Centre for Language and Linguistics

Latest research outputs

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Investigating multimodality, reception and civic participation on YouTube. A case study of the documentary “Greece: The Hidden War”
Castaldi, J. and Foundouka, I. 2025. Investigating multimodality, reception and civic participation on YouTube. A case study of the documentary “Greece: The Hidden War”. Visual Communication. 24 (3).

Journal article

Multimodality, ideology, and manipulation: BBC Travel documentaries and the Illusion of empire
Castaldi, J. 2025. Multimodality, ideology, and manipulation: BBC Travel documentaries and the Illusion of empire. New York Routledge.


From ‘no space’ to ‘scholarly space’: A reflection on the place of scholarship in the third space
Bishopp-Martin, S. and Johnson, I. 2025. From ‘no space’ to ‘scholarly space’: A reflection on the place of scholarship in the third space. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. (33). https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1189

Journal article

Refining concepts for empirical multimodal research: defining semiotic modes and semiotic resources
Castaldi, J. 2024. Refining concepts for empirical multimodal research: defining semiotic modes and semiotic resources. Frontiers in Communication. 9, p. 1336325. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2024.1336325

Journal article

Book review: Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel, <i>Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach</i>
Castaldi, J. 2023. Book review: Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel, <i>Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach</i>. Media, War & Conflict. 17 (1), pp. 139-141. https://doi.org/10.1177/17506352231212406

Journal article

Learning developers as scholars: Raising our voice
Bishopp-Martin, S. and Johnson, I. 2024. Learning developers as scholars: Raising our voice. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. (32). https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi32.1417

Journal article

Research and scholarship in learning development
Bishopp-Martin, S. and Johnson, I. 2024. Research and scholarship in learning development. in: Syska, A. and Buckley, C. (ed.) How to Be a Learning Developer in Higher Education: Critical Perspectiives, Community and Practice London Routledge. pp. 155-163

Book chapter

Pedagogies of English as a second foreign language in Algerian middle schools: a sociocultural perspective
Snoussi, S. 2024. Pedagogies of English as a second foreign language in Algerian middle schools: a sociocultural perspective. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Centre for Linguistics and Language

PhD Thesis

Cognition, relevance and ideology formation through travel documentaries: A longitudinal approach to audiences
Castaldi, J. 2024. Cognition, relevance and ideology formation through travel documentaries: A longitudinal approach to audiences. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. 69 (1), pp. 113-137. https://doi.org/10.2478/slgr-2024-0010

Journal article

Surveying the EFL learning beliefs of engineering students in China’s higher education: Implications for curriculum development
Wang, Y. 2024. Surveying the EFL learning beliefs of engineering students in China’s higher education: Implications for curriculum development.


Appendices for 'Multimodality, Ideology and Manipulation: BBC Travel Documentaries and the Illusion of Empire'
Castaldi, J. 2024. Appendices for 'Multimodality, Ideology and Manipulation: BBC Travel Documentaries and the Illusion of Empire'.


Approaching manipulation in current​ discourses: A growing interdisciplinary research​ endeavour
Castaldi, J. and Konieczna, E. 2024. Approaching manipulation in current​ discourses: A growing interdisciplinary research​ endeavour.

Conference paper

Between positivism and relativism: A critical realist approach to the analysis of multimodal texts
Castaldi, J. 2024. Between positivism and relativism: A critical realist approach to the analysis of multimodal texts.

Conference paper

The representation of the Ukrainian displaced people diaspora on British television: A multimodal critical discourse analysis
Castaldi, J. 2024. The representation of the Ukrainian displaced people diaspora on British television: A multimodal critical discourse analysis.

Conference paper

From migration to intercultural tourism: A journey of adaptation and appreciation
Mahmud, C. R 2024. From migration to intercultural tourism: A journey of adaptation and appreciation.


Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity
Mahmud, C. R. 2024. Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity.

Conference paper

Objects are not just a thing - (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK
Mahmud, C. R 2024. Objects are not just a thing - (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK.


Technology and language learning: A multimodal perspective
Castaldi, J. 2024. Technology and language learning: A multimodal perspective.

Conference keynote

What does the other look like? A critical multimodal analysis of the representation of otherness in British television programmes about Ukrainian Displaced People
Castaldi, J. 2024. What does the other look like? A critical multimodal analysis of the representation of otherness in British television programmes about Ukrainian Displaced People.

Conference paper

Keeping the myth of the British Empire alive: Combining a multimodal analysis of two BBC travel documentaries with audience research
Castaldi, J. 2024. Keeping the myth of the British Empire alive: Combining a multimodal analysis of two BBC travel documentaries with audience research. in: Zantides, E. and Andreou, S. (ed.) Semiotics and Visual Communication IV: Myths of Today Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 331-353

Book chapter

Integrating Relevance Theory and Critical Realism for the analysis of manipulation
Castaldi, J. 2024. Integrating Relevance Theory and Critical Realism for the analysis of manipulation.

Conference paper

Objects are not just a thing – (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK
Mahmud, C. 2024. Objects are not just a thing – (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK. Applied Linguistics Review. https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2024-0055

Journal article

‘Where are you from?’ and ‘foreigners’
Kebabi, Amina 2024. ‘Where are you from?’ and ‘foreigners’. Journal of Language and Discrimination. 8 (1), pp. 100-120. https://doi.org/10.1558/jld.25340

Journal article

Podcast episode: The collaborative writing group: creating a writing community
Bishopp-Martin, S. 2023. Podcast episode: The collaborative writing group: creating a writing community.

