Issues and potential options for meeting the requirements of the United Kingdom Central Council for nursing, midwifery and health visiting outcomes for post registration education and practice

Application of wavelets to the pre-processing of underwater sounds

Faith, theology and representation

Britishness is simply not British

Managing the curriculum for the new millenium

Assessing language needs within an institutional context: An ethnographic approach

Sensing and control

Teaching as a profession of values

Dimensions of holiday experience and their implications for health: a study of British tourists in Malta

From an artist in Egypt

Thomas Pierson and the transmission of the moderate Puritan tradition

Private worlds and public places: mapping the environmental values of wheelchair users

Refusing to pay the price: British foreign-policy and the pursuit of victory in Vietnam, 1952-54

Olfactory responses by the scale insect predator Chilocorus-nigritus (F) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)

Concepts of equity, fairness and justice in geographical studies

Learning modes: an investigation of perceptions in five Kent classrooms

The sensation seeking scale: its use in a study of the characteristics of people choosing adventure holidays

Psychology, disability and equal opportunity

The distribution of an alien duckweed, Lemna minuta, within the British Isles: identification, dispersal and niche constraints

The effect of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on 1500-m racing time

Mentoring student teachers: the growth of professional knowledge

Mapping the environment of wheelchair users

Disabling countryside: an investigation of wheelchair users' experiences of informal recreation

The Sleeping Beauty complex: maps as texts in the construction of national identity

Making posters

Helping non-native speaker teacher trainers with questions for leading discussions

Breaking down barriers

The use of lesson transcripts in teacher development

The impact of marshland drainage on Rye Harbour, 1550-1650

The Palestinian cultural context of earliest Christian community of goods

Community of goods in the early Jerusalem church

Representation, theology and faith

Motivation as a precondition and bridge between unmotivated client and overmotivated therapist

Unused opportunity for behaviour therapy in education

The effect of creatine supplementation on endurance performance

King Alfred the Great

The Hidden God in Isaiah 45:15 - a reflection from Holocaust theology

Springrise for Soprano

Dalwyn Henshall's Dover Beach

Borobudur for large orchestra

Borobudur for large orchestra

Clarinet Quintet

Rankings that don't add up

Church colleges in the further education sector: the erosion of trust

A comparison of the effects of two types of orienteering kit (lycra or loose fitting) upon selected physiological parameters during sustained running.

Information technology: a layman's guide to IT

Simon of Atherfield (d. 1211): a martyr to his wife

Master Alexander of Stainsby, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1224-1238

The school brochure: a marketing tool?

National curriculum assessment in the early years

Karl Popper as educator

Government education policy and catholic voluntary-aided schools 1979-1994

Church FE colleges: the erosion of trust

Miracles take a little longer: project 2000 and the health-promoting nurse

Nursing in Saudi Arabia

Learning to teach in secondary schools: a companion to school experience

Success with primary technology: mechanisms

Success with primary technology: sensing and control

Success with primary technology: learning through technology

Mentoring handbook for English language teachers in Hungary

Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth female sex workers outreach project report

Europe against AIDS summer campaign 1995 schools resource pack

The ebbing tide: policy and principles of catholic education

Sexual behaviour abroad: a study of genito-urinary clinic attenders

An overview of the research methodologies available to the occupational therapist and an outline of the research process

Travel, sexual behaviour and gay men

Teach yourself Judaism

Anglican identity and ecumenism

Travel health promotion: advances and alliances

Health, sex and drugs education - rhetoric and reality

Current topics in radiography 1

The efficacy of a nursing challenge to patients: testing a new intervention to decrease self-harm behaviour in severe personality disorder

Treatment models for couples therapy: a review of the outcome literature and the Dodo's verdict

Issues in early childhood education

Integrating systematic enquiry into everyday professional practice: towards some principles of procedure

Integrating enquiry into teachers' professional lives

Schemes of work and lesson planning

Managing classroom behaviour

Learning through technology

Appropriate methodology: The content of teacher development activities

Principles for evaluating teacher development activities

Business and management studies in higher education: the challenge of academic legitimacy

