Dr Alex Kent

Research outputs

Getting to the point? Rethinking arrows on maps

Cheshire, J. and Kent, A. 2023. Getting to the point? Rethinking arrows on maps. The Cartographic Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2023.2178134

A national focus for cartographic thought: Celebrating 60 years of the BCS

Kent, A. 2024. A national focus for cartographic thought: Celebrating 60 years of the BCS. The Cartographic Journal. 60 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2023.2296163

Mapping the globe, and the revolution in Russia's geospatial capability

Kent, A.J. 2022. Mapping the globe, and the revolution in Russia's geospatial capability. in: Monaghan, A. (ed.) Russian Grand Strategy in the Era of Global Power Competition Manchester Manchester University Press. pp. 26-48

Soviet City Plans and OpenStreetMap: a comparative analysis

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2022. Soviet City Plans and OpenStreetMap: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Cartography. 9 (1), pp. 73-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/23729333.2022.2047396

An analysis of the global symbology of Soviet military city plans

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2021. An analysis of the global symbology of Soviet military city plans. The Cartographic Journal. 59 (4), pp. 315-338. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2021.1958193

The Northern Line extension: A challenge for mapmakers and for social equality

Kent, A. and Specht, D. 2021. The Northern Line extension: A challenge for mapmakers and for social equality.

Measuring user preferences and behaviour in a topographic immersive virtual environment (TopoIVE) of 2D and 3D urban topographic data

Halik, Ł. and Kent, A. 2021. Measuring user preferences and behaviour in a topographic immersive virtual environment (TopoIVE) of 2D and 3D urban topographic data. International Journal of Digital Earth. 14 (12), pp. 1835-1867. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2021.1984595

When topology trumped topography: Celebrating 90 years of Beck’s Underground map

Kent, A.J. 2021. When topology trumped topography: Celebrating 90 years of Beck’s Underground map. The Cartographic Journal. 58 (1), pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2021.1953765

Mapping and counter-mapping COVID-19: From crisis to cartocracy

Kent, A.J. 2020. Mapping and counter-mapping COVID-19: From crisis to cartocracy. The Cartographic Journal. 57 (3), pp. 187-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2020.1855001

Mapping Northern Ireland: Processes of partition, protocol and peace

Kent, A. 2021. Mapping Northern Ireland: Processes of partition, protocol and peace. The Cartographic Journal. 58 (2), pp. 115-122. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2021.2029039

The Soviet military 1:10,000 City Plan of Dover, UK (1974)

Kent, A. 2021. The Soviet military 1:10,000 City Plan of Dover, UK (1974). International Journal of Cartography. 7 (2), pp. 245-251. https://doi.org/10.1080/23729333.2021.1910185

Project 7708 understanding heritage crime in Kent and Medway – a data analytical approach

Bryant, R., Kent, A. and Hills, J. 2020. Project 7708 understanding heritage crime in Kent and Medway – a data analytical approach.

Putting the UN SDGs on the map: The role of cartography in sustainability education

Kent, A.J., Vujakovic, P., Eades, G. and Davis, M. 2020. Putting the UN SDGs on the map: The role of cartography in sustainability education. The Cartographic Journal. 57 (2), pp. 93-96. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2020.1770424

The secret Soviet military mapping of Malta

Kent, A.J. and Davies, J. 2020. The secret Soviet military mapping of Malta. Proceedings of Imago Melitae, 23rd November 2019. pp. 23-30.

All that glitters: Art, fire and post-cartographic design

Kent, A.J. 2020. All that glitters: Art, fire and post-cartographic design. The Cartographic Journal. 57 (1), pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2020.1735085

Transformative landscapes: liminality and visitors’ emotional experiences at German memorial sites

Pastor, D. and Kent, A.J. 2020. Transformative landscapes: liminality and visitors’ emotional experiences at German memorial sites. Tourism Geographies. 22 (2), pp. 250-272. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2020.1725617

“Topographic maps: the scientific principles of their content” and “Military topography”

Kent, A.J. 2020. “Topographic maps: the scientific principles of their content” and “Military topography”. NATO Defense College.

