Dr Patricia Driscoll

NameDr Patricia Driscoll
Job titleHonorary Research Fellow
Research instituteSchool of Humanities and Education Studies

Research outputs

Cultural threads in primary schools

Driscoll, P. and Holliday, A. 2020. Cultural threads in primary schools. ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics . (32).

Considering the complexities of teaching intercultural understanding in foreign languages

Driscoll, P. 2017. Considering the complexities of teaching intercultural understanding in foreign languages. in: Enever, J. and Lingren, E. (ed.) Early Language Learning Complexity and Mixed Methods United States Multilingual Matters. pp. 37-60

An introduction to foreign languages

Driscoll, P. 2015. An introduction to foreign languages. in: Driscoll, P., Lambirth, A. and Roden, J. (ed.) The Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach London SAGE.

Developing intercultural understanding in primary schools

Driscoll, P. and Simpson, H. 2015. Developing intercultural understanding in primary schools. in: Bland, J. (ed.) Teaching English to Young Learners: Critical Issues in Language Teaching with 3-12 Year Olds London Bloomsbury Academic.

The sustainable impact of a short comparative teaching placement abroad on primary school language teachers’ professional, linguistic and cultural skills

Driscoll, P., Rowe, J. and Thomae, M. 2014. The sustainable impact of a short comparative teaching placement abroad on primary school language teachers’ professional, linguistic and cultural skills. The Language Learning Journal. 42 (3), pp. 307-320. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2014.917332

Primary languages: the next phase

Driscoll, P. 2013. Primary languages: the next phase. in: Driscoll, P., Macaro, E. and Swarbrick, A. (ed.) Debates in Modern Languages Education London Routledge.

Making the case for primary languages

Driscoll, P. 2001. Making the case for primary languages.

The role of research in developing effective practice

Driscoll, P. 2002. The role of research in developing effective practice.

Achieving consistency through effective transition

Driscoll, P. 2004. Achieving consistency through effective transition.

The characteristics of effective practice: a report on the findings of the systematic review

Driscoll, P. 2004. The characteristics of effective practice: a report on the findings of the systematic review.

Primary languages in England: implications for initial and in-service teacher development

Driscoll, P. 2004. Primary languages in England: implications for initial and in-service teacher development.

Ensuring the professional development of primary languages teachers: the essential ingredient in best practice

Driscoll, P. 2005. Ensuring the professional development of primary languages teachers: the essential ingredient in best practice.

Findings from 'baseline' research: language learning at key stage 2: where to now?

Driscoll, P. 2005. Findings from 'baseline' research: language learning at key stage 2: where to now?

Hosting a student from overseas: the impact on the hosting teacher and children

Driscoll, P. and Dinvaut, A. 2006. Hosting a student from overseas: the impact on the hosting teacher and children.

Transition: the key to success

Driscoll, P. 2007. Transition: the key to success.

Language learning provision at key stage 2: implications for training teachers

Driscoll, P. and Sing, S. 2008. Language learning provision at key stage 2: implications for training teachers.

Does international engagement enhance intercultural understanding in primary schools? They may call it 'Wasser' but we know it's water really!

Driscoll, P. 2009. Does international engagement enhance intercultural understanding in primary schools? They may call it 'Wasser' but we know it's water really!

Primary languages pedagogy in the UK (2006-2009): a discussion on developments, implications and impact on pupils' attitude and motivation

Driscoll, P. and Sing, S. 2010. Primary languages pedagogy in the UK (2006-2009): a discussion on developments, implications and impact on pupils' attitude and motivation.

Building on firm foundations – what is happening in primary languages?

Driscoll, P. 2010. Building on firm foundations – what is happening in primary languages?

The sustained impact of an international experience during initial teacher education for primary language teachers

Driscoll, P., Rowe, J. and Thomae, M. 2011. The sustained impact of an international experience during initial teacher education for primary language teachers.