Digital or visual media

The representation of Muslims in Donald J. Trump's 2015-16 presidential campaign: A discourse-historical analysis
Boucherak, C. 2023. The representation of Muslims in Donald J. Trump's 2015-16 presidential campaign: A discourse-historical analysis. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Centre for Language and Lingusitics

PhD Thesis

Home or Away: (re)negotiating identity through living in the ‘in-between’ – a qualitative investigation of the Kurdish diaspora in the United Kingdom
Mahmud, C. 2023. Home or Away: (re)negotiating identity through living in the ‘in-between’ – a qualitative investigation of the Kurdish diaspora in the United Kingdom. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Centre for Language and Lingusitics

PhD Thesis

Challenging perceptions about critical thinking: researching the nature and development of criticality through the eyes of Algerian doctoral students in the UK
Zidouni, T. 2023. Challenging perceptions about critical thinking: researching the nature and development of criticality through the eyes of Algerian doctoral students in the UK. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Centre for Language and Lingusitics

PhD Thesis

Peace and violence in the framing of the 2019 Algerian Hirak by Al-Jazeera English, the BBC and France 24: a critical discourse analysis
Bahri, I. 2023. Peace and violence in the framing of the 2019 Algerian Hirak by Al-Jazeera English, the BBC and France 24: a critical discourse analysis. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Centre for Language and Linguistics

PhD Thesis

Criticality as a form of fluid habitus: exploring the lived experiences of international PhD students studying in the UK
Lehef, Z. 2023. Criticality as a form of fluid habitus: exploring the lived experiences of international PhD students studying in the UK. PhD Thesis Centre for Language and Lingusitics

PhD Thesis

Gender and immigrants’ representation in UK newspapers in times of ‘crises’
Kebabi, A. and Polyzou, A. 2023. Gender and immigrants’ representation in UK newspapers in times of ‘crises’.

Conference paper

Conceptual foundations in learning development
Johnson, I. and Bishopp-Martin, S. 2023. Conceptual foundations in learning development. in: Syska, A. and Buckley, C. (ed.) How to be a Learning Developer in Higher Education Abingdon Routledge, Taylor and Francis. pp. 15-24

Book chapter

Tales of a three-year journey to integrating academic and information literacy skills in an education course
Bishopp-Martin, S. 2023. Tales of a three-year journey to integrating academic and information literacy skills in an education course. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. (29). https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1124

Journal article

Mentoring in learning development
Bishopp-Martin, S., Canton, U., McKay, J., Psaros, C., Syska, A. and Thomas, S. 2023. Mentoring in learning development. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. (29). https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1132

Journal article

Developing through mentoring or being mentored: ALDinHE’s new mentoring scheme and certified mentor recognition
Bishopp-Martin, S., Canton, U., McKay, J., Psaros, C., Syska, A. and Thomas, S. 2023. Developing through mentoring or being mentored: ALDinHE’s new mentoring scheme and certified mentor recognition. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. (29). https://doi.org/10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1123.

Journal article

Review of Serafis (2023): Authoritarianism on the Front Page: Multimodal Discourse and Argumentation in Times of Multiple Crises in Greece
Castaldi, J. 2023. Review of Serafis (2023): Authoritarianism on the Front Page: Multimodal Discourse and Argumentation in Times of Multiple Crises in Greece. Journal of Language and Politics. 23 (1), pp. 138-141. https://doi.org/10.1075/jlp.23122.cas

Journal article

Discussing the Greek civil war in digital agoras. An interdisciplinary approach to multimodal historical documentation.
Castaldi, J. and Foundouka, I. C. 2023. Discussing the Greek civil war in digital agoras. An interdisciplinary approach to multimodal historical documentation.

Conference paper

An analysis of online reviews regarding eigo mura(English villages) using text data mining techniques
Tsurii, C. 2023. An analysis of online reviews regarding eigo mura(English villages) using text data mining techniques. Journal of Humanities Research. 18, pp. 20-50.

Journal article

To be or not to be – ‘insider/outsider positionality’: Methodological challenges in researching a group of Iraqi Kurdish migrants in the UK
Mahmud, C. 2023. To be or not to be – ‘insider/outsider positionality’: Methodological challenges in researching a group of Iraqi Kurdish migrants in the UK.

Conference paper

Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity
Mahmud, C. R 2023. Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity. in: Kean, L. G., Shearman, S. M., Tucker-McLaughlin, M. and Witalisz, W. (ed.) Freedom of Expression Across Border: Communication, Culture and Language Chapel Hill, North Carolina The University of North Carolina Press. pp. 98-126

Book chapter

Working together: reflections on a non-hierarchical approach to collaborative writing
Karen Welton, Kiu Sum, Victoria Rafferty, Jane Nodder, Ralitsa Kantcheva, Ian Johnson, Paul Chin, Silvina Bishopp-Martin and Ed Bickle 2023. Working together: reflections on a non-hierarchical approach to collaborative writing. in: Abegglen, S., Burns, T. and Sinfield, S. (ed.) Collaboration in Higher Education London Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 216-220

Book chapter

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