A picture and an argument: Mapping for peace with a cartography of hope

Kent, A.J. 2019. A picture and an argument: Mapping for peace with a cartography of hope. The Cartographic Journal. 56 (4), pp. 275-279. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2019.1694804

Mapping empires: colonial cartographies of land and sea

Kent, A., Vervust, S., Demhardt, I. and Millea, N. (ed.) 2019. Mapping empires: colonial cartographies of land and sea. Basel Springer Nature.

Red star to red lion: the Soviet military mapping of Oxford

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2019. Red star to red lion: the Soviet military mapping of Oxford. in: Kent, A., Vervust, S., Demhardt, I. and Millea, N. (ed.) Mapping Empires: Colonial Cartographies of Land and Sea Basel Springer Nature. pp. 143-158

The Soviet Military plan of Tokyo (1966)

Kent, A. 2019. The Soviet Military plan of Tokyo (1966).

Analysing the symbology of Soviet Military city plans

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2019. Analysing the symbology of Soviet Military city plans.

Measuring user preferences in virtual reality (VR): 2D versus 3D urban geovisualizations of topographic data

Kent, A. and Halik, L. 2019. Measuring user preferences in virtual reality (VR): 2D versus 3D urban geovisualizations of topographic data.

Russian Geographic Information Science

Kent, A. 2019. Russian Geographic Information Science.

Secret Soviet maps

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2019. Secret Soviet maps. Land Journal.

Cold War cartography: unravelling the secret Soviet military mapping programme" (Invited Lecture)

Kent, A. 2019. Cold War cartography: unravelling the secret Soviet military mapping programme" (Invited Lecture).

Mapping the world: Russian military mapping and geographic information science

Kent, A. 2019. Mapping the world: Russian military mapping and geographic information science. CCW Russia Brief.

Maps, materiality and tactile aesthetics

Kent, A. 2019. Maps, materiality and tactile aesthetics. The Cartographic Journal. 56 (1), pp. 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2019.1601932

How topographic maps affect: experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the “other”

Kent, A. and Hopfstock, A. 2019. How topographic maps affect: experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the “other”. Cartographic Perspectives. 91, pp. 69-83. https://doi.org/10.14714/CP91.1459

Uncovering soviet maps

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2019. Uncovering soviet maps.

The wondermaps of Max Gill

Kent, A. 2019. The wondermaps of Max Gill. The Ephemerist. 184 (Spring), pp. 12-19.

How the Soviet Union secretly mapped Britain and the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2019. How the Soviet Union secretly mapped Britain and the world.

Review of "war map: pictorial conflict maps 1900-1950"

Kent, A. 2019. Review of "war map: pictorial conflict maps 1900-1950". The Cartographic Journal. 55 (4), p. 402.

Topographic mapping: past, present and future

Kent, A. and Hopfstock, A. 2019. Topographic mapping: past, present and future. The Cartographic Journal. 55 (4), pp. 305-308. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2018.1576973

A history of map-making

Kent, A. 2019. A history of map-making.

Russian cartography and GIS

Kent, A. 2019. Russian cartography and GIS.

The Soviet mapping of Poland – a brief overview

Kent, A. J., Davis, M. and Davies, J. 2019. The Soviet mapping of Poland – a brief overview. Miscellanea Geographica. 23 (1), pp. 5-15. https://doi.org/10.2478/mgrsd-2018-0034

Secret Soviet maps of Britain and the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2019. Secret Soviet maps of Britain and the world.

