Dr Mary Woolley

NameDr Mary Woolley
Job titleSenior Lecturer in Secondary Education
Research instituteSchool of Teacher Education

Research outputs

Teaching history in a neoliberal age: policy, agency and teacher voice

Woolley, M. 2019. Teaching history in a neoliberal age: policy, agency and teacher voice. Abingdon Routledge.

The guided reader to teaching and learning history

Harris, R., Burn, K. and Woolley, M. (ed.) 2013. The guided reader to teaching and learning history. London Routledge.

Enquiry through time: a review of the use of the term 'enquiry' across four decades of the professional journal Teaching History

Woolley, M. 2024. Enquiry through time: a review of the use of the term 'enquiry' across four decades of the professional journal Teaching History. in: Bain, B., Chapman, A., Kitson, A. and Schreiner, T. L. (ed.) History Education and Historical Enquiry Charlotte, NC IAP.

Science and RE teachers' perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school curriculum in England

Woolley, M., Bowie, R. A., Hulbert, S., Thomas, C., Riordan, J. and Revell, L. 2022. Science and RE teachers' perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school curriculum in England. The Curriculum Journal. 34 (3), pp. 487-504. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.191

Experiencing the history National Curriculum 1991-2011: voices of veteran teachers

Woolley, M. 2018. Experiencing the history National Curriculum 1991-2011: voices of veteran teachers. History of Education. 48 (2). https://doi.org/10.1080/0046760X.2018.1544668

The attitudes and perceptions of beginning teachers in relation to teaching controversial and sensitive issues in the history classroom

Woolley, M. 2017. The attitudes and perceptions of beginning teachers in relation to teaching controversial and sensitive issues in the history classroom. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado. 20 (2), pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.6018/reifop/20.2.284561

Pupil-centred spiritual leadership: an empirical study of thirteen church primary school headteachers in England

Eisl, Ursula, Woolley, M., Hulbert, Sabina, Casson, Ann and Bowie, Robert A. 2023. Pupil-centred spiritual leadership: an empirical study of thirteen church primary school headteachers in England. International Studies in Catholic Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/19422539.2023.2171622

Paying attention to the spiritual flourishing of young children in church toddler groups: a scoping study evaluating the feasibility of a research study in this context

Casson, A., Woolley, M., Pittaway, Ann, Watts, Tansy, Kemp, Nicola, Bowie, B., Clemmey, Katie and Aantjes, R. 2023. Paying attention to the spiritual flourishing of young children in church toddler groups: a scoping study evaluating the feasibility of a research study in this context. Religions. 14 (2), p. 236. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14020236

Faith in the nexus: Church schools and children’s exploration of faith in the home: A NICER research study of twenty church primary schools in England

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2020. Faith in the nexus: Church schools and children’s exploration of faith in the home: A NICER research study of twenty church primary schools in England. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.

Faith in the nexus

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2022. Faith in the nexus. National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

A global citizen ITE module and science ite: supporting confidence and competence of beginning teachers

Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2023. A global citizen ITE module and science ite: supporting confidence and competence of beginning teachers . National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

Science religion encounters toolkit 13: Research summaries from the project

Bowie, R. A., Woolley, M. and Aantjes, R. 2023. Science religion encounters toolkit 13: Research summaries from the project. National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

How can an interdisciplinary ITE day support student teachers of RE?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. How can an interdisciplinary ITE day support student teachers of RE? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

How can I foster collaboration between the RE and science departments in my school?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. How can I foster collaboration between the RE and science departments in my school? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

Nexus Teachers' Action Pack

Casson, A., Bowie, B., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A. and Woolley, M. 2022. Nexus Teachers' Action Pack.

What role can different disciplinary knowledges play in shaping RE?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. What role can different disciplinary knowledges play in shaping RE? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

How can I teach about truth in a complex world?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. How can I teach about truth in a complex world? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

Sharing the purpose of secondary RE in the school

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. Sharing the purpose of secondary RE in the school. National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

What is the purpose of RE on the school curriculum?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. What is the purpose of RE on the school curriculum? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

What are science/religion encounters and how can I prepare for them?

Bowie, B. and Woolley, M. 2023. What are science/religion encounters and how can I prepare for them? National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

Exploring faith in the nexus

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Exploring faith in the nexus .

Faith in the Nexus: pupil spiritual leadership In school

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: pupil spiritual leadership In school.

Faith in the Nexus and the domestic Church

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus and the domestic Church.

Faith in the Nexus: Let’s talk about death (School and Church)

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: Let’s talk about death (School and Church).

