Exploring teachers’ capacity to engage with remote English language teaching environments: The interface between theory and practice

Book chapter

Balchin, K., Linehan, A. and Norris, D. 2023. Exploring teachers’ capacity to engage with remote English language teaching environments: The interface between theory and practice. in: Maria-del-Mar Suárez, Walaa M. El-Henawy (ed.) Optimizing Online English Language Learning and Teaching Cham Springer. pp. 31-51
AuthorsBalchin, K., Linehan, A. and Norris, D.
EditorsMaria-del-Mar Suárez, Walaa M. El-Henawy

This chapter takes a snapshot of the current situation in terms of secondary school English teachers’ capacity to engage in teaching remotely, as has been necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic, in three distinct locations within Asia – India, Malaysia, and Taiwan. In addition, taking account of the potential effects of COVID-19, it seeks to uncover any mismatch between teachers’ theoretical understandings of what remote teaching of English language classes involves and what has been happening in practice. It is based upon a small-scale qualitative study that used questionnaire data from English teachers working in secondary schools in different locations and interview data from academics working in the field of English language teacher education in each location. Through the data, the study revisits how teachers’ capacity to teach remotely is modelled as well as making recommendations in terms of supporting and training teachers to deliver classes remotely and the need to pay attention to both teacher and student wellbeing in order to make remote teaching sustainable.

KeywordsEnglish language teaching; Emergency remote teaching; TPACK; Teacher support and training; Staff and student wellbeing
Page range31-51
Book titleOptimizing Online English Language Learning and Teaching
Output statusPublished
Place of publicationCham
SeriesEnglish Language Education
Publication dates
Print15 Apr 2023
Publication process dates
AcceptedMar 2023
Deposited26 Jul 2023
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-27825-9
Official URLhttps://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-27825-9?page=2#toc

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