Soviet military maps of Manchester

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. Soviet military maps of Manchester. Mapping Manchester for Researchers. The John Rylands Library, Manchester 04 Dec 2018

The Soviet Military plans of Pembroke and Milford Haven

Kent, A. and Davies, J. 2019. The Soviet Military plans of Pembroke and Milford Haven. in: Howell, D. (ed.) Pembrokeshire County History. Volume V: An Historical Atlas of Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire County History Trust. pp. 16-17

Form follows feedback: rethinking cartographic communication

Kent, A. 2018. Form follows feedback: rethinking cartographic communication. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 13 (2), pp. 96-112. https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.296

Maps > representation

Kent, A. 2018. Maps > representation. The Cartographic Journal. 55 (3), pp. 203-204. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2018.1527980

The red atlas – global Soviet military mapping during the Cold War

Kent, A. 2018. The red atlas – global Soviet military mapping during the Cold War.

Capturing a cold war capital: the secret Soviet mapping of London

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. Capturing a cold war capital: the secret Soviet mapping of London.

Ruptured landscapes: reclaiming the memorial sites of Ravensbrück and Flossenbürg

Pastor, D. and Kent, A. 2018. Ruptured landscapes: reclaiming the memorial sites of Ravensbrück and Flossenbürg.

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world.

The cartographic language of Soviet maps

Kent, A. 2018. The cartographic language of Soviet maps.

Secret soviet military maps of Britain and the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. Secret soviet military maps of Britain and the world.

Cartography, cook and roseberry topping

Kent, A. 2018. Cartography, cook and roseberry topping. The Cartographic Journal. 55 (1), pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2018.1472848

Cartography, soviet style

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. Cartography, soviet style. The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 51 (1,2), pp. 47-51.

Soviet military mapping

Kent, A. 2018. Soviet military mapping.

Cartographic design issues

Kent, A. 2018. Cartographic design issues.

European topographic mapping

Kent, A. 2017. European topographic mapping.

Mapping the view: exploring the aesthetics of map‐making

Kent, A. 2008. Mapping the view: exploring the aesthetics of map‐making.

Implementing GIS in pre‐tsunami Sri Lanka: topology or topography?

Kent, A. 2008. Implementing GIS in pre‐tsunami Sri Lanka: topology or topography?

Ordnance survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view

Kent, A. 2009. Ordnance survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view.

European topographic mapping and the aesthetics of landscape cartography

Kent, A. 2006. European topographic mapping and the aesthetics of landscape cartography.

Supranational styles in European state 1:50 000 topographic maps

Kent, A. 2008. Supranational styles in European state 1:50 000 topographic maps.

Cartographic language and the good view: understanding stylistic diversity in European state topographic maps

Kent, A. 2009. Cartographic language and the good view: understanding stylistic diversity in European state topographic maps.

Reconstructing the map: post‐communist cartographic identities in Latvia and Slovenia

Kent, A. 2009. Reconstructing the map: post‐communist cartographic identities in Latvia and Slovenia.

New language, new identity? cartography in post‐independence Latvia and Slovenia

Kent, A. 2009. New language, new identity? cartography in post‐independence Latvia and Slovenia.

The Soviet city plans of Southampton and Portsmouth

Kent, A. 2009. The Soviet city plans of Southampton and Portsmouth.

Know your place - why geographic knowledge still matters

Vujakovic, P., Scoffham, S. and Kent, A. 2018. Know your place - why geographic knowledge still matters.

The President's address to the British Cartographic Society 2017

Kent, A. 2018. The President's address to the British Cartographic Society 2017. The Cartographic Journal. 54 (4), pp. 370-374. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2017.1430115

ICC2017: celebrating cartography

Kent, A. 2018. ICC2017: celebrating cartography. The Cartographic Journal. 54 (4), pp. 289-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2017.1419706

State sponsored secret cartography

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. State sponsored secret cartography.

How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2018. How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world.

The map as spectacle

Vujakovic, P. 2017. The map as spectacle. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography London Routledge. pp. 101-113

Experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the ‘other’

Kent, A. and Hopfstock, A. 2017. Experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the ‘other’. Maps and Emotions. Washington DC, USA 01 - 02 Jul 2017

Mapping dark places

Kent, A. 2017. Mapping dark places.

The red atlas: How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2017. The red atlas: How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world.

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2017. The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world.

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2017. The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world.