Languages in English primary schools: rationales and learning outcomes

Driscoll, P. 2011. Languages in English primary schools: rationales and learning outcomes.

Language learning and intercultural development in English primary schools

Driscoll, P. and Earl, J. 2011. Language learning and intercultural development in English primary schools.

Creativity through curriculum innovation: teachers' and children's perceptions of integrating language and music

Driscoll, P., Wheway, D. and Schulze, V. 2011. Creativity through curriculum innovation: teachers' and children's perceptions of integrating language and music.

Creative teaching and training: same issues, new solutions

Driscoll, P. 2011. Creative teaching and training: same issues, new solutions.

The sustained impact of a bilateral placement during initial teacher education on qualified primary language teachers' practice

Driscoll, P. and Rowe, J. 2011. The sustained impact of a bilateral placement during initial teacher education on qualified primary language teachers' practice.

Internationalising teacher education: the impact of teaching placement abroad on the emerging professional values of future primary school teachers from England, France, Germany and Spain

Driscoll, P. and Rowe, J. 2011. Internationalising teacher education: the impact of teaching placement abroad on the emerging professional values of future primary school teachers from England, France, Germany and Spain.

The sustained impact of an international experience during initial teacher education for primary language teachers

Driscoll, P. and Thomae, M. 2011. The sustained impact of an international experience during initial teacher education for primary language teachers.

Meanings that matter: an investigation of teachers' and children's perceptions of integrating language and music

Driscoll, P., Schulze, V. and Wheway, D. 2012. Meanings that matter: an investigation of teachers' and children's perceptions of integrating language and music.

Schools at the crossroads: innovating in a climate of uncertainty

Young, V., Driscoll, P. and Pagden, A. 2012. Schools at the crossroads: innovating in a climate of uncertainty.

Early professional development and languages teaching in primary schools

Driscoll, P. and Griffiths, V. 2012. Early professional development and languages teaching in primary schools.

What works and why: a case study investigation of participants' perceptions of the impact of a parenting intervention on parents and their children

Driscoll, P., Tupling, C., Summerson, M. and Thomae, M. 2012. What works and why: a case study investigation of participants' perceptions of the impact of a parenting intervention on parents and their children.

The European Music Portfolio development - the EMP-L: integrated music pedagogies as a framework for learning

Driscoll, P. and Marjanen, K. 2013. The European Music Portfolio development - the EMP-L: integrated music pedagogies as a framework for learning.

Enhancing schools through teacher development

Young, V., Pagden, A. and Driscoll, P. 2013. Enhancing schools through teacher development.

Modern foreign languages in English primary schools: an investigation of two contrasting approaches

Driscoll, P. 2000. Modern foreign languages in English primary schools: an investigation of two contrasting approaches. PhD Thesis University of Kent Education

Languages learning at Key Stage 2: a longitudinal study

Cable, C., Driscoll, P., Mitchell, R., Sing, S., Cremin, T., Earl, J., Eyres, I., Holmes, B., Martin, C. and Heins, B. 2010. Languages learning at Key Stage 2: a longitudinal study. Department for Children, Schools and Families. https://doi.org/DCSF-RR198

The role and nature of the cultural dimension in primary modern languages

Driscoll, P., Earl, J. and Cable, C. 2013. The role and nature of the cultural dimension in primary modern languages. Language, Culture and Curriculum. 26 (2), pp. 146-160. https://doi.org/10.1080/07908318.2013.799675

Broadening the lens: an investigation of student teachers' changing perceptions of pedagogy following a teaching placement in a primary school in mainland Europe

Driscoll, P. and Rowe, J. 2012. Broadening the lens: an investigation of student teachers' changing perceptions of pedagogy following a teaching placement in a primary school in mainland Europe. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. 40 (4), pp. 417-431. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2012.691375

