Faculty of Science, Engineering and Social Sciences

Latest research outputs

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Trustworthy insights: A novel multi-tier explainable framework for ambient assisted living
Kasirajan, Merlin, Bin Azhar, M A Hannan and Turner, Scott 2023. Trustworthy insights: A novel multi-tier explainable framework for ambient assisted living. in: 2023 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) IEEE. pp. 2554-2561

Book chapter

Exploring domestic violence and mental health
Webb, M. 2023. Exploring domestic violence and mental health. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology

DClinPsych Thesis

ʻItʼs not “uni” work, itʼs essential learning to be a police officerʼ: Examining the higher education elements of Police Education Qualifications Framework programmes
Clarke, S. and Honess, R. 2023. ʻItʼs not “uni” work, itʼs essential learning to be a police officerʼ: Examining the higher education elements of Police Education Qualifications Framework programmes. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 17. https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paad023

Journal article

Independent higher education educators in England: Tutors behavioural characteristics preferred by mature students on business management courses
Uddin, N., Hasan, R., Ramachandran, R., Papé, N. R. and Alam, M. U. 2023. Independent higher education educators in England: Tutors behavioural characteristics preferred by mature students on business management courses. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems. 26 (7), pp. 1777-1801. https://doi.org/10.47974/JSMS-1145

Journal article

The impact of Covid-19 on struggling ethnic minority entrepreneurs’ business strategy: the case of Bangladeshi curry houses in the United Kingdom
Razzak, B.M., Idris, B., Hasan, R., Saridakis, G. and Hansen, J.M. 2023. The impact of Covid-19 on struggling ethnic minority entrepreneurs’ business strategy: the case of Bangladeshi curry houses in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. 29 (8), pp. 1837-1866. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0389

Journal article

Safe nights out: Workers’ perspectives on tackling violence against women and girls
Makinde, M., Cant, S., McCusker, S., Chatterjee, A., Schutte, L., Barbin, A. and Matthews, K. 2023. Safe nights out: Workers’ perspectives on tackling violence against women and girls. Canterbury: Canterbury Christ Church University.

Research report

Genetic divergence in common bean genotypes from the IRAD gene bank: morpho-agronomic characteristics, fungal and bacterial disease resistance, and opportunities for genetic improvement
Kouam E. B., Djeugap-Fovo J., Meka-Sindje S., Afsah N.M.M., Meyia A., Babagnack B.F., Nouteka N.K.J. and Galani-Yamdeu J. H. 2023. Genetic divergence in common bean genotypes from the IRAD gene bank: morpho-agronomic characteristics, fungal and bacterial disease resistance, and opportunities for genetic improvement. Frontiers in Horticulture. 2, p. 1289646. https://doi.org/10.3389/fhort.2023.1289646

Journal article

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of the hospital discharge process, via the transforming care agenda
Parker, K. 2023. A qualitative exploration of the experiences of the hospital discharge process, via the transforming care agenda. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology

DClinPsych Thesis

Black people’s experiences of therapy
Makwana, D. 2023. Black people’s experiences of therapy. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology

DClinPsych Thesis

Barriers to vehicle-sharing among NGOs during disaster relief operations: Findings from a developing country's perspective
Uddin, M., Islam, S.,, Wang, M.,, Venkatesh, V.G., and Sakalayen, Q. 2023. Barriers to vehicle-sharing among NGOs during disaster relief operations: Findings from a developing country's perspective. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction : IJDRR. 98 (104092).

Journal article

“We make something with the flower, but feel like I make with myself something”: The role of a community arts project supporting women who have experienced human trafficking
Birkett, Joanna, Anson, Martin and Cheshire, Anna 2023. “We make something with the flower, but feel like I make with myself something”: The role of a community arts project supporting women who have experienced human trafficking. Journal of Community Psychology. 52 (1), pp. 244-257. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.23095

Journal article

Clinical and exercise professional opinion of return-to-running readiness after childbirth: an international Delphi study and consensus statement.
Christopher, S., Donnelly, Gráinne, Brockwell, Emma, Bo, Kari, Davenport, M., DeVivo, M., Dufour, Sinead, Forner, L., Mills, H., Moore, I., Olson, Amanda and Deering, R. 2023. Clinical and exercise professional opinion of return-to-running readiness after childbirth: an international Delphi study and consensus statement. British Journal of Sports Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2023-107489

Journal article

Dog-whistling and democracy
Tillyris, D. 2023. Dog-whistling and democracy. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations. https://doi.org/10.1177/13691481231208147

Journal article

Awareness of the effects of small-scale cassava mill effluent on the environment in Ika North East Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria.
Isimah, Matthew Ogorchukwu, Chukwurah, Gladys Ogochukwu, Okeke, Francis, Nwankwo, Cletus Famous and Nnoli, Chukwuemeka Ifedilichukwu 2023. Awareness of the effects of small-scale cassava mill effluent on the environment in Ika North East Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 195 (12), p. 1431. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-12026-7

Journal article

Psychotherapy, ideology and the new aristocracy
Opyrchal, N. 2023. Psychotherapy, ideology and the new aristocracy. in: Thomas, V. (ed.) Cynical Therapies - Perspectives on the Antitherapeutic Nature of Critical Social Justice Australia Ocean Reeve Publishing. pp. 19 - 36

Book chapter

Resulting trustees: deciphering the mystery of obligations and duties
Stubbins, M 2023. Resulting trustees: deciphering the mystery of obligations and duties . Trust Law International. 37 (3), pp. 117-140.