The President's address

Kent, A. 2017. The President's address.


Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2017. Introduction. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography Abingdon Routledge. pp. 1-6

Maps and identity

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2017. Maps and identity. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography Abingdon Routledge. pp. 413-426

Cartographic aesthetics

Kent, A. 2017. Cartographic aesthetics. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography Abingdon Routledge. pp. 299-310

Mobile mapping

Davis, M. 2017. Mobile mapping. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography London and New York Routledge. pp. 268-275

Global positioning systems

Davis, M. 2017. Global positioning systems. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography London and New York Routledge. pp. 259-267

Maps and atlases for schools

Scoffham, S. 2017. Maps and atlases for schools. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography Routledge. pp. 28

The Routledge handbook of mapping and cartography

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) 2017. The Routledge handbook of mapping and cartography. Abingdon Routledge.

Trust me, I’m a Cartographer: post-truth and the problem of Acritical Cartography

Kent, A. 2017. Trust me, I’m a Cartographer: post-truth and the problem of Acritical Cartography. The Cartographic Journal. 54 (3), pp. 193-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2017.1376489

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2017. The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world. Chicago University of Chicago Press.

Identifying metadata on Soviet military maps: an illustrated guide

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2018. Identifying metadata on Soviet military maps: an illustrated guide. in: Altić, M., Demhardt, I. and Vervust, S. (ed.) Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge New York Springer. pp. 301-313

From blandscape to Bruegel: cartography and the art of the real

Kent, A. 2017. From blandscape to Bruegel: cartography and the art of the real.

Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: current issues in libraries and collections around the globe

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2017. Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: current issues in libraries and collections around the globe. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. 13 (2), pp. 246-260. https://doi.org/10.1080/15420353.2017.1300206


Kent, A. 2017. Foreword. in: Darkes, G. and Spence, M. (ed.) Cartography - an introduction London British Cartographic Society.

Mapping Cartography: towards some insights

Kent, A. 2017. Mapping Cartography: towards some insights. The Cartographic Journal. 54 (2), pp. 103-105. https://doi.org/1080/00087041.2017.1318471

Meet the editors - The Cartographic Journal

Kent, A. 2017. Meet the editors - The Cartographic Journal. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts 04 - 09 Apr 2017

Cartographic style and the aesthetic fix

Kent, A. 2017. Cartographic style and the aesthetic fix. The Cartographic Journal. 54 (1), pp. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2017.1291556

Maps and imagination

Vujakovic, P. 2017. Maps and imagination. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography London Routledge. pp. 489-499

Cartography and the news

Vujakovic, P. 2017. Cartography and the news. in: Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography London Routledge. pp. 462-474

Editorial preface

Kent, A. 2016. Editorial preface. The Cartographic Journal. 53 (4), pp. 295-295.

Topographic maps: representations of nature and landscape

Kent, A. 2016. Topographic maps: representations of nature and landscape.

Red Planet? How the USSR secretly mapped the world

Davies, J. and Kent, A. 2016. Red Planet? How the USSR secretly mapped the world.

OpenStreetMap (Heart of Kent: October)

Kent, A. 2016. OpenStreetMap (Heart of Kent: October). Kent Life.

Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: a guide for map libraries around the globe

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2016. Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: a guide for map libraries around the globe.

Investigating international approaches to symbol design and evaluation

Kent, A. and Korpi, J. 2016. Investigating international approaches to symbol design and evaluation.

Cartography and dark tourism: aesthetics and authenticity

Kent, A. 2016. Cartography and dark tourism: aesthetics and authenticity.

