Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences
Type | Faculty |
University | Canterbury Christ Church University |
Dean | Professor Mohamed Abdel-Maguid |
Programme Director | Professor Dikaia Chatziefstathiou |
Dr Pamela Lithgow |
Latest research outputs
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Sociocultural & leadership transmission in the Somali diaspora: Community values, cohesion, family unity & patriarchal leadership
Abdi, F. 2023. Sociocultural & leadership transmission in the Somali diaspora: Community values, cohesion, family unity & patriarchal leadership. The Journal of Social Encounters. 7 (2), pp. 86-98.Journal article
A review of privacy-preserving federated learning, deep learning, and machine learning IIoT and IoTs solutions
Obarafor, Victor, Qi, Man and Zhang, L. 2023. A review of privacy-preserving federated learning, deep learning, and machine learning IIoT and IoTs solutions. in: 2023 8th IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP) Wuxi, China IEEE. pp. 1074-1078Book chapter
Pre-processing of social media remarks for forensics
Gao, Xuhao and Qi, Man 2023. Pre-processing of social media remarks for forensics. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/icnc-fskd59587.2023.10280980Conference or workshop item
Alignment-based conformance checking of hierarchical process models
Wang, L, Han, X., Qi, M., Wang, K. and Lu, P. 2023. Alignment-based conformance checking of hierarchical process models. Computing and Informatics. 43 (1), pp. 149-180. https://doi.org/10.31577/cai_2024_1_149Journal article
Gender inequalities in Korean family business: contradictions between show and tell
Kim, A. and Ng, P. 2023. Gender inequalities in Korean family business: contradictions between show and tell. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 14 (4), pp. 388-417.Journal article
A warrant for violence? An analysis of Donald Trump's speech before the US Capitol attack
Ntontis, E., Jurstakova, K., Neville, F. and Reicher, S. 2023. A warrant for violence? An analysis of Donald Trump's speech before the US Capitol attack. British Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12679Journal article
Ultra-high resolution X-ray structure of orthorhombic bovine pancreatic Ribonuclease A at 100K
Lisgarten, D., Palmer. R.A., Cooper. J.B., Naylor. C.E., Talbert. R.C., Howlin. B.J., Lisgarten J.N., Konc. J., Najmudin. S. and Lobley. C.M.C. 2023. Ultra-high resolution X-ray structure of orthorhombic bovine pancreatic Ribonuclease A at 100K. BMC Chemistry. 17 (91), pp. 2-30. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13065-023-00959-6Journal article
Strategic orientation, strategic renewal, and the international performance of born global firms
Uddin, M., Ahmed,F.U., Babu, M.M., Rahman, M.D. and Dey, B. L. 2023. Strategic orientation, strategic renewal, and the international performance of born global firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-023-09903-7Journal article
The implementation of a home-based isometric wall squat intervention using ratings of perceived exertion to select and control exercise intensity: a pilot study in normotensive and pre-hypertensive adults.
