Mr Richard Cullen

NameMr Richard Cullen
Job titleAcademic Sessional

Research outputs

How does collaborative practice facilitate learning? processes involved in a Wiki-mediated collaborative writing task

Cullen, R. and Wild, C. 2018. How does collaborative practice facilitate learning? processes involved in a Wiki-mediated collaborative writing task. in: Jones, C. (ed.) Practice in Second Language Learning Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-253

Implementing a collaborative learning approach in a B.Ed. TESL programme: putting the principles into practice

Cullen, R. and Kullman, J. 2012. Implementing a collaborative learning approach in a B.Ed. TESL programme: putting the principles into practice.

Online collaborative learning on an ESL teacher education programme

Cullen, R., Kullman, J. and Wild, C. 2013. Online collaborative learning on an ESL teacher education programme. ELT Journal. 67 (4), pp. 425-434.

Spoken grammar and ELT materials: a missing link?

Cullen, R. 2007. Spoken grammar and ELT materials: a missing link?

Liberating tasks for teaching grammar

Cullen, R. 2009. Liberating tasks for teaching grammar.

Spoken grammar and ELT materials: A missing link?

Cullen, R. and Kuo, I. 2007. Spoken grammar and ELT materials: A missing link? TESOL Quarterly. 41 (2), pp. 361-386.

Supportive teacher talk: the importance of the F-move

Cullen, R. 2002. Supportive teacher talk: the importance of the F-move. ELT Journal. 56 (2), pp. 117-127.

Enriching classroom talk: the teacher's role and teachers' roles

Cullen, R. 2010. Enriching classroom talk: the teacher's role and teachers' roles.

Teaching grammar as a liberating force

Cullen, R. 2008. Teaching grammar as a liberating force. ELT Journal. 62 (3), pp. 221-230.

Teaching grammar as a liberating force

Cullen, R. 2004. Teaching grammar as a liberating force. in: Pulverness, A. (ed.) IATEFL 2003 Brighton Conference Selections International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. pp. 136-138

The skills of training: teacher training in Tanzania

Cullen, R. 2004. The skills of training: teacher training in Tanzania. in: Hayes, D. (ed.) Trainer development: principles and practice from language teacher training Melbourne Language Australia. pp. 137-153

The use of lesson transcripts for developing teachers’ classroom language

Cullen, R. 2002. The use of lesson transcripts for developing teachers’ classroom language. in: Trappes-Lomax, H. and Ferguson, G. (ed.) Language in Language Teacher Education Amsterdam John Benjamins Publishing.

The use of lesson transcripts for developing teachers' classroom language

Cullen, R. 2001. The use of lesson transcripts for developing teachers' classroom language. System. 29 (1), pp. 27-43.

PPP and beyond: towards a learning-centred approach to teaching grammar

Cullen, R. 2001. PPP and beyond: towards a learning-centred approach to teaching grammar. in: Mora, H., Speck, B., Franch, P., Signes, C. and Viano, M. (ed.) Teaching English in a Spanish Setting University of Valencia. pp. 13-26

Teacher talk and the classroom context

Cullen, R. 1998. Teacher talk and the classroom context. ELT Journal. 52 (3), pp. 179-187.

Transfer of training: assessing the impact of INSET in Tanzania

Cullen, R. 1997. Transfer of training: assessing the impact of INSET in Tanzania. in: Hayes, D. (ed.) In-Service Teacher Development: International Perspectives Hemel Hempstead Prentice Hall Europe ELT. pp. 20-36

Providing realistic practice in reported speech

Cullen, R. 1997. Providing realistic practice in reported speech. Modern English Teacher. 6 (3), pp. 27-31.

Helping non-native speaker teacher trainers with questions for leading discussions

Cullen, R. 1995. Helping non-native speaker teacher trainers with questions for leading discussions. The Teacher Trainer. 9 (3), pp. 7-9.

Breaking down barriers

Cullen, R. 1995. Breaking down barriers. The Teacher Trainer. 9 (1).

The use of lesson transcripts in teacher development

Cullen, R. 1995. The use of lesson transcripts in teacher development. The Teacher Trainer. 9 (1), pp. 3-7.

Incorporating a language improvement component in teacher training programmes

Cullen, R. 1994. Incorporating a language improvement component in teacher training programmes. ELT Journal. 48 (2), pp. 162-172.

Video in teacher training: the use of local materials

Cullen, R. 1991. Video in teacher training: the use of local materials. ELT Journal. 45 (1), pp. 33-42.
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