Journal article

Assessing the need to use sport supplements: The mediating role of sports supplement beliefs
Yuka Murofushi, Yujiro Kawata, Miyuki Nakamura, Shinji Yamaguchi, Saori Sunamoto, Hanako Fukamachi, Hiroshi Aono, Etsuko Kamihigashi, Yuji Takazawa, Hisashi Naito and Philip Hurst 2023. Assessing the need to use sport supplements: The mediating role of sports supplement beliefs. Performance Enhancement & Health. 12 (1), p. 100269.

Journal article

Physical education is for life (part 1) redefining school physical education for the 21st century
Jess, M., Keay, P., McMillan, P., Howells, K. and Cooke, D. 2023. Physical education is for life (part 1) redefining school physical education for the 21st century. Physical Education Matters. 18 (3), pp. 80-83.

Journal article

Artificial intelligence calculated global longitudinal strain and left ventricular ejection fraction predicts cardiac events and all‐cause mortality in patients with chest pain
O'Driscoll, J., Tuttolomondo, Domenico and Gaibazzi, Nicola 2023. Artificial intelligence calculated global longitudinal strain and left ventricular ejection fraction predicts cardiac events and all‐cause mortality in patients with chest pain. Echocardiography. 40 (12), pp. 1356-1364. https://doi.org/10.1111/echo.15714

Journal article

Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate: pedagogical innovation to enhance attainment, engagement, satisfaction and employability in political science
Kenyon, S. 2023. Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate: pedagogical innovation to enhance attainment, engagement, satisfaction and employability in political science . Journal of Political Science Education. 20 (2), pp. 240-252. https://doi.org/10.1080/15512169.2023.2284170

Journal article

Learning from PEQF delivery: Balancing the academic with the practical
Honess, R. 2023. Learning from PEQF delivery: Balancing the academic with the practical. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.12050.02240

Conference paper

Measuring compassion in young people
Hubbard, J. 2023. Measuring compassion in young people. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology

DClinPsych Thesis

Post occupancy evaluation of ventilation coefficient desired for thermal comfort in educational facilities
Mba, E.J, Okeke, F.O, Ezema, E.O, Oforji, P.I and Ozigbo, C.A 2023. Post occupancy evaluation of ventilation coefficient desired for thermal comfort in educational facilities. Journal of Human, Earth, and Future. 4 (1), pp. 88-102. https://doi.org/10.28991/HEF-2023-04-01-07

Journal article

Architectural design response to population issue in sub-Saharan cities
Okeke, F.O, Ezema, E.C, Nnaemeka-Okeke, R.C, Okosun, E.A and Okeke, C.A 2023. Architectural design response to population issue in sub-Saharan cities. E3S Web of Conferences. 434 (02005). https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202343402005

Journal article

Train vs. play: Evaluating the effects of gamified and non-gamified wheelchair skills training using virtual reality
Zorzi, C., Tabbaa, Luma, Covaci, Alexandra, Sirlantzis, Konstantinos and Marcelli, Gianluca 2023. Train vs. play: Evaluating the effects of gamified and non-gamified wheelchair skills training using virtual reality. Bioengineering. 10 (11), p. 1269. https://doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering10111269

Journal article

Dementia in rural settings: A scoping review exploring the personal experiences of people with dementia and their carers
Roberts, J. M., Windle, G., Story, A., Brotherhood, E. V., Camic, P.M., Crutch, S. J., Stott, J., Sullivan, M. P. and Grillo, A. 2023. Dementia in rural settings: A scoping review exploring the personal experiences of people with dementia and their carers. Ageing & Society. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X2300003X

Journal article

Video conferencing peer support and rarer forms of dementia: An exploration of family carers’ positive experiences
Rapley, J.M., Camic, P. M., Brotherhood, E., Crutch, S.J. and Harding, E. 2023. Video conferencing peer support and rarer forms of dementia: An exploration of family carers’ positive experiences. Qualitative Health Research. 33 (10), pp. 884-896. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323231172880

Journal article

‘The oxygen of shared experience’: exploring social support processes within peer support groups for carers of people with non-memory-led and inherited dementias
Harding, E., Rossi-Harries, S., Alterkawi, S., Waddington, C., Grillo, A., Wood, O., Brotherhood, E.V., Windle, G., Sullivan, M.P., Camic, P.M., Stott, J. and Crutch, S.J. 2023. ‘The oxygen of shared experience’: exploring social support processes within peer support groups for carers of people with non-memory-led and inherited dementias. Aging & Mental Health. 27 (10), pp. 1912-1928. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2023.2194848