Lea, John W. D., O'Driscoll, Jamie M. and Wiles, J. 2023. The implementation of a home-based isometric wall squat intervention using ratings of perceived exertion to select and control exercise intensity: a pilot study in normotensive and pre-hypertensive adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-023-05269-2Journal article
A risk model for assessing exposure factors influence oil price fluctuations
Jaddoa, A., Alshabandar, R. and Hussain, A. 2023. A risk model for assessing exposure factors influence oil price fluctuations. in: Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications 19th International Conference, ICIC 2023, Zhengzhou, China, August 10–13, 2023, Proceedings, Part V Singapore Springer.Book chapter
Goal events in football: an investigation into how football performance is impacted in a given time-period preceding a goal event
Morris, N. 2023. Goal events in football: an investigation into how football performance is impacted in a given time-period preceding a goal event . Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Psychology and Life SciencesMasters Thesis
Evaluating outcome quality in digital workplace learning: The knowledge types perspective
Okonkwo, O. 2023. Evaluating outcome quality in digital workplace learning: The knowledge types perspective.Conference paper
Placebo effects in sport and exercise
Hurst, P. and Beedie, C. (ed.) 2023. Placebo effects in sport and exercise. Routledge, Taylor and Francis.Book
Exploring why people decline cancer treatment: perspectives from patients and psychologists
Harris, C. 2023. Exploring why people decline cancer treatment: perspectives from patients and psychologists. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salmons Institute of Applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
Exploring the impact of the education led professionalisation agenda in policing: professional identity and engagement with continuing professional development (CPD)
Heath, P. 2023. Exploring the impact of the education led professionalisation agenda in policing: professional identity and engagement with continuing professional development (CPD).Conference paper
Adolescent wellbeing and social media use
Campbell, E. 2023. Adolescent wellbeing and social media use. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
Direct and indirect influence of national culture on foreign direct investment
Izadi, Selma, Rashid, Mamunur and Izadi, Parviz 2023. Direct and indirect influence of national culture on foreign direct investment. Research in International Business and Finance. 66, p. 102037. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2023.102037Journal article
An exploration of experiences of self-compassion in autistic women
Da Silva, N. 2023. An exploration of experiences of self-compassion in autistic women. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
Impresarios of identity: How the leaders of Czechoslovakia's ‘Candlelight Demonstration’ enabled effective collective action in a context of repression
Jurstakova, K., Ntontis, E. and Reicher, S. 2023. Impresarios of identity: How the leaders of Czechoslovakia's ‘Candlelight Demonstration’ enabled effective collective action in a context of repression. British Journal of Social Psychology. 63 (1), pp. 153-169. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12671Journal article
Exploring the relationships between self-criticism and perfectionism with diabetes-related distress and management in a type 1 diabetes population
Hinds, M. 2023. Exploring the relationships between self-criticism and perfectionism with diabetes-related distress and management in a type 1 diabetes population. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
The Implementation in CONtext (ICON) framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes, and features in healthcare
Squires, J.E., Graham, I.D., Santos, W.J., Hutchinson, A.M., Backman, C., Bergström, A., Brehaut, J., Brouwers, M., Burton, C., Candido, L.K., Cassidy, C., Chalmers, C., Chapman, A., Colquhoun, H., Curran, J., Demery Varin, M., Doering, P., Elliott Rose, A., Fairclough, L., Francis, J., Godfrey, C., Greenough, M., Grimshaw, J.M., Grinspun, D., Harvey, G., Hillmer, M., Ivers, N., Lavis, J., Li, S., Michie, S., Miller, W., Noseworthy, T., Rader, T., Robson, M., Rycroft-Malone, J., Stacey, D., Straus, S., Tricco, A.C., Wallin, L. and Watkins, V. 2023. The Implementation in CONtext (ICON) framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes, and features in healthcare. Health Research Policy and Systems. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-023-01028-zJournal article
Routine first-trimester pre-eclampsia screening and maternal left ventricular geometry.