Language learning at Key Stage 2: findings from a longitudinal study

Cable, C., Driscoll, P., Mitchell, R., Sing, S., Cremin, T., Earl, J., Eyres, I., Holmes, B., Martin, C. and Heins, B. 2012. Language learning at Key Stage 2: findings from a longitudinal study. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. 40 (4), pp. 363-378. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2012.691371

An introduction to primary languages

Driscoll, P. 2011. An introduction to primary languages. in: Driscoll, P., Lambirth, A. and Roden, J. (ed.) The Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach SAGE. pp. 211-234

Language learning at key stage 2: a longitudinal study

Cable, C., Driscoll, P., Mitchell, R., Sing, S., Cremin, T., Earl, J., Holmes, B., Martin, C. and Heins, B. 2010. Language learning at key stage 2: a longitudinal study. London Department for Children, Schools and Families.

Languages, diversity and communities: language learning policies and primary practice in England

Griffiths, V. and Driscoll, P. 2010. Languages, diversity and communities: language learning policies and primary practice in England. in: Govaris, C. and Kaldi, S. (ed.) The educational challenge of cultural diversity in the international context Berlin Waxmann. pp. 37-56

Language learning at key stage 2: a longitudinal study - interim findings from the first year

Cable, C., Heins, B., Driscoll, P., Mitchell, R., Hall, K., Batstone, C., Eyres, I., Jones, H., Rossade, K., Sing, S., Shi, L., Carlson, A., Earl, J., Knowles, C. and Holmes, B. 2008. Language learning at key stage 2: a longitudinal study - interim findings from the first year. London Department for Children, Schools and Families. https://doi.org/DCSF-RBX-08-08

The interim report (1) of the longitudinal study: language learning at key stage 2

Cable, C., Driscoll, P. and Mitchell, R. 2007. The interim report (1) of the longitudinal study: language learning at key stage 2. London Department for Children, Schools and Families.

The provision of foreign language learning for pupils at key stage 2

Driscoll, P., Jones, J. and Macrory, G. 2004. The provision of foreign language learning for pupils at key stage 2. Department for Education and Skills. https://doi.org/RR572

A systematic review of the characteristics of effective foreign language teaching to pupils between the ages 7 and 11

Driscoll, P., Jones, J., Martin, C., Graham-Matheson, L., Dismore, H. and Sykes, R. 2004. A systematic review of the characteristics of effective foreign language teaching to pupils between the ages 7 and 11. London EPPI-Centre, Institute of Education.

Les langues vivantes dans l’enseignement primaire au Royaume-Uni

Driscoll, P. 2003. Les langues vivantes dans l’enseignement primaire au Royaume-Uni. in: Nikolov, M. and Curtain, H. (ed.) Un Apprentissage Précoce: les Jeunes Apprenants et les Langues Vivantes en Europe et Ailleurs Strasbourg Editions du Conseil de l’Europe. pp. 185-199

Ventures into uncharted territory

Driscoll, P. 2001. Ventures into uncharted territory. Times Educational Supplement.

Reconstructing primary modern foreign languages: an inclusive process towards the development of competence

Driscoll, P. 2000. Reconstructing primary modern foreign languages: an inclusive process towards the development of competence. Early Language Learning Bulletin.

Primary classroom teacher or specialist?

Driscoll, P. 2000. Primary classroom teacher or specialist? Times Educational Supplement.

At what age should modern languages learning begin?

Sharpe, K. and Driscoll, P. 2000. At what age should modern languages learning begin? in: Field, K. (ed.) Issues in Modern Foreign Languages Teaching London Routledge. pp. 72-86

Teacher expertise in the primary foreign languages classroom

Driscoll, P. 1999. Teacher expertise in the primary foreign languages classroom. in: Driscoll, P. and Frost, D. (ed.) The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary School London Routledge. pp. 27-48

Modern foreign languages in the primary school: a fresh start

Driscoll, P. 1999. Modern foreign languages in the primary school: a fresh start. in: Driscoll, P. and Frost, D. (ed.) The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary School London Routledge. pp. 9-26
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