Methods of determining training needs for nursing and paramedical staff within a community trust

Future professionals: a reflective impression

Working in partnership (The Butterworth Report 1994): some identified areas of potential implications for the training and development services

With children in mind: A paediatric perspective of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Losing combination

Ailing alders

The origins of the Winchester pipe rolls

The ethnic crucible: harmony and hostility in multi-ethnic schools

National survey of local education authorities' policies and procedures for the identification of, and provision for, children who are out of school by reason of exclusion or otherwise

Quality improvement in action

The politics and practice of quality

Quality improvement in education: case studies in schools, colleges and universities

Parents and their children's schools

Appropriate methodology and social context

Learning to teach and models of mentoring

Learning to teach and models of mentoring

Contorted, folded, torn: environmental values, cartographic representation and the politics of disability

Mercator: the man who changed the world

Damning Mercator: the Mercator projection and the struggle for the 'New Cartography'

Images of development: maps and political graphics

Propagation of the message: persuasive cartography

Projections of development

Why work in groups?

Wildlife utilization

Inducting non-executive directors of trust boards

The importance of language awareness in the phonology component of a teacher training programme

The teaching of English in Morocco: the place of culture

Incorporating a language improvement component in teacher training programmes

Romance and sex on holidays abroad: a study of magazine representations

Anthony Eden, British diplomacy and the origins of the Geneva Conference of 1954

Admissions to Catholic schools: principles and practice

Learning controlled drugs use: A case study

Britten: War Requiem

Wagner and the musicien Francais: an interpretation of Debussy's criticism

Tourist health: the precautions, behaviour and health problems of British tourists in Malta

Newman: identite et textualite

Chesneys' equipment for student radiographers

Evaluation: organizations learning from experience

Quality assurance and mental health services

Models of continuing care

Starvation, dessication and use of allosperm in the hermaphrodite freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

Excluding primary school children

Physical sciences - a primary teacher's guide

Effective provision in the primary school

Beyond the library health check: assessing the role of primary and secondary school libraries in teaching and learning

Student culture and English language education: An international perspective

In-service teacher development programme for English in primary and middle schools

Issues concerning the development of the business studies undergraduate curriculum in UK higher education

Language across the curriculum in an ESL context: how teachers deal with difficult texts

Developing a profile for the secondary B.Ed. (Physical Education) degree course

Catalogue of the Law Society's Mendham Collection

Young people, youth work and new authoritarianism

Comparative youth skill acquisition in England and Germany

Keyworkers: technical and training mastery in the workplace

Parental involvement in Catholic schools: a case of increasing conflict

Local education: community, conversation, praxis

Using GIS to target agri-environment policy

The one that got away? GIS marine fisheries

South Yorkshire's Supertram: construction problems of new urban infrastructure

Evaluating the environmental impact of a major transport infrastructure project: the channel tunnel high-speed rail link

Maltese patterns of dependence: an historical perspective

Invisible learning? The contribution of school libraries to teaching and learning

Introduction: multi-professionalism - challenges and issues

Protecting children from abuse: multi-professionalism and the Children Act 1989

Postscript. Supporting children and families - an optimistic future?

Making a difference for children 'in need': 'educare' services

What's so special about families?

Working together for young children: multi-professionalism in action

English episcopal acta: Winchester, 1205-38

Professionalism, judgement and the inspection of schools

How to be brilliant at using a calculator

How to be brilliant at algebra

"Like a beacon left alone": the position of Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market

Competence-based management education and the needs of the learning organisation

Travel, lifestyles and health

The psychological preparation of an international free-style skier

The reform of initial teacher training

World watch 1: the world around us. Pupil's book

Request for records and samples of two aquatic aliens: Lemna minuta and Elodea nuttallii

The ambiguities of Catholic schooling

Two reports on the screen studies conference, Glasgow, 25–27 June 1993

Towards the next millenium

Equipment for ultrasound imaging

Randomized controlled trial measuring the effects on labour of offering a light low fat diet

Using the synthetic biproportional projector for the measurement of structual change in Ireland

Test your grammar

Infant geography resource bank

Junior geography resource bank

Institutional development planning

Managing challenging behaviour for pupils with SLD

Off site, in tune, on target

Course design for resource based learning

Identifying the clumsy child in school: an exploratory study

The house of TESEP and the communicative approach: the special needs of state English language education

The impact of the Channel Tunnel on Nord-Pas-de-Calais

Virtually unbeatable in its present form (editorial)

A global role in psychiatric and mental health nursing (editorial)

Language among the amazons: conjuring and creativity in Cranford

Que desean los padres en Belgica e Inglaterra que sus hijos aprendan en una educacion temprana

A survey of levels of psychological distress and sources of stress among undergraduate occupational therapy students

Talking about photographs

A glossary of terms for Key Stage 2 geography

Developing and expanding practice in radiography

The experience of 'excluded' primary school children and their families

Daring to doubt the Crucifixion

Church's net loss

Issues concerning the development of the undergraduate business studies curriculum in UK higher education

Inducation programmes: use and abuse

Odds that don't add up

Book review: Eutrophication: research and application to water supply

Professionalism, confessionalism and religious education: an exploration from the British context

Concept cracking: exploring Christian beliefs in school

A Christian vision for state education: reflections on the theology of education

The epistemological foundations of modern Religious Education

The Bible in the secondary school

The development of a postgraduate diploma in Clinical Reporting (Radiography)

The secondary active mentoring programme: principles and processess pack 1

Biased care?

New antitumor compounds linked to aminophosphonic acids loose the phosphonate and tertiary amine ligand upon binding to nucleic acids

Inbred lines as testers for combining ability in cotton

Genetic study of lint percentage and staple length in cotton