Political cartography: from Bertin to Brexit

Kent, A. 2016. Political cartography: from Bertin to Brexit. The Cartographic Journal. 53 (3), pp. 199-201. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2016.1219059

A new face for The Cartographic Journal

Kent, A. 2016. A new face for The Cartographic Journal. The Cartographic Journal. 53 (2), pp. 99-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2016.1196939

Some reflections on judging maps

Kent, A. 2015. Some reflections on judging maps. The Cartographic Journal. 52 (4), pp. 303-304. https://doi.org/0.1080/00087041.2015.1115220

Why we love maps

Kent, A. 2016. Why we love maps. The Cartographic Journal. 53 (1), pp. 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2016.1163793

Review of "The Times comprehensive atlas of the world"

Kent, A. 2016. Review of "The Times comprehensive atlas of the world". The Cartographic Journal. 53 (1), pp. 94-95. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2016.1163846

Review of "treasures from the map room"

Kent, A. 2016. Review of "treasures from the map room". The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 50 (1,2), p. 70.

Editorial preface

Kent, A. 2015. Editorial preface. The Cartographic Journal. 52 (2), pp. 91-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2015.1119475

The magic of maps.

Kent, A. 2010. The magic of maps.

A journey through the history of mapmaking.

Kent, A. 2011. A journey through the history of mapmaking.

A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps.

Kent, A. 2011. A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps.

Soviet military plans of British cities

Kent, A. and Davies, J. 2011. Soviet military plans of British cities.

The magic of maps

Kent, A. 2011. The magic of maps.

The user and the mapmaker's art: exploring the aesthetics of cartography

Kent, A. 2012. The user and the mapmaker's art: exploring the aesthetics of cartography.

The magic of maps

Kent, A. 2012. The magic of maps.

Mapping and natural hazard management

Kent, A. 2014. Mapping and natural hazard management.

Maps and national identity in Latvia and Slovenia

Kent, A. 2012. Maps and national identity in Latvia and Slovenia.

Are you cartographically aware?

Kent, A. 2014. Are you cartographically aware?

Large scale Ordnance Survey maps of Lyminge – a brief introduction.

Kent, A. 2015. Large scale Ordnance Survey maps of Lyminge – a brief introduction. Lyminge: a history. 7 (40), pp. 1-9.

Neocartography, new aesthetics?

Kent, A. and Chilton, S. 2015. Neocartography, new aesthetics?

Neocartography, new aesthetics?

Chilton, S. and Kent, A. 2015. Neocartography, new aesthetics?

A journey through the history of mapmaking

Kent, A. 2012. A journey through the history of mapmaking.

European topographic mapping: new directions in Eastern Europe

Kent, A. 2012. European topographic mapping: new directions in Eastern Europe.

Cartographic data formats

Kent, A. 2013. Cartographic data formats.

Cartographic reproduction technology

Kent, A. 2013. Cartographic reproduction technology.

Cartographic design

Kent, A. 2013. Cartographic design.

National styles of cartography in the nineteenth century and the introduction of colour lithography

Kent, A. 2013. National styles of cartography in the nineteenth century and the introduction of colour lithography.

The aesthetics of mapping

Kent, A. 2013. The aesthetics of mapping.

Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: The Soviet military mapping of towns and cities

Kent, A. and Davies, J. 2013. Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: The Soviet military mapping of towns and cities.

GIS: good design matters

Kent, A., Field, K. and Sharpe, R. 2013. GIS: good design matters.

Topographies of terror? The portrayal and identity of wartime landscapes in Germany

Kent, A. 2013. Topographies of terror? The portrayal and identity of wartime landscapes in Germany.

New cartographies, new aesthetics?

Chilton, S. and Kent, A. 2015. New cartographies, new aesthetics? The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 50 (1,2), pp. 3-12.

Soviet military mapping of the UK and contemporary Ordnance Survey mapping: a comparative analysis

Davis, M. and Kent, A. 2015. Soviet military mapping of the UK and contemporary Ordnance Survey mapping: a comparative analysis.

Spectacle and status: the evolution of decoration in English estate maps, 1630-1730

Kent, A. 2015. Spectacle and status: the evolution of decoration in English estate maps, 1630-1730.

Style and supranationalism: chromolithography and the international map of the world

Kent, A. 2015. Style and supranationalism: chromolithography and the international map of the world.

