Hand hygiene: how effective is our decision making?
The psychology of hand hygiene
Hand hygiene: Recognising the true nature of the problem
Cyclooxygenase-2 in prostate cancer
Urethral metastasis from a rectal adenocarcinoma
Restorative proctocolectomy for collagenous colitis
Texts and teachers: the practice guide
Texts and teachers: the findings report
Inclusive Educational Practice: Literacy
Subject Leadership: Key Reference File
Making Sense of Early Literacy: a Practitioner’s Perspective
Early childhood educational research: issues in methodology and ethics
Nurse-led weaning from mechanical ventilation: where's the evidence?
William Marshal, King Henry II and the Honour of Châteauroux
Secondary PGCE PE students' perceptions of their subject knowledge
Our journey with clinical supervision in an intensive care unit
The control of morph development in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti
Research and development organisational development programme: Wave Two Report
Taking the initiative: supporting the sexual rights of disabled people
Monitoring adult protection referrals in 10 English Local Authorities
Parenting programmes for improving maternal psychosocial health
The nutritional needs of the older person
Interventions in forensic psychiatry: the caregiver's perspective
The relevance of degree-level preparation for community nurses
Localising the global food system
Ratings of perceived exertion in braille: validity and reliability in production mode (Commentary)
Correlates of simulated hill climb cycling performance
Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men
Gay tourism, sex and sexual health promotion
Tourism and sex: culture, commerce and coercion
Tourism and health: present issues and future concerns
Drink consumption in British preschool children: relation to vitamin C, iron and calcium intakes
A case for case studies: exploring the use of case study design in community nursing research
Learning to teach or learning to manage mentors? Experiences of school-based teacher training
Exploring other worlds: escaping linguistic parochialism
Relatives and informal caregivers
Promoting better health for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Interventions in forensic psychiatry: the caregivers perspective
Nursing in prisons - past, present and future
Chain reaction: headteachers, teachers and action research
Constructing early childhood in China
An investigation of young athletes attitudes on fair play
The reflective dimension in teacher education
Images of community in New Labour social security discourse
Adverse reactions to contrast media
A European perspective on bond finance for the maritime industry
Job security in Australia: Broadening the analysis
Part-time employment in Australia – Evidence for globalization?
A paradigm of reading the Victorian Penny Weekly: Education of the Gaze and The London Journal
The development of the tabloid press in Hungary
Towards a language for science fiction studies: narratives
To Hell and Back: The Katabasis and the Impossibility of Epic in Derek Walcott's Omeros
Sitting on his penny rent: conflict and right of common in Faversham Blean, 1595–1610
The rise of ideological politics in Kent, 1558-1640
A process genre approach to teaching writing
Tenant farming and short-term leasing on Romney Marsh
Politics and ideology in Kent, 1558-1640
The holy congregation in Jerusalem
Wisdom beyond words? Ineffability in Yogacara and Madhyamaka Buddhism
Critical practice in health and social care
Hegemony and autonomy in international relations: the continental experience
Diffusion-weighted imaging of bacteria colonies in the STRAFI plane
Teaching about heat and temperature
The reliability of maximal power and 40km outdoor time trial cycling performance
Variability of power output during 40km outdoor time-trial cycling performance
Maximal power predicts outdoor 16 and 40km cycling time trial power but not performance time
A comparison of power output recorded by an SRM powercrank and Kingcycle test rig
Assessment of blood lactate: practical evaluation of the Biosen 5030 lactate analyzer
Incorporating the arts into graduate training programs in clinical psychology and medicine
Minorities in the Horn of Africa
The impact of conflict on minority groups in Somalia
Living on the edge: women with learning disabilities
Fundamentals of social work in selected European countries
Recovery from stroke: does rehabilitation counselling have a role to play?
Children's perceptions of who controls their food
Qualitative research methods in psychiatric rehabilitation
The role of the radiotherapy treatment review radiographer
Die blockflocte in der nuen medienland schaft
Putting technology in its place: ICT in modern foreign language teaching
The authority of scripture and Christian ethics
Profiling the health-promoting school: valuing assets and evaluating the management of change
Three Welsh dances for solo harp
Giacomo Carissimi's Jephte: Oratorio for 6 voices and continuo
The Wagners: Drama of a musical dynasty
Women, 'working out' and weight training: an empowering exercise?
Factor XIIa and triacylglycerol rich lipoproteins: responses to exercise intervention
Reliability of an air-braked ergometer to record peak power during a maximal cycling test
Peak power predicts performance power during an outdoor 16.1-km cycling time trial
The impact of hosting student teachers on school effectiveness and school improvement
Post-mortem shrinkage in large falcons
History: values in the diversity of human experience
A Western perspective on inclusion in Chinese urban educational settings
Physical education and health-promoting primary schools
King Henry II and the Poitevins
The charters of King Henry II: the introduction of the royal 'inspeximus' revisited
'My particular virus': (re)reading Jack Womack’s Dryco Chronicles
Primary science: a second-class core subject?
