Spirits of the age: ghosts in the Victorian novel

Two-year follow-up of a prospective randomised trial of electrovaporization versus resection of prostate

Don't forget to drink

Resisting social psychology

Bathroom equipment: prescribing guidelines

Considerations for bathroom equipment and adaptions

Decision-making in health visitor practice

Reimaging after an alteration in appearance or function involved 3 phases with assimilation, accommodation, and interpretation

Eating matters

The challenge of providing nutritional support to the dying

Promoting oral health in institutionalised older adults: a nursing perspective

Quality of life (editorial)

Review of the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act: Conference held on 23rd April 1998 at the Royal College of Surgeons of London

Nothing to declare... good conduct or character

Writing and implementing individual education plans

Children's comprehension of polysemous estimation words and phrases

A journey among travellers

Experiences of physical education students in learning to teach

David's disqualification in 1 Chronicles 22.8: a response to Piet B. Dirksen

Evaluating in six European countries

'Poxy Cupid': an ethnographic and feminist account of a resistant female youth culture - the New Wave Girls

Giving oral presentations

Osteoporosis: the hidden illness

Applying the Mims-Swenson sexual health model to nurse education: offering an alternative focus on sexuality and health care

Patients' action during their cardiac event: qualitative study exploring differences and modifiable factors

Quality assurance and the role of a national organisation involved in credit rating

Illness representations: a way forward in developing therapeutic interventions

The differences between health professionals in assessing levels of caregiver burden

Parent education in the People's Republic of China

Early childhood in China: diaries as research tools

Childhood in England and China

Dissemination of research: A tool for school improvement

Rural change

Elementary school mathematics teachers: specialists or generalists?

Self assessment as a means of measuring strategic and operational benefits from EDI: the development of a conceptual framework

Disposable generation? An ethnographic study of youth homelessness in Kent

Mentoring and the development of reflective practice: concepts and context

In the slow lane on the information superhighway: Hungary and the information revolution

Teacher talk and the classroom context

The maritime economy of Rye, 1560-1640

War and revolution in Vietnam, 1930-1975

The structure of land occupation in the level of Romney Marsh during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries

Dividing Ireland: World War One and Partition

Rurality in England and Wales 1991: a replication and extension of the 1981 rurality index

With the oldest monks... light from the Essene history on the career of the beloved disciple?

Reciprocity and the ethics of acts

Reflexivity, ethnography and the professions (complementary medicine). Watching you, watching me, watching you (and writing about both of us)

Partnership in the local community II: The primary care of enduring mental health

Implementing adult protection policies in Kent and East Sussex

Wretched faces: famine in wartime England, 1793-1801

Historians and the Vietnam War: the unending debate

Anthony Eden's fear of ''Fortess America'': Britain, America and the demise of the European Defence Community, 1953-54

An investigation of the impact of training social workers and their managers

Drug and alcohol abuse in young people

Perceptual categorization: connectionist modelling and decision rules

Tissue-level biomarkers in sentinel slugs as cost-effective tools to assess metal pollution in soils

Four novel N3O4 donor macrocycles and their Lanthanide(III) complexes

The effect of altering ramp rate on the determination of lactate minimum in cyclists

The effect of gradient upon cardio respiratory responses and gross mechanical efficiency at the same power output during cycling

The energy demands of competitive road race cycling

Blood lactate and cardio-respiratory responses when cycling for 70min at lactate minimum power output

A comparison of ventilatory responses during a ramp test between senior and veteran cyclists

A comparison of performance related responses during a 16-km time trial

Environmental influences on fecundity, egg viability and egg cannibalism in the scale insect predator Chilocorus nigritus

Reading between the lines: using news media materials for geography

Reflecting well on social work practice: professional competence, reflecting and research

Plain radiography of the knee: a useful diagnostic modality for patients with non-specific knee pain? A retrospective study of plain radiography of the knee in comparison with MRI in patients with non-specific knee pain

Successive surveys of an expert panel: research in decision-making with health visitors

Support systems for women in part-time study

An enrolled nurse conversion course: does it make a difference?

