School of Allied and Public Health Professions

FacultyFaculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care
Head of Academic SchoolProfessor Chris Burton
Programme DirectorDr Toni Wright

Latest research outputs

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A clinical practice guideline for primary care physiotherapy in patients with haemophilia
Blokzijl, J., Pisters, Martijn F., Aspdahl, M., de Boer, Wypke, Dybvik Matlary, Ruth Elise, Douma‐van Riet, Danielle, de Kleijn, Piet, Lobet, Sébastien, Loughnane, Paula, McLaughlin, P., Bladen, M., Roche, Sheila, Stephensen, D., van Vlimmeren, Leo, van Vulpen, L. and Timmer, M. 2024. A clinical practice guideline for primary care physiotherapy in patients with haemophilia. Haemophilia.

Journal article

Lee Silverman voice treatment versus NHS speech and language therapy versus control for dysarthria in people with Parkinson's disease (PD COMM): pragmatic, UK based, multicentre, three arm, parallel group, unblinded, randomised controlled trial.
Sackley, Catherine M, Rick, C., Brady, Marian C, Woolley, Rebecca, Burton, Christopher, Patel, Smitaa, Masterson-Algar, Patricia, Nicoll, Avril, Smith, Christina H, Jowett, Sue, Ives, Natalie, Beaton, Gillian, Dickson, Sylvia, Ottridge, Ryan, Sharp, Leslie, Nankervis, Helen, Clarke, Carl E and PD COMM collaborative group 2024. Lee Silverman voice treatment versus NHS speech and language therapy versus control for dysarthria in people with Parkinson's disease (PD COMM): pragmatic, UK based, multicentre, three arm, parallel group, unblinded, randomised controlled trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 386, p. e078341.

Journal article

Using evidence-based co-design to develop a hybrid delivered exercise intervention that aims to increase confidence to exercise in people with haemophilia.
Taylor, S., Barker, Karen, Stephensen, D. and Williamson, Esther 2024. Using evidence-based co-design to develop a hybrid delivered exercise intervention that aims to increase confidence to exercise in people with haemophilia. Haemophilia.

Journal article

Making Headway - play
Amadiegwu, A. 2024. Making Headway - play. Anselm Studios, Canterbury Christ Church University 20 Mar 2024


Perception and experiences of adolescent mothers and communities in caring for their preterm babies: findings from an in-depth study in rural Bangladesh.
Salam, Shumona Sharmin, Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur, Mhajabin, Shema, Mazumder, Tapas, Majid, Tamanna, Samad Talha, Md Taqbir Us, Haider, Rajib, Chowdhury, Anika Tasneem, Islam, Sharmin, Ameen, Shafiqul, Jabeen, Sabrina, Balen, Julie, Arifeen, Shams El, Nahar, Quamrun and Anumba, D. 2024. Perception and experiences of adolescent mothers and communities in caring for their preterm babies: findings from an in-depth study in rural Bangladesh. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 24 (1), p. 145.

Journal article

Explorations of strategies for inclusion for newly qualified physiotherapists from racially minoritised groups in a large, urban NHS trust, UK.
Turner, C., Bhandari, T., Jones, G.D., Jones, J., Gleave, L. and Hammond, J.A. 2024. Explorations of strategies for inclusion for newly qualified physiotherapists from racially minoritised groups in a large, urban NHS trust, UK. Physiotherapy. p. 101415.

Journal article

Does being involved in a research project enhance the postgraduate taught student experience: A qualitative research case study
Wier, J. 2024. Does being involved in a research project enhance the postgraduate taught student experience: A qualitative research case study. Nurse Education in Practice. 80.

Journal article

Is my mind my own? Inside managing self-diagnosed insomnia in a mixed economy: a critical autoethnography
Martin, A. 2024. Is my mind my own? Inside managing self-diagnosed insomnia in a mixed economy: a critical autoethnography. PhD Thesis School of Allied and Public Health Professions

PhD Thesis

Student radiographers’ knowledge and experience of lateral hip X-ray positioning: A survey
Clarke, L. and Lockwood, P. 2024. Student radiographers’ knowledge and experience of lateral hip X-ray positioning: A survey. Radiography. 30 (6).

