Professor Dominic Wood

NameProfessor Dominic Wood
Job titleProfessor in Ethical Policing
Research instituteSchool of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Research outputs


Brady, E. and Swallow, P. 2024. Counter-terrorism. in: Wood, D. and Dickens, T. (ed.) Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students Oxford

Digital policing

Stephens, P. and Bradbury, P. 2024. Digital policing. in: Wood, D., Dickens, T., Bradshaw, S., Parker-McLeod, J. and Davis, C. (ed.) Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students 2024 Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 280-293

Public protection and victims and witnesses

Dickens, T. and Ozcakir Mozova, K. 2024. Public protection and victims and witnesses. in: Wood, D., Bradshaw, S., Dickens, T. and Parker-Mcleod, J. (ed.) Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students Oxford University Press.

Blackstone's handbook for policing students

Wood, D., Bradshaw, S., Dickens, T., Parker-Mcleod, J. and Davies, C. (ed.) 2024. Blackstone's handbook for policing students. Oxford University Press.

Blackstone's handbook for policing students

Wood, D., Bradshaw, S., Dickens, T. and Parker-Mcleod, J. (ed.) 2022. Blackstone's handbook for policing students. Oxford University Press.


Stephens, P. and Brady, E. 2022. Cybercrime. in: Wood, D., Bradshaw, S., Dickens, T., Parker-McLeod, J., Simpson, F. and Weaver, G. (ed.) Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students 2023 Oxford University Press.

Sexual offences

O'Neill, M. 2022. Sexual offences. in: Dickens, T. and Wood, D. (ed.) Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students England, Wales and Northern Ireland Oxford University Press. pp. 394-417

Blackstone's handbook for policing students

Wood, D., Bradshaw, S., Dickens, T. and Parker-Mcleod, J. (ed.) 2021. Blackstone's handbook for policing students. Oxford University Press.

Towards Ethical Policing

Wood, D. A. 2020. Towards Ethical Policing. Bristol Policy Press.

Embedding learning and assessment within police practice: the opportunities and challenges arising from the introduction of the PEQF in England and Wales

Wood, D. 2018. Embedding learning and assessment within police practice: the opportunities and challenges arising from the introduction of the PEQF in England and Wales. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice.

The importance of context and cognitive agency in developing police knowledge: going beyond the police science discourse

Wood, D., Cockcroft, T., Tong, S. and Bryant, R. 2017. The importance of context and cognitive agency in developing police knowledge: going beyond the police science discourse. The Police Journal.

The politics of establishing reflexivity as a core component of good policing

Wood, D. and Williams, E. 2016. The politics of establishing reflexivity as a core component of good policing. in: Armstrong, S., Blaustein, J. and Henry, A. (ed.) Reflexivity and Criminal Justice. Intersections of Policy, Practice and Research London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 215-236

Can the individual survive the greening of criminology?

Wood, D. 2016. Can the individual survive the greening of criminology? in: Hall, M., Wyatt, T., Potter, G., South, N., Nurse, A. and Maher, J. (ed.) Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Contemporary Debates and Future Directions in the Study of Environmental Harm Abingdon Routledge. pp. 42-58

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2017

Blackburn, B., Graca, S., Lawton-Barrett, K., Gilbert, P., Hooper, G., Jones, G., Lerpiniere, P., McCormack, T., Mitchell, S., Nunn, J., O'Neill, M., Owens, J., Straine-Francis, V., Underwood, R. and Wood, D. Bryant, R. and Bryant, S. (ed.) 2016. Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2017. Oxford Oxford University Press.

Researching professional development

Wood, D. and Bryant, R. 2015. Researching professional development. in: Brunger, M., Tong, S. and Martin, D. (ed.) Introduction to policing research. Taking lessons from practice. London Routledge. pp. 87-99

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2016

Graca, S., Lawton-Barrett, K., O'Neill, M., Tong, S., Underwood, R. and Wood, D. Bryant, R. and Bryant, S. (ed.) 2015. Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2016. Oxford Oxford University Press.