The value of historical maps: art, accuracy and society

Kent, A. 1998. The value of historical maps: art, accuracy and society. Thesis Oxford Brookes University Cartography

Reproduction, design and aesthetics

Kent, A. 2015. Reproduction, design and aesthetics. in: Monmonier, M. (ed.) Cartography in the Twentieth Century Chicago Chicago University Press.

News media mapping: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Vujakovic, P. and Kent, A. 2011. News media mapping: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Design Group Workshop, ‘Mapping 2011 – The power of the image’ The British Cartographic Society, Annual Symposium.

A sense of Plaice? Visitor maps, heritage and place branding in the coastal towns of the Transmanche region

Vujakovic, P. and Kent, A. 2014. A sense of Plaice? Visitor maps, heritage and place branding in the coastal towns of the Transmanche region.

Cultures of cartography: towards a new research agenda

Kent, A., Vujakovic, P. and McLean, K. 2014. Cultures of cartography: towards a new research agenda. ’Capture, Create, and Communicate’, British Cartographic Society, Annual Symposium. Winchester 24 - 26 Jun 2014

A sense of plaice: The cartographic branding of English and French coastal towns in the Transmanche Region

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2014. A sense of plaice: The cartographic branding of English and French coastal towns in the Transmanche Region.

Conventions, cartographic

Kent, A. 2015. Conventions, cartographic. in: Monmonier, M. (ed.) Cartography in the Twentieth Century Chicago Chicago University Press.


Kent, A. 2015. Editorial. The Cartographic Journal. 52 (1), pp. 1-1. https://doi.org/10.1179/0008704115Z.000000000155

Fifty years of the Cartographic Journal

Field, K. and Kent, A. 2015. Fifty years of the Cartographic Journal. The Cartographic Journal. 52 (3), pp. 228-231. https://doi.org/10.1080/00087041.2015.1119942

Cartography: a reader

Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) 2014. Cartography: a reader. Reading Society of Cartographers.

Landmarks in mapping

Field, K. and Kent, A. (ed.) 2014. Landmarks in mapping. Leeds Maney.

A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography

Kent, A. 2014. A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography.

Helping Haiti: some reflections on contributing to a global disaster relief effort

Kent, A. 2014. Helping Haiti: some reflections on contributing to a global disaster relief effort. in: Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) Cartography: A Reader Reading The Society of Cartographers. pp. 267-273

Cartographic blandscapes and the new noise: finding the good view in a topographical mashup

Kent, A. 2014. Cartographic blandscapes and the new noise: finding the good view in a topographical mashup. in: Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) Cartography: A Reader Reading The Society of Cartographers. pp. 241-248

The 1970s

Kent, A. 2014. The 1970s. in: Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) Cartography: A Reader Reading The Society of Cartographers. pp. 21-22

The 1990s

Kent, A. 2014. The 1990s. in: Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) Cartography: A Reader Reading The Society of Cartographers. pp. 133-134

The 2010s

Kent, A. 2014. The 2010s. in: Chilton, S. and Kent, A. (ed.) Cartography: A Reader Reading The Society of Cartographers. pp. 249-250

Thomas Hill's map of Lyminge, 1685

Kent, A. 2014. Thomas Hill's map of Lyminge, 1685. Lyminge: a history. 6 (23), pp. 1-15.

Reflections on ‘line generalization by repeated elimination of points’

Kent, A. 2014. Reflections on ‘line generalization by repeated elimination of points’. in: Field, K. and Kent, A. (ed.) Landmarks in Mapping: 50 Years of The Cartographic Journal Leeds Routledge. pp. 156-158

Reflections on ‘cultures of map use’

Kent, A. 2014. Reflections on ‘cultures of map use’. in: Field, K. and Kent, A. (ed.) Landmarks in Mapping: 50 Years of The Cartographic Journal Leeds Maney. pp. 237-238

Soviet maps and town plans

Kent, A. and Davies, J. 2014. Soviet maps and town plans.

Are you cartographically aware?

Kent, A. 2014. Are you cartographically aware?