Let’s talk about death (Home)

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Let’s talk about death (Home).

Faith in the Nexus and Sacraments (Parish Catechists)

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus and Sacraments (Parish Catechists).

Exploring faith in the Nexus: resource to use with the parent's animation

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Exploring faith in the Nexus: resource to use with the parent's animation.

Faith in the Nexus: A sense of belonging

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: A sense of belonging.

Faith in the Nexus: spiritual wellbeing and the implications for spiritual leadership

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: spiritual wellbeing and the implications for spiritual leadership.

Faith in the Nexus: children's conversations about faith and spirituality (school and church)

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: children's conversations about faith and spirituality (school and church).

Faith in the Nexus: How are we providing reflection time and space

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: How are we providing reflection time and space.

Faith in the Nexus: children's encounters with the Bible

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Faith in the Nexus: children's encounters with the Bible.

Children’s conversations about faith and spirituality (family)

Casson, A., Hulbert, S., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M. and Bowie, R. A. 2021. Children’s conversations about faith and spirituality (family) .

Teachers' lived experience: voices of history teachers on the English National Curriculum

Woolley, M. 2022. Teachers' lived experience: voices of history teachers on the English National Curriculum. in: Wahlstrom, N. and Karset, B. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Education Elsevier.

Using video and multimodal classroom interaction analysis to investigate how information, misinformation, and disinformation influence pedagogy

Riordan, J., Revell, L., Bowie, B., Thomas, C., Woolley, M. and Hulbert, S. 2023. Using video and multimodal classroom interaction analysis to investigate how information, misinformation, and disinformation influence pedagogy. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy. 8 (1), pp. 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1163/23644583-bja10040

Science religion encounters, epistemic trespass, neighbourliness and overlapping domains: theorisation and quantitative evidence of extent

Bowie, R., Aantjes, R., Woolley, M., Hulbert, S., Thomas, C., Revell, L. and Riordan, J. 2023. Science religion encounters, epistemic trespass, neighbourliness and overlapping domains: theorisation and quantitative evidence of extent. Journal of Religious Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40839-023-00209-w

Prioritising a sense of belonging within the rural nexus: An empirical study of five rural church primary schools

Casson, A., Woolley, M., Hulbert, S. and Bowie, R. A. 2023. Prioritising a sense of belonging within the rural nexus: An empirical study of five rural church primary schools. Rural Theology. https://doi.org/10.1080/14704994.2023.2249659

Understanding and explaining pedagogical problem solving: a video-based grounded theory study of classroom pedagogy

Riordan, J., Revell, L., Bowie, B., Woolley, M., Hulbert, S. and Thomas, Caroline 2021. Understanding and explaining pedagogical problem solving: a video-based grounded theory study of classroom pedagogy. Research in Science & Technological Education. 41 (4), pp. 1309-1329. https://doi.org/10.1080/02635143.2021.2001450

Teachers' perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: independence or mutual enrichment?

Woolley, M., Bowie, R. A., Hulbert, S., Thomas, C., Riordan, J. and Revell, L. 2023. Teachers' perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: independence or mutual enrichment? Curriculum Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.233

Nexus researching church toddler groups

Casson, A., Pittaway, A., Woolley, M., Watts, T., Clemmey, K., Kemp, N. and Bowie, B. 2024. Nexus researching church toddler groups. Canterbury National Institute for Christian Education Research (NICER).

Multimodal classroom interaction analysis using video-based methods of the pedagogical tactic of (un)grouping

Riordan, J., Revell, L., Bowie, B., Hulbert, S., Woolley, M. and Thomas, C. 2024. Multimodal classroom interaction analysis using video-based methods of the pedagogical tactic of (un)grouping. Pedagogies: An International Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/1554480x.2024.2313978

Teachers’ use of questions and the science – religion encounter: Basil Bernstein and the impossibility of the unthinkable

Revell, L., Bowie, R. A., Woolley, M. and Riordan, J. 2024. Teachers’ use of questions and the science – religion encounter: Basil Bernstein and the impossibility of the unthinkable . Journal of Religious Education. 72, pp. 295-309.

Making sense of big questions that require multiple subjects: preliminary theorisation of an integrative philosophy of knowledge and empirical indications of a lack of subject connection within school curricula

Bowie, R. A., Aantjes, R., Woolley, M., Hulbert, S., Revell, L., Thomas, C. and Riordan, J. 2024. Making sense of big questions that require multiple subjects: preliminary theorisation of an integrative philosophy of knowledge and empirical indications of a lack of subject connection within school curricula. Journal of Religious Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40839-024-00237-0
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