The importance of liberal values within policing: police and crime commissioners, police independence and the spectre of illiberal democracy

Wood, D. 2016. The importance of liberal values within policing: police and crime commissioners, police independence and the spectre of illiberal democracy. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy. 26 (2), pp. 148-164.

Police training and education: past, present and future

Bryant, R., Cockcroft, T., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2013. Police training and education: past, present and future. in: Brown, J. (ed.) The Future of Policing London Routledge.

Why is more policing always the answer?

Wood, D. 2010. Why is more policing always the answer?

Responding to the Neyroud Review: the higher education forum for learning and development in policing perspective

Wood, D. 2011. Responding to the Neyroud Review: the higher education forum for learning and development in policing perspective.

Policing at a crossroads: the demise of constabulary independence and the rise of purposeful policing

Wood, D. 2011. Policing at a crossroads: the demise of constabulary independence and the rise of purposeful policing.

Human rights and the future prospects for liberal policing in the UK

Wood, D. 2010. Human rights and the future prospects for liberal policing in the UK.

Democratising police governance? A critical reflection on the likely impact of Police and Crime Commissioners

Wood, D. and Furness, M. 2012. Democratising police governance? A critical reflection on the likely impact of Police and Crime Commissioners.

ASC 547 higher education and policing. Report submitted to the Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Cluster

Bryant, R., Bryant, S., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2012. ASC 547 higher education and policing. Report submitted to the Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Cluster. Higher Education Academy.

Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.)

Bryant, R., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2012. Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.). London Home Office.

Police Complaints in the United Kingdom

Wood, D. 2012. Police Complaints in the United Kingdom. in: MacAlister, D. (ed.) Police Involved Deaths. The Need for Reform Vancouver, British Columbia BC Civil Liberties Association. pp. 73-99

Policing without principles: reflections on the teaching of police discretion to initial police trainees

Wood, D. 2008. Policing without principles: reflections on the teaching of police discretion to initial police trainees.

Intergenerational equity and ecological justice: Can’t live with them, can’t live without them

Wood, D. 2008. Intergenerational equity and ecological justice: Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

Policing as politics

Wood, D. 2009. Policing as politics.

Policing as social engineering : Reflections on the ''Hamsterdam'' experiment

Wood, D. 2009. Policing as social engineering : Reflections on the ''Hamsterdam'' experiment.

From liberal to democratic policing: Is there a role for toleration within contemporary policing?

Wood, D. 2009. From liberal to democratic policing: Is there a role for toleration within contemporary policing?

Do consequences matter? Police ethics in an 'age of terror'

Wood, D. 2007. Do consequences matter? Police ethics in an 'age of terror'.

Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK

Phipps, J., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2007. Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK.

Graduate police officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring officers

Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2011. Graduate police officers: releasing the potential for pre-employment university programmes for aspiring officers. The Police Journal. 84 (1), pp. 69-74.

To regionalize or not to regionalize? A study in the politics of policing in the Greater Vancouver regional district

Wood, D. 2007. To regionalize or not to regionalize? A study in the politics of policing in the Greater Vancouver regional district. Police Practice and Research. 8 (3), pp. 283-297.

Discretion and decision making

Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2009. Discretion and decision making. The Police Online Knowledge Area (POLKA).

The future of initial police training: a university perspective

Wood, D. and Tong, S. 2009. The future of initial police training: a university perspective. International Journal of Police Science and Management. 11 (3), pp. 294-305.

Accountable, responsive and independent: on the need for balance in police governance

Wood, D. and MacAlister, D. 2005. Accountable, responsive and independent: on the need for balance in police governance. International Journal of Police Science and Management. 7 (3), pp. 197-207.

Iconoclasm, iconography and the altar in the English civil war

Eales, J. 1992. Iconoclasm, iconography and the altar in the English civil war. in: Wood, D. (ed.) The Church and the Arts: Papers read at the 1990 Summer Meeting and the 1991 Winter Meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society Oxford, UK; Cambridge Mass., USA Blackwell.

Samuel Clarke and the lives of godly women in seventeenth century England

Eales, J. 1990. Samuel Clarke and the lives of godly women in seventeenth century England. in: Sheils, W. and Wood, D. (ed.) Women in the Church Oxford Blackwell.
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