Journal article

The ‘service user’ label through critical constructivist lenses
Cockain, Alex 2024. The ‘service user’ label through critical constructivist lenses. Critical and Radical Social Work.

Journal article

The role of imaging in the diagnosis of potential air pollution related illness: a narrative review
Abigail Taylor and Paul Lockwood 2024. The role of imaging in the diagnosis of potential air pollution related illness: a narrative review. Radiography. 30 (5), pp. 1326-1331.

Journal article

A systematic review of public health interventions to address breast cancer inequalities in low- and middle-income countries
Chanakira, E., Thomas, Chloe V, Balen, Julie and Mandrik, Olena 2024. A systematic review of public health interventions to address breast cancer inequalities in low- and middle-income countries. Systematic Reviews. 13 (1), p. 195.

Journal article

Sites of resistance’: an online ethnography of harm reduction work in community drug treatment services
Phillips, A. 2024. Sites of resistance’: an online ethnography of harm reduction work in community drug treatment services. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Allied and Public Health Professions

PhD Thesis

Survey of the barriers, enablers and preferences to swimming for people with chronic lower back pain
Oakes, H., DeVivo, M., Stephensen, D. and Mills, H. 2024. Survey of the barriers, enablers and preferences to swimming for people with chronic lower back pain. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy . 32 (2), pp. 16-24.

Journal article

Evidencing the clinical and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: Paving the way for urgent rheumatology service development
Emma Laurie, Stefan Siebert, Nateiya Yongolo, Jo E. B. Halliday, Sanjura M. Biswaro, Stefanie Krauth, Kajiru Gad Kilonzo, Blandina T. Mmbaga and Emma McIntosh 2024. Evidencing the clinical and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: Paving the way for urgent rheumatology service development. Rheumatology Advances in Practice. 8 (1), p. rkad110.

Journal article

Estimating the prevalence and predictors of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: a cross-sectional pilot study
Nateiya Mmeta Yongolo, Jo Halliday, Christopher Bunn, Benson Mtesha, Clive Kelly, Krauth, S.J., Anthon Mwingwa, Sanjura Mandela Biswaro, Stefan Siebert, Asia Hemed Kipengele, Richard William Walker, Emma McIntosh and Blandina Theophil Mmbaga 2024. Estimating the prevalence and predictors of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: a cross-sectional pilot study. Pan African Medical Journal. 47 (36).

Journal article

Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: Comparative results across three UK cohorts
Stefanie Krauth, Lewis Steell, Sayem Ahmed, Emma McIntosh, Grace O. Dibben, Peter Hanlon, Jim Lewsey, Barbara I. Nicholl, David A. McAllister, Susan M. Smith, Rachael Evans, Zahira Ahmed, Sarah Dean, Colin Greaves, Shaun Barber, Patrick Doherty, Nikki Gardiner, Tracy Ibbotson, Kate Jolly, Paula Ormandy, Sharon A. Simpson, Rod S. Taylor, Sally J. Singh, Frances S. Mair, Bhautesh Dinesh Jani and the PERFORM research team 2024. Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: Comparative results across three UK cohorts. eClinicalMedicine. 74, p. 102703.

Journal article

Overcoming barriers to equality, diversity, inclusivity, and sense of belonging in healthcare education: the Underrepresented Groups’ Experiences in Osteopathic Training (UrGEnT) mixed methods study.
Draper-Rodi, J., Abbey, H., Hammond, J.A., Thomson, O.P., Brownhill, K., MacMillan, A., Fabusuyi, Y. and Vogel, S. 2024. Overcoming barriers to equality, diversity, inclusivity, and sense of belonging in healthcare education: the Underrepresented Groups’ Experiences in Osteopathic Training (UrGEnT) mixed methods study. BMC Medical Education. 24 (1), p. 642.