The current status of oracy: a cause of (dis)satisfaction
Role development - towards 2000. A survey of role developments in radiography
North-East versus knowledge economy?
EU and Eastern enlargement: Western policy models for Central and Eastern Europe
Inside the corporate classroom
Detection of psychological distress by practice nurses in general practice
Nurse-practitioner evolving role in the UK
Competent care: perceptions of competence in newly qualified nurses
Multi-professional learning: the way forward?
Embracing the evidence: one group’s experience
Integrating complementary therapies into nursing practice: a personal journey
Returning to practice: a collaborative approach
Provision of specialist education for haemophilia nurses
Examination of an appropriate model to guide haemophilia nursing care
Post-registration education in Pakistan
Introduction to the Anatomy and Physiology of Children
Quality and marketing issues in nursing education
Nursing assessment for nutritional support
Complementary therapy: complement or threat to modern medicine?
Nutritional screening and older adults
Modernisation of prison healthcare?
The impact of caseload midwifery on the professional and personal lives of midwives
Assessing the training needs of managers
The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals – An Interactive Handbook
The effects of caseload midwifery in the personal and professional development of the midwife
Clinical supervision: not for everyone? Nursing and the new millenium
The role of education in the provision of critical care services
The illness beliefs of caregivers of the mentally ill
I could not complain, nor make known my wants
Straight from the horse’s mouth: first person narrative in Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty
Women, patriarchy and personal piety in early modern England
Spatial management of fisheries in an electronic era: challenges and prospects
Data standards everywhere and not a one to share
Fisheries electronic log-books: some implementation considerations
The new tourist as anthropologist
Public policy engagement with British tourism: the national, local and the European Union
Evaluating the healthy school in Wales
Lost and found: the health promoting nurse
Gay tourism and sexual health promotion
An evaluation of an illness awareness group
Social literacy and citizenship education in the school curriculum
Social Literacy, Citizenship Education, and the National Curriculum
Schools and community: the communitarian agenda in education
Customer service and relationship marketing in the UK paper industry
Does employment legislation cause small firms to fail?
The restructuring of ideas through education: the impact of knowledge management
Standards: the varying perceptions of senior staff in higher education institutions
Destination digital: documentary, exploration, and the future travelogue
Independent media production and theory in higher education
The Turner Prize: lead monkey of democracy
The use of the Bible in contemporary Jewish sermons
Preaching on the Old Testament
After Kant: the Liverpool statement
Essene socio-economic organisation and the economics of agrarian society
Enabling technology for inclusion
Professional understanding: implications for the inclusion of learners with autism/asperger syndrome
Bits ‘n pieces of other places
Early numeracy in England and Slovenia
Boosting the boosted: evaluation of a key stage 3 numeracy project
Children’s early numeracy experience in the home
The development of numeracy in England and Slovenia
How should critical theory inform English teaching?
Diabetes and physical education
Including pupils with special educational needs
Issues in the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages
Multiple identities of a young child in an urban school
Teacher-led School Improvement
ICT enabling literacy and learning
Implications of brain research for early childhood education
Cross-cultural perspectives on early literacy
The Early Years Curriculum in England: context and issues – a SWOT analysis
Problems for the 'social trinity': counting God
The physiology of the highly trained female endurance runner
Real and virtual learning communities in initial teacher education
Understanding the reorganization of secondary schooling: a political games approach
Field dependence revisited I: intelligence
IEPs and inclusive educational practice
Metacognition in primary history teacher education
Assessment, recording and reporting
Combating Social Exclusion Through Education: Laissez-Faire, Authoritarianism or Third Way?
Investigating the Reintegration of Permanently Excluded Young People in England
The Stapleford Project: Theology as the basis for Religous Education
Metaphor, scripture and education
Performance assessment of EDI-based supply chain management
Rule-based decision making and its applicability to environmental-related trade disputes in the WTO
Genetically modified organisms: major issues and policy responses for developing countries
The implementation of a radiographic reporting service
The implementation of a radiographic reporting service for skeletal trauma
Cultural influences on risks and risk management: six case studies
Risk assessment in mental illness
Consumer views of midwifery services
Meeting the needs of carers of head injured people: report to Headway East Kent
CPD in complementary medicine: findings of a national survey: report to the Department of Health
Marginalization and colonization: literary criticism of D. H. Lawrence’s short stories
Journeys beyond being: the cyberpunk-flavoured novels of Jeff Noon
The service needs of people with learning difficulties who are dying
A qualitative dissociation in sequence learning
Helping smokers to stop: a teaching resource for the dental team
Wir sollten lieber unseren Verstand einsetzen als die Luftwaffe
The Trusteeship Council: a happy demise
Getting to go: the UN at San Francisco
The emerging butterfly: the health promoting hospital nurse
At what age should modern languages learning begin?
Modern foreign languages in English primary schools: an investigation of two contrasting approaches
Primary classroom teacher or specialist?
Early diagnosis of dementia by GPs: an exploratory study of attitudes
"Wedded to the ocean: Charles Dickens and the speech of the sea."