Ridder, A., O'Driscoll, J, Khalil, A. and Thilaganathan, B. 2023. Routine first-trimester pre-eclampsia screening and maternal left ventricular geometry. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/uog.26306Journal article
Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Edwards, J., Deenmamode, A.H.P., Griffiths, M., Arnold, O., Cooper, N.J., Wiles, J. and O'Driscoll, J. 2023. Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2022-106503Journal article
Virtual reality (VR) in education: unveiling the impact on student motivation and experience
Bideci, M. 2023. Virtual reality (VR) in education: unveiling the impact on student motivation and experience.Conference paper

Feminism, women and sport for development programs towards female participation in sport culture in rural areas in Malaysia
Ismail, A. 2023. Feminism, women and sport for development programs towards female participation in sport culture in rural areas in Malaysia.Conference paper
A three-dimensional level set method for droplet sorting using a non-uniform electric field
Naz, N. and Sui, Y. 2023. A three-dimensional level set method for droplet sorting using a non-uniform electric field. Physics of Fluids. 35 (8). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0160683Journal article
Field efficacy of aqueous extracts of Artemisia annua, Commelina benghalensis and Euphorbia hirta on rice growth, yield and brown spot disease incidence
Djeugap, J.F., Mbatkam, B., Sonkoue, A.M., Dida, S.L., Galani Y.J.H, Mbi, C., Lapa, M. and Anchang, K.Y. 2023. Field efficacy of aqueous extracts of Artemisia annua, Commelina benghalensis and Euphorbia hirta on rice growth, yield and brown spot disease incidence. Agriculture and Natural Resources. 57 (3), p. 417–426. https://doi.org/10.34044/j.anres.2023.57.3.06Journal article
Experimental investigation of engine valve train friction considering effects of operating conditions and WPC surface treatment
Muhammad Usman Bhutta, Muhammad Huzaifa Najeeb, Muhammad Usman Abdullah, Samiur Rahman Shah, Muhammad Khurram, Riaz Ahmad Mufti, Kiyotaka Ogawa, Jawad Aslam, Rehan Zahid, Mian Ashfaq Ali and Muazzam Arshad 2023. Experimental investigation of engine valve train friction considering effects of operating conditions and WPC surface treatment. Materials. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16093431Journal article
Corrosion mechanisms of 304L NAG in boiling 9M HNO3 containing Cr (VI) ions
Shagufta Khan, Adil Saeed, Mian Hammad Nazir, Muhammad Usman Abdullah and Zulfiqar Ahmad Khan 2023. Corrosion mechanisms of 304L NAG in boiling 9M HNO3 containing Cr (VI) ions. Sustainability. 15 (2), p. 916. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15020916Journal article
Federalism in the Covid 19 period and beyond
Babalola, D. 2023. Federalism in the Covid 19 period and beyond. Cuadernos Manuel Giménez Abad. 9, pp. 148-164. https://doi.org/10.47919/FMGA.CM23.0117Journal article
How inclusive is VR to support EDI engineering curriculum learning?
Harrison, J., Forester, F., Ward, G., Tubby, M., Lithgow, P. and Nortcliffe, A. 2023. How inclusive is VR to support EDI engineering curriculum learning?Conference paper
Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy
Sarajchi, M. and Sirlantzis, K. 2023. Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Sensors. 23 (13), p. 6103. https://doi.org/1424-8220/23/13/6103Journal article
Neighbourhood policing in the Metropolitan Police Service – 8 April 2022
Bryant, R., Blackburn, B., Arditti, R. and Lewis, H. 2023. Neighbourhood policing in the Metropolitan Police Service – 8 April 2022. Canterbury Centre for Policing Research.Project report
Generational tensions in higher education
Bristow, J. 2023. Generational tensions in higher education.Conference keynote
Shame and taboo in obsessive-compulsive disorder: implications for the cognitive-behavioural therapies
Lewis, B. 2023. Shame and taboo in obsessive-compulsive disorder: implications for the cognitive-behavioural therapies. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
Queer women and minority stress
Withers, F. 2023. Queer women and minority stress. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied PsychologyDClinPsych Thesis
Responding to mental health incidents - Is policing about to abandon its social responsibility?
Lydon, D. 2023. Responding to mental health incidents - Is policing about to abandon its social responsibility?Digital or visual media
This is not a drill: scoping police and partnership preparedness for the consequences of climate change
Lydon, D., Hallenberg, K. and Kapageorgiadou, V. 2023. This is not a drill: scoping police and partnership preparedness for the consequences of climate change.Conference paper
The National Teaching Repository − Sharing effective interventions: Learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do
Turner, S., Beckingham, S, Bullingham, L, Hartley, P, Cuthbert, K, Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, D, Tasler, N, Stinson, L and Withnell, N 2023. The National Teaching Repository − Sharing effective interventions: Learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do. Educational Developments. 24 (2), pp. 5-7.Journal article
Assistive telehealth systems for neurorehabilitation
Azhar, H. 2023. Assistive telehealth systems for neurorehabilitation.Lecture
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