Journal article

Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: An overview of systematic reviews
Dibbe, G.O., Gardiner, L., Young, H.M.L., Wells, V., Evans, R.A., Ahmed, Z., Barber, S., Dean, S., Doherty, P., Gardiner, N., Greaves, C., Ibbotson, T., Jani, B. J., Jolly, K., Mair, F. S., McIntosh, E., Ormandy, P., Simpson, S.A., Sayem, A., Krauth, S.J., Steell, L., Singh S.J. and Taylor R.S. 2024. Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: An overview of systematic reviews. eClinicalMedicine. 72 (102599).

Journal article

CSP2023: 379 The development of a swimming programme for people with chronic low back pain using a modified Delphi technique
de Vivo, M., Stephensen, D. and Mills, H. 2024. CSP2023: 379 The development of a swimming programme for people with chronic low back pain using a modified Delphi technique. Physiotherapy. 123, p. e202.

Journal article

CSP2023: 217 Barriers, enablers, and preferences to swimming for people with chronic low back pain
Oakes, H., de Vivo, M., Mills, H. and Stephensen, D. 2024. CSP2023: 217 Barriers, enablers, and preferences to swimming for people with chronic low back pain. Physiotherapy. 123, p. e28.

Journal article

CSP2023: 322 Allied health professional (AHP) practice placement sustainability: Co-creation of a self-evaluation and improvement framework
Elliott, S. and Burton, C. 2024. CSP2023: 322 Allied health professional (AHP) practice placement sustainability: Co-creation of a self-evaluation and improvement framework. Physiotherapy. 123 (S1), p. e178.

Journal article

Policy action points and approaches to promote fertility care in The Gambia: Findings from a mixed-methods study
Afferi, A., Dierickx, S., Bittaye, M., Marena, M., Pacey, A. A. and Balen, J. 2024. Policy action points and approaches to promote fertility care in The Gambia: Findings from a mixed-methods study. PLoS ONE.

Journal article

An exploration of suicide and autism: quantitative, qualitative and autoethnographic perspectives
Dean, M. 2024. An exploration of suicide and autism: quantitative, qualitative and autoethnographic perspectives. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Allied and Public Health Professions

PhD Thesis

COVID-19 as a challenge to Nepal’s newly federalized health system: Capacities, responsibilities, and mindsets
Koirala, B., Rushton, Simon, Adhikary, Pratik, Balen, Julie, Basnet, Srijana, Joshi, Saugat, Karki, A., Lee, Andrew, Rijal, B., Simkhada, P., Subedi, Madhusudan, van Teijlingen, Edwin and Karki, Jiban 2024. COVID-19 as a challenge to Nepal’s newly federalized health system: Capacities, responsibilities, and mindsets. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health. 36 (5), pp. 513-515.

Journal article

Improving social worker knowledge of brain injury
Amadiegwu, A. 2024. Improving social worker knowledge of brain injury.


Heads Together - Social workers and brain injury
Amadiegwu, A. 2024. Heads Together - Social workers and brain injury.

Conference paper

Heads Together - improving social worker knowledge of brain injury
Amadiegwu, A. 2024. Heads Together - improving social worker knowledge of brain injury.

Conference paper

The value and impact of structured reflective space
Harvey, S. and Harvey.S, Tauya.A, Haley.L Philpott.A, Hill.L, Smith.T and Mayhew.A 2024. The value and impact of structured reflective space. OT News. 32 (4), pp. 23-25.

Journal article

‘I’ve just got to take that risk and have faith . . .’: The challenge of gaining and maintaining trust in patients undergoing knee surgery with a regional anaesthetic
Ewart, L. 2024. ‘I’ve just got to take that risk and have faith . . .’: The challenge of gaining and maintaining trust in patients undergoing knee surgery with a regional anaesthetic. Journal of Perioperative Practice.