Journal article

A mixed methods evaluation of a program exploring predeath grief and loss for carers of people with rarer dementias
Stevens-Neck, R., Walton, J., Alterkawi, S., Brotherhood, E. V., Camic, P.M., Crutch, S. J., Gerritzen, E. V., Harding, E., McKee-Jackson, R., Rossi-Harries, S., Street, R. E., van der Byl Williams, M., Waddington, C., Wood, O. and Moore, K. J. 2023. A mixed methods evaluation of a program exploring predeath grief and loss for carers of people with rarer dementias. International Psychogeriatrics. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610223000236

Journal article

Better living with non-memory led dementia: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme
Suárez-Gonzalez, A., John, A., Brotherhood, E.V., Camic, P., MacKenzie-Jackson, R., Melville,M., Sullivan,M.P., Tudor-Edwards, R., Windle, G., Crutch, S.J. and Stott, J. 2023. Better living with non-memory led dementia: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 9 (172). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-023-01403-1

Journal article

Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer's & Dementia
Hardy, C.J.D., Taylor-Rubin, C., Harding, H., Suárez-Gonzalez, A., Jiang, J., Thompson, L, Kingma, K., Chokesuwattanaskul, A., Walker, F., Barker, S., Brotherhood, E.V., Waddington,C., Wood, O., Zimmerman, N., Kupeli,N., Yong, K.X.X., Camic, P.M., Scott, J., Marshall, C.R., Oxtoby, N.P., Rohrer, J.D., Volkmer, A., Crutch, S.J. and Warren, J.D. 2023. Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer's & Dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.13415

Journal article

Talking lines: A research protocol integrating verbal and visual narratives to understand the experiences of people affected by rarer forms of dementia
Camic, P.M., Rossi-Harries, S., Harding, E., Harrison, C. R., Sullivan, M. P., Grillo, A., Brotherhood, E. V. and Crutch. S. 2023. Talking lines: A research protocol integrating verbal and visual narratives to understand the experiences of people affected by rarer forms of dementia. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 22, pp. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069231176195

Journal article

Situating support for people living with rarer forms of dementia
Sullivan, MP, Camic, P.M., Harding, E., Stott, J, Windle, G., Brotherhood, E. V., Grillo, A. and Crutch, S. J. 2023. Situating support for people living with rarer forms of dementia. BMC Geriatrics. 23 (627), pp. 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-023-04268-4

Journal article

Breaking the Silence: Perceived barriers to safeguarding child and young athletes in Uganda and a rights-based framework for positive change
Kisakye, E., Chatziefstathiou, Dikaia and Tuakli-Wosornu, Yetsa 2023. Breaking the Silence: Perceived barriers to safeguarding child and young athletes in Uganda and a rights-based framework for positive change. Social Sciences. 12 (11), p. 588. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12110588

Journal article

Evaluating the barriers to the utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States: An exploratory study
Chatterjee, A. 2023. Evaluating the barriers to the utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States: An exploratory study. Advances in Integrative Medicine. 10 (4), pp. 161-171. https://doi.org/0.1016/j.aimed.2023.10.002

Journal article

Automated echocardiographic detection of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using artificial intelligence
Akerman, A.P., Porumb, M., Scott, C.G., Beqiri, A., Chartsiad, A., Ryu, A.J., Hawkes, W., Huntley, G.D., Arystan, A.Z., Kane, G.C., Pislaru, S.V., Lopez-Jimenez, F., Sarwar, R., O'Driscoll, J., Leeson, P., Upton, R., Woodward, G. and Pellikka, P.A. 2023. Automated echocardiographic detection of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using artificial intelligence. JACC Advances - Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2 (6), p. 100452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacadv.2023.100452

Journal article

Nerine potexvirus 1: a new Potexvirus species detected from Nerine in the United Kingdom
Beddoe, N., McGreig, S., Walsh, J., Fox, A., Adams, I. P. and Forsyth, A. 2023. Nerine potexvirus 1: a new Potexvirus species detected from Nerine in the United Kingdom. Journal of Plant Pathology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42161-023-01512-z

Journal article

Targeting beliefs and behaviours in misophonia: a case series from a UK specialist psychology service.
Gregory, Jane, Graham, Tom and Hayes, Brett 2023. Targeting beliefs and behaviours in misophonia: a case series from a UK specialist psychology service. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1352465823000462

Journal article

The acceptability of trauma-focused interventions
Ngai, G. 2023. The acceptability of trauma-focused interventions. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Canterbury Christ Church University

DClinPsych Thesis

Exploring cultural adaptations and the cultural fit of trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy
Quinn, J. 2023. Exploring cultural adaptations and the cultural fit of trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy. DClinPsych Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Salomons Institute of Applied Psychology

DClinPsych Thesis

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