A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography

Kent, A. 2014. A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography. The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 48 (1 & 2), pp. 7-16.

A sense of plaice?

Vujakovic, P. and Kent, A. 2014. A sense of plaice? Maplines. Spring, pp. 14-16.

Turning the tide? Visitor maps and the place branding of coastal towns in Kent and East Sussex

Vujakovic, P., Hills, J. and Kent, A. 2014. Turning the tide? Visitor maps and the place branding of coastal towns in Kent and East Sussex. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 47 (1), pp. 37-42.

From a dry statement of facts to a thing of beauty: understanding aesthetics in the mapping and counter-mapping of place

Kent, A. 2013. From a dry statement of facts to a thing of beauty: understanding aesthetics in the mapping and counter-mapping of place. Cartographic Perspectives. 73, pp. 39-60.

Understanding aesthetics: the cartographers' response

Kent, A. 2013. Understanding aesthetics: the cartographers' response. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 46 (1, 2), pp. 31-43.

How maps inspire us

Kent, A. 2013. How maps inspire us.

A celebration of 50 years of the British cartographic society

Going, C., Cassettari, S., Jolly, P., Kent, A. and Millea, N. (ed.) 2013. A celebration of 50 years of the British cartographic society. Ilkeston British Cartographic Society.

Review of "Rediscovering the world: map transformations of human and physical space"

Kent, A. 2013. Review of "Rediscovering the world: map transformations of human and physical space". Cartographica. 48 (4), pp. 334-335. https://doi.org/10.1353/car.2013.0038

Review of "Cartographer's toolkit: colors, typography, patterns"

Kent, A. 2013. Review of "Cartographer's toolkit: colors, typography, patterns". Cartographica. 48 (1), pp. 71-72. https://doi.org/10.1353/car.2013.0006

Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: the Soviet military mapping of towns and cities

Kent, A. and Davies, J. 2013. Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: the Soviet military mapping of towns and cities. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 40 (3), pp. 248-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2013.799734

Maps, pixels, and power: improving design and communication in remote sensing

Kent, A. 1999. Maps, pixels, and power: improving design and communication in remote sensing. Masters Thesis University of Cambridge (Queens' College) Geography

Cognition, behaviour, representation

Griffin, A., Fabrikant, S. and Kent, A. 2012. Cognition, behaviour, representation. The Cartographic Journal. 49 (4).

Review of "Intelligence revealed: maps, plans and views at Horse Guards and the War Office, 1800–1880"

Kent, A. 2012. Review of "Intelligence revealed: maps, plans and views at Horse Guards and the War Office, 1800–1880". Journal of the Society of Archivists. 33 (2), pp. 232-235. https://doi.org/10.1080/00379816.2012.722539

Maps from the past?

Kent, A. 2012. Maps from the past? Sheetlines: The Journal of the Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. 94, pp. 17-22.

Review of "figures INFRASTRUCTURES: an Atlas of roads and railways" by Bieke Cattoor and Bruno De Muelder

Kent, A. 2012. Review of "figures INFRASTRUCTURES: an Atlas of roads and railways" by Bieke Cattoor and Bruno De Muelder. The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 45 (1,2), pp. 54-55.

Review of "information graphics"

Kent, A. 2012. Review of "information graphics". The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 46 (1,2), p. 49.

Maps for growing minds: designing atlases for children

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2012. Maps for growing minds: designing atlases for children. Maplines. Winter.

Cartographic design and aesthetics “FAQ”

Kent, A., Field, K., Jenny, B. and Hopfstock, A. 2012. Cartographic design and aesthetics “FAQ”. Cartographic Perspectives. 73.

A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps

Kent, A. 2011. A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps. in: Ruas, A. (ed.) Advances in Cartography and GIScience: Volume 1: Selection from ICC 2011, Paris Berlin Springer. pp. 109-132

New directions in cartography

Kent, A. 2011. New directions in cartography.