Journal article

Half-baked essays: the embedded use of writing exemplars to encourage active learning for radiography students
Elliott, J. 2024. Half-baked essays: the embedded use of writing exemplars to encourage active learning for radiography students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

Journal article

A survey of the NHS reporting radiographer workforce in England
Lockwood, P., Burton, C., Shaw, T. and Woznitza, N. 2024. A survey of the NHS reporting radiographer workforce in England. Radiography Open. 10 (1), pp. 1-18.

Journal article

Reporting radiographers within the European Federation of Radiographer Society (EFRS) member countries - motivation for becoming a reporting radiographer.
Jensen, J, Blackburn, P A, Gale, N, Senior, C, Woznitza, N, Heales, C J and Pedersen, M R V 2024. Reporting radiographers within the European Federation of Radiographer Society (EFRS) member countries - motivation for becoming a reporting radiographer. Radiography. 30 (3), pp. 731-736.

Journal article

Parents’ and carers’ attitudes to the use of digital technology and its role in the care of children with complex needs.
Apps, J., Webb, S. and Hutton, E. 2024. Parents’ and carers’ attitudes to the use of digital technology and its role in the care of children with complex needs. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 87 (7), pp. 452-460.

Journal article

'It's about time': policymakers' and health practitioners' perspectives on implementing fertility care in the Gambian health system.
Afferri, A., Dierickx, Susan, Allen, Haddijatou, Bittaye, Mustapha, Marena, Musa, Pacey, Allan and Balen, Julie 2024. 'It's about time': policymakers' and health practitioners' perspectives on implementing fertility care in the Gambian health system. BMC Health Services Research. 24 (1), p. 282.

Journal article

Learning disability and everyday life
Cockain, A. 2024. Learning disability and everyday life. New York Taylor & Francis.


A change of scene: Moving pedagogical practice from the classroom to the court room. What impact does this have on social work students’ feelings of confidence?
Martins, L. 2024. A change of scene: Moving pedagogical practice from the classroom to the court room. What impact does this have on social work students’ feelings of confidence? The British Journal of Social Work.

Journal article

Did the evidence-based intervention (EBI) programme reduce inappropriate procedures, lessen unwarranted variation or lead to spill-over effects in the National Health Service?
Joel Glynn, Timothy Jones, Mike Bell, Jane Blazeby, Christopher Burton, Carmel Conefrey, Jenny L. Donovan, Nicola Farrar, Josie Morley, Angus McNair, Amanda Owen-Smith, Ellen Rule, Gail Thornton, Victoria Tucker, Iestyn Williams, Leila Rooshenas and William Hollingworth 2024. Did the evidence-based intervention (EBI) programme reduce inappropriate procedures, lessen unwarranted variation or lead to spill-over effects in the National Health Service? PLoS ONE.

Journal article

AI assisted reader evaluation in acute CT head interpretation (AI-REACT): protocol for a multireader multicase study
Howell Fu, Alex Novak, Dennis Robert, Shamie Kumar, Swetha Tanamala, Jason Oke, Kanika Bhatia, Ruchir Shah, Andrea Romsauerova, Tilak Das, Abdalá Espinosa, Mariusz Tadeusz Grzeda, Mariapaola Narbone, Rahul Dharmadhikari, Mark Harrison, Kavitha Vimalesvaran, Jane Gooch, Nicholas Woznitza, Nabeeha Salik, Alan Campbell, Farhaan Khan, David J Lowe, Haris Shuaib and Sarim Ather 2024. AI assisted reader evaluation in acute CT head interpretation (AI-REACT): protocol for a multireader multicase study. BMJ Open. 14 (2), p. e079824.

Journal article

Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal.
Sapkota, S., Rushton, S., van Teijilingen, E., Subedi, M., Balen, J., Gautam, S., Adhikary, P., Simkhada, P., Wasti, S. P., Karki, J. K., Panday, S., Karki, A., Rijal, B., Joshi, S., Basnet, S. and Marahatta, S. B. 2024. Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal. Health Research Policy and Systems. 22 (7), pp. 1-15.

Journal article

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