The health promoting nurse

The quarter-tone recorder manual

The Swanscombe legend and the historiography of Kentish gavelkind

Issues in early childhood education in Europe

Understanding inclusion and exclusion in the English competitive education system

Communitarianism: what are the implications for education?

Robynhill or Robin Hood's Hills?: Place-names and the evolution of the Robin Hood legends

Functional protandry in Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata), an intermediate host of Schistosoma

Women in Early Modern England, 1500-1700

Youth homelessness and social exclusion (editorial introduction)

Youth homelessness and exclusion

Red Light: chamber orchestra

"No-body's perfect": women, aerobics, and the body beautiful

The role of the HEI tutor in secondary PGCE programmes

A trouble-shooter calls: the role of the independent consultant

Evaluating the discourse: the role of applied linguistics in the management of evaluation and innovation

Drama and reading: illuminating their interaction

OFSTED inspection reports and the language of educational improvement

Website Exhibition

The Manchester Academy of Fine Arts Exhibition

Website Exhibition - Axis Database from August to November 1998

Inaugural Exhibition

Beyond the Quilt

Wirral Artists

Summer Exhibition

Turner and the East Kent coast

Learning to estimate in the mathematics classroom: a conversation-analytic approach

Impact study of higher education and equality: a guide

Tabloid newspapers in post-communist Hungary

Kolonizacia medii alebo triumf trhovej liberalizacie? (Media colonisation or the triumph of market liberalization?)

Directory for professionals working with young people

Developing a framework of substance misuse prevention in the South West Thames region

Strike it rich

Learning properly? Young children and desirable outcomes

A longitudinal study of the stages of development or concern of secondary PE students

The transition from student teacher to newly qualified teacher: some findings

The ambiguity of moral leadership in Catholic schools

British human rights legislation and religiously affiliated schools and colleges

Catholic schools and charity proceedings: legal challenges to the closure of independent schools

Gay tourist space and sexual risk behaviour

Implementing the European network of health promoting schools in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland: vision and reality

Paradise postponed: dilemmas facing shop stewards in the new South Africa - accommodation or resistance?

Degree classifications: time to bite the bullet

The role of parents in drug education

Parents and drug education: parents' concerns, attitudes and needs

A luxury for the first world: a Western perception of Hong Kong Chinese attitudes towards inclusive education

Knowledge is not enough

Health promotion in a hospital ward; reality or asking the impossible?

Medieval cartularies: further additions

The earliest Nottinghamshire will (1257): Robert of Whichford counts his debts

The borough of Chipping Sodbury and the fat men of France (1130-1270)

Goffredo de Prefetti and the Church of Bethlehem in England

Lost for words

Towards a comprehensive fisheries management information system

George Orwell and British antisemitism

Living pictures of the dead

Was it a vision? Structuring emptiness in 'To the Lighthouse'

Double blessedness: Anna Kingsford and Beatrice

Inhabiting the interspace: De Tabley, Judges, "Jael"

Inspection and the school improvement hoax

The shame of OFSTED: not improving but policing

The cost of school exclusion in England

Achilles tendon pathology: is Thetis to blame?

Achilles tendonitis

Women's education level as an influence on being prescribed hormone replacement therapy

A survey of expert cases of violence and personal history

A study of occupational health needs and supervisory procedures for vulnerable staff in cases of litigation

Management in the care homes sector - training needs

Effectiveness in wheelchair service provision

Decision-making in health visitor practice: the study of complex influences using cognitive and qualitative measures

Sexuality and sexual health: towards a dynamic nursing curriculum

Sexuality and mental health: challenging ignorance and prejudice

Healthcare for lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals

Risk assessment in mental health

Attribution theory

Charting the course of change

The skeleton in the hospital closet: the nutrition of hospital patients

Nutrition and cancer

Providing nutritional support for cancer and other vulnerable patients

Quality of life

Book review: Food, nutrition and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective

Food for thought: malnutrition in hospital

Xerostomia: aetiology and management in cancer patients

The benefits of getting published (editorial)

The aetiology of malnutrition in hospital

The research co-ordinator: friend or foe?

