Transformers only look once with nonlinear combination for real-time object detection
Journal article
Xia, R., Li, G., Huang, Z., Pang, Y. and Qi, M. 2022. Transformers only look once with nonlinear combination for real-time object detection. Neural Computing and Applications.
Authors | Xia, R., Li, G., Huang, Z., Pang, Y. and Qi, M. |
Abstract | In this article, a novel real-time object detector called Transformers Only Look Once (TOLO) is proposed to resolve two problems. The first problem is the inefficiency of building long-distance dependencies among local features for amounts of modern real-time object detectors. The second one is the lack of inductive biases for vision Transformer networks with heavily computational cost. TOLO is composed of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) backbone, Feature Fusion Neck (FFN), and different Lite Transformer Heads (LTHs), which are used to transfer the inductive biases, supply the extracted features with high-resolution and high-semantic properties, and efficiently mine multiple long-distance dependencies with less memory overhead for detection, respectively. Moreover, to find the massive potential correct boxes during prediction, we propose a simple and efficient nonlinear combination method between the object confidence and the classification score. Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012, and the MS COCO 2017 datasets demonstrate that TOLO significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods with a small input size. Besides, the proposed nonlinear combination method can further elevate the detection performance of TOLO by boosting the results of potential correct predicted boxes without increasing the training process and model parameters. |
Keywords | Real-time object detector; TOLO; Vision Transformer networks; Non-linear combination |
Year | 2022 |
Journal | Neural Computing and Applications |
Publisher | Springer Nature |
ISSN | 0941-0643 |
1433-3058 | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | |
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Publication dates | |
Online | 21 May 2022 |
Publication process dates | |
Accepted | 19 Apr 2022 |
Deposited | 30 Jun 2022 |
Accepted author manuscript | License File Access Level Open |
Output status | Published |
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