An analysis of the cartographic language of European state topographic maps: aesthetics, style, and identity

Kent, A. 2007. An analysis of the cartographic language of European state topographic maps: aesthetics, style, and identity. PhD Thesis University of Kent/Canterbury Christ Church University Geographical and Life Sciences

Understanding aesthetics for good cartographic design

Kent, A. 2010. Understanding aesthetics for good cartographic design.

Landscape or blandscape? Exploring cartographic style in European topographic maps of the 20th century

Kent, A. 2010. Landscape or blandscape? Exploring cartographic style in European topographic maps of the 20th century.

Stylistic diversity in European state 1 : 50 000 topographic maps

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2009. Stylistic diversity in European state 1 : 50 000 topographic maps. The Cartographic Journal. 46 (3), pp. 179-213. https://doi.org/10.1179/000870409X12488753453453

Review of "Atlas of the World's Languages" (2nd Ed.)

Kent, A. 2011. Review of "Atlas of the World's Languages" (2nd Ed.). The Cartographic Journal. 48 (1), p. 73.

Review of "OpenStreetMap: Using and enhancing the free map of the world"

Kent, A. 2011. Review of "OpenStreetMap: Using and enhancing the free map of the world". The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 45 (1,2), p. 55.

A foreign affair – map design and international news

Vujakovic, P. and Kent, A. 2011. A foreign affair – map design and international news. Maplines. Summer, pp. 4-5.

Cartographic language: towards a new paradigm for understanding stylistic diversity in topographic maps

Kent, A. and Vujakovic, P. 2011. Cartographic language: towards a new paradigm for understanding stylistic diversity in topographic maps. The Cartographic Journal. 48 (1), pp. 21-40. https://doi.org/10.1179/1743277411Y.0000000004

Engaging new cartographers

Vujakovic, P. and Kent, A. 2010. Engaging new cartographers.

Ordnance Survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view (part 2)

Kent, A. 2010. Ordnance Survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view (part 2). Sheetlines: The Journal of the Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. 88, pp. 11-16.

Ordnance Survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view (part 1)

Kent, A. 2010. Ordnance Survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view (part 1). Sheetlines: The Journal of the Charles Close Society for the Study of Ordnance Survey Maps. 87, pp. 19-28.

Helping Haiti: some reflections on contributing to a global disaster relief effort

Kent, A. 2010. Helping Haiti: some reflections on contributing to a global disaster relief effort. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 44 (1-2), pp. 39-45.

Topographic maps: methodological approaches for analyzing cartographic style

Kent, A. 2009. Topographic maps: methodological approaches for analyzing cartographic style. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. 5 (2), pp. 131-156.

A methodology to classify and visualize stylistic evolution in topographic maps

Kent, A. 2008. A methodology to classify and visualize stylistic evolution in topographic maps.

Understanding aesthetics for good map design

Kent, A. 2008. Understanding aesthetics for good map design.

Cartographic blandscapes and the new noise: finding the good view in a topographical mashup

Kent, A. 2008. Cartographic blandscapes and the new noise: finding the good view in a topographical mashup. The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 42 (1-2), pp. 29-37.

An analysis of stylistic diversity in European state 1:50 000 topographic maps

Kent, A. 2007. An analysis of stylistic diversity in European state 1:50 000 topographic maps.

Review of "the world map: 1300-1492"

Kent, A. 2007. Review of "the world map: 1300-1492". The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers. 41 (1.2), p. 46.

Review of "type and typography"

Kent, A. 2006. Review of "type and typography". The Cartographic Journal. 43 (1), p. 111.

Aesthetics: a lost cause in cartographic theory?

Kent, A. 2005. Aesthetics: a lost cause in cartographic theory? The Cartographic Journal. 42 (2), pp. 182-188. https://doi.org/10.1179/000870405X61487

Review of "a new historical atlas of Cheshire"

Kent, A. 2003. Review of "a new historical atlas of Cheshire". The Cartographic Journal. 40 (1), p. 96.

Review of "Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World"

Kent, A. 2003. Review of "Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World". The Cartographic Journal. 40 (1), p. 95.
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