A quantitative parasitoid web

Indirect population interaction between two aphid species

Two's company, three's a crowd

The current place and state of environmental education in the National Curriculum of the UK

Copulatory behaviour of Biompahlaria glabrata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): is it determined by the sexual history of the mating pair?

Slugs and snails and ......molluscs in teaching

Student use of the internet

Effect of environmental water loss on the aggregation behaviour of freshwater molluscs

Behaviour that challenges staff

The psychological adaptation of psychologists in clinical training: the role of cognition, coping and social support

Role clarity, perception of the organization and burnout amongst support workers in residential homes for people with intellectual disability: a comparison between a National Health Service trust and a charitable company

25 years of Salomons, 9 years of psychology research

Clinical psychology training and the core placement issue: ways forward

Express yourself? Research in brief

Is abstinence from alcohol dangerous? Research in brief

Summary report of work undertaken in phase 1 of a two-year project

Manasseh in the Book of Kings and Chronicles (2 Kgs 21:1-18; 2 Chr 33:1-20

Christian origins: theology, rhetoric and community

Clinical reporting in radiography

ST funded research report - Implementation of a radiographic reporting service in four NHS Trusts: Initial findings

Similarities and differences in the education of health and social work professions - the effects on interprofessional working

Exercise benefits and prescription

Planning your winter training

The effect of single vs. repetitive bouts of walking upon aerobic fitness, blood profile and left ventricular function in sedentary/low active adults

Soziale arbeit; globalisation und diversifikation in England

The UK Health and Welfare System 1945-2000

Reflection and research

Refugees, nomads and tourists: an anatomy of business and management lecturers in higher education

EFL goes ECO: an account of a socio-cultural learning project

Commutation of crusade vows: some examples from the English Midlands

Beating the burn

The effect of two different 18-week walking programmes on aerobic fitness, selected blood lipids and factor XIIa

Business ethics and the idea of higher education

Ethics and legality with ICT

Health and safety with ICT

Talking about Information and Communications Technology in subject teaching - A guide for teachers, mentors, tutors: Primary KS1 & KS2

Ethics and legality with ICT

Health and safety with ICT

Talking about Information and Communications Technology in subject teaching - a guide for student teachers, mentors, tutors: Secondary KS3 & KS4

Facing the challenge: teaching nurses communication skills to improve nurse-patient interactions with dying patients

Learning to teach: a curriculum for school-based training

Primary student teachers' school-based learning and the limits of 'situated cognition'

Crossing cultures: British cultural studies for Romanian students

An innovative model for nursing education and practice

Teaching and training in post-compulsory education

The Seduction of the Wheel. A synthesis of research-based issues surrounding car-led construction activities of young children and the relationship these may have with current environmental trends which progressively seek to limit the impact of road traffic

A comparison of performance related responses during a 16km time trial between senior and veteran cyclists

Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

Implementing effective practice

Signal detection in underwater sound using wavelets

The spiritual in modern education

Slaying the dragon of moral relativism: relativism in schools and community

Wilkie Collins: an interpretation of Christian belief

The implementation of a radiographic reporting service for trauma examinations of the skeletal system

Organisational failure: an exploratory study in the steel industry and the medical domain

Introducing assessments and examinations in physical education (in Malta)

Patient action in a cardiac event. Report to the British Heart Foundation

Pharmacists within the primary health care team: realising the potential. An epidemiological review of chronic diseases

Pharmacists within the primary health care team: realising the potential. A literature review of research

Community pharmacy in the primary health care team: realising the potential

Furniture makers and the world of goods

Boys and literacy: whose problem is it?

Rules and associations: a qualitative dissociation in sequence learning

The exemplar image: a study of midwives' professional health education practice and personal health education behaviour when pregnant themselves

Use of APEL in a post-registration Health and Social Care MSc programme

Beyond 'self-help': developing a social movement to defeat a medical orthodoxy and dismantle 'AIDS'

The problematic for empowerment: the surrogacy of antibody tests and the erosion of the medical gold standard

The captive market in nurse education and the displacement of nursing knowledge

Building Europe: an academic’s role

Studies in diplomacy

United Nations peacekeeping

The value of historical maps: art, accuracy and society