Quality management: a question of culture

Client-based management education: values and quality

Handing over the project: an exercise in restraint

Choosing your coursebook

World watch 3: a world of change: teacher's guide

World watch 3: a world of change

Business ethics: too little, too late

Youth: positions and oppositions

Developing critical communities of practice

Regional capitals and their labour markets

The use of concepts of equity, fairness and justice in Canadian parliamentary debates on transport policy

Ways people learn

Developing effective school libraries to support teaching and learning

Reflective action planning: a model for continuing professional development

Careers education and guidance

Learning properly? Four year olds in school

Early childhood development: education/health interface

Skills for design and technology

A Catholic policy on teachers?

Teaching and employment conditions in Catholic schools

Chomsky and the state

Buying time: fiscal policy at Rye, 1600-1640

Closing ranks: oligarchy and government at Rye, 1570-1640

Assessing the process of 'important' learning

Developing further as a teacher

Getting your first post

An introduction to pupils' special educational needs

Motivating pupils

Communicating with pupils

Project as process: the need for an inbuilt allowance for dialogue and direction shift: Implications for project planners and evaluators

Managing your time and preventing stess

A post-communicative era? Method vs social context

Changing practice in radiography

Are radiologists really necessary?

On solving a sin 0 + b cos 0 = c

Estimating missing observations in ANOVA

The election of Pandulph Verracclo as Bishop of Norwich (1215)

Children's attitudes to developing countries

An inspector calls: an analysis of inspection procedures in French primary education

The university as a place of learning: perspectives on the quality debate

Number: key stage two, Scottish levels C-E

Number: key stage one, Scottish levels A-B

Discovery learning and writing development

Trotter's guide to happy hiring

An approach to the revised advanced business GNVQ - a shift towards real business contexts

The primacy of pedagogy in the early teaching of modern languages

Manipulation of vegetation communities on the Abu Dhabi rangelands. II. The effects of topsoiling and irrigation

Manipulation of vegetation communities on the Abu Dhabi rangelands. I. The effects of irrigation and release from longterm grazing

National Evaluation of English Assessment at Key Stage One

The context of the ESACS project code of practice

The passionate intellect: essays on the transformation of classical traditions

World watch 2: a world of movement. Teacher's guide

Word for Windows for the caring professions: a beginner's workbook

Information Technology for the caring professions: a user's handbook

Therapy specialisms and complementary medicine

Beware the statistical stereotype of suicide

The environment of primary health care

The context of social policy

Messianic elements in the Chronicler's work

Subject knowledge and subject application in an initial teacher education partnership

Making sense of the spiritual and moral

Aspects of embroidery in Nigeria


Social work education and training: itinerant travels with 'ERAMSUS'

How to be brilliant at shape and space

How to be brilliant at numbers

Managing IT: a planning tool for senior managers

Mentoring in teacher education

Primary school teachers as mentors of subject knowledge

Child centred or subject centred?: A resolution

Teachers as subject mentors in primary schools

Managing tourism in a small historic town

The reluctant profession: homoeopathy and the search for legitimacy

The significance of subject choice in explaining the First Class Degree divide between male and female graduates

Mastering business law

Egg-laying and associated behavioural responses of Lymnaea peregra (Muller) and Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) to calcium in their environment

A reply to Elmer Thiessen and Arthur Jones

Education is the point of RE, not religion: theological perspectives on the SCAA model syllabuses

Die Spiritualität der Weltreligionen: Perspektiven für Bildung und Erziehung

Religious Education

Clinical reporting in radiography: invited presentation

Assessments and examinations in physical education

The physical education curriculum

Modelling organisational factors of human reliability in complex man-machine systems

Greenwich and Bexley Council on alcohol: young peoples' HIV/Alcohol Project evaluation report

Meeting the contraceptive needs of young people in Greenwich

Maps and landscapes of power: representing the environmental values of people with physical disabilities

Teaching contracts in Catholic schools

Phenotypic recurrent selection for earliness in a random mated population of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Two cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection for earliness in a random mated population of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Association of agronomic and economic characters of cotton