 2008 38th Annual Conference: Whither Adult Education in the Learning Paradigm? Conference Proceedings Edinburgh University of Edinburgh. pp. 216-223

Talking with a shared purpose: applying constructivist and auto/biographical approaches to practice

Reid, H. and West, L. 2008. Talking with a shared purpose: applying constructivist and auto/biographical approaches to practice. in: Reid, H. (ed.) Constructing a Way Forward: Innovation in Theory and Practice in Career Guidance Canterbury, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.

Gendered space: men, families and learning

West, L. 2008. Gendered space: men, families and learning. in: Ostrouch, J. and Ollagnier, E. (ed.) Researching Gender in Adult Learning Oxford Peter Lang.

Biographical and life history approaches: commonalities and differences in the study of adult and lifelong learning

West, L., Merrill, B., Andersen, A., Weber, K. and Olesen, H. 2007. Biographical and life history approaches: commonalities and differences in the study of adult and lifelong learning. in: West, L., Alheit, P., Andersen, A. and Merrill, B. (ed.) Using Biographical and Life History Approaches in the Study of Adult and Lifelong Learning: European Perspectives Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 279-294

Why this book and why now?

West, L., Alheit, P., Andersen, A. and Merrill, B. 2007. Why this book and why now? in: West, L., Alheit, P., Andersen, A. and Merrill, B. (ed.) Using Biographical and Life History Approaches in the Study of Adult and Lifelong Learning: European Perspectives Frankfurt am Main Peter Lang. pp. 11-27

Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning

West, L. 2006. Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning. in: Wingard, B. (ed.) Livslang Nyfikenhet Stockholm HLS Forlag. pp. 275-287

Between old and new worlds of adult learning

Bron, A., Kurantowicz, E., Salling Olesen, H. and West, L. (ed.) 2005. Between old and new worlds of adult learning. Wrocław, Poland University of Silesia Press.

Old Issues, New Thoughts: Family Learning, Relationship and Community Activism

West, L. 2005. Old Issues, New Thoughts: Family Learning, Relationship and Community Activism. in: Kurantowicz, E., Bron, A. and Salling Olesen, H. (ed.) Between Old and New Worlds of Adult Learning Wroclaw, Poland University of Silesia Press. pp. 408-424

Viejos temas, neuvos enfoques: Aprendizaje familiar, relacion y avtivismo comunitario. Un enfoque auto/biographrafico

West, L. 2005. Viejos temas, neuvos enfoques: Aprendizaje familiar, relacion y avtivismo comunitario. Un enfoque auto/biographrafico. Dialogos, Educacion y formacion de pesonas. 2, pp. 75-85.

Challenging careers, perspectives from auto/biographical research

West, L. 2004. Challenging careers, perspectives from auto/biographical research. in: Malik, B. and Irving, B. (ed.) Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance: Promoting Social Justice within a Global Economy Abingdon, UK Routledge Falmer. pp. 186-199

Why people learn: adult learning in a changing world

West, L. 2004. Why people learn: adult learning in a changing world. in: Radovan, M. and Dordevic, N. (ed.) Current Issues in Adult Learning and Motivation Llubljana Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. pp. 3-22

Challenging auto/biographies: careers and guidance in a 5 to 9 world

West, L. 2003. Challenging auto/biographies: careers and guidance in a 5 to 9 world. in: Edwards, A. (ed.) Challenging Biographies: Re-Locating the Theory and Practice of Careers Work Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University College. pp. 8-24

Kształcenie lekarzy: studium auto/biograficzne

West, L. 2003. Kształcenie lekarzy: studium auto/biograficzne. Teraźniejszość - Człowiek - Edukacja. 21, pp. 141-156.

Supervision in psychotherapy and counselling: a critical space for learning

West, H. and West, L. 2003. Supervision in psychotherapy and counselling: a critical space for learning. in: Burton, J. and Launer, J. (ed.) Supervision and Support in Primary Care Abingdon Radcliffe Publishing. pp. 41-54

Doctors on the edge

West, L. 2002. Doctors on the edge. Journal of the Balint Society. 30, pp. 25-30.

Postmodernism and the changing 'subject' of adult learning

West, L. 2002. Postmodernism and the changing 'subject' of adult learning. in: Bron, A. and Schemmann, M. (ed.) Social Science Theories in Adult Education Research London LIT Verlag.

The 'subject' of adult learning

West, L. 2001. The 'subject' of adult learning. Studies in the Education of Adults. 33 (2), pp. 157-159.

Imagining the urban moorland? Lifelong learning and the communities of East London

West, L. 2001. Imagining the urban moorland? Lifelong learning and the communities of East London. Rising East: The Journal of East London Studies. 4 (2).

The subject of adult learning

West, L. 2001. The subject of adult learning. in: West, L. (ed.) Traveller's Tales: From Adult Education to Lifelong Learning... and Beyond Pilgrim College. pp. 456-457

Spirituality in the personal and professional development of a group of doctors

West, L. 2001. Spirituality in the personal and professional development of a group of doctors. in: West, L. (ed.) Traveller's Tales: From Adult Education to Lifelong Learning... and Beyond Pilgrim College. pp. 447-448

Journeying into 'auto/biography': the changing subject of lifelong learning

West, L. 2001. Journeying into 'auto/biography': the changing subject of lifelong learning. in: West, L. (ed.) Traveller's Tales: From Adult Education to Lifelong Learning... and Beyond Pilgrim College. pp. 427-430
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