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Head of Academic SchoolMrs Abbie Kempe

Latest research outputs

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Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy
Sarajchi, M. and Sirlantzis, K. 2023. Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Sensors. 23 (13), p. 6103. https://doi.org/1424-8220/23/13/6103

Journal article

Management actions to address the climate emergency: Motivations and barriers for SMEs and other societal micro/meso-level groups
O'Leary, S., Lieberman, S., Gulyas, A., Ogilvie, M., Bates, D., Heath, T., Pelz, C., Williams, S. and Shalet, D. 2023. Management actions to address the climate emergency: Motivations and barriers for SMEs and other societal micro/meso-level groups. The International Journal of Management Education. 21 (3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2023.100831

Journal article

Sexism, abuse and threatening behaviour: experiences of women football referees in amateur and semi-professional men’s football in the UK
Gubby, L. and Martin, Shannon 2024. Sexism, abuse and threatening behaviour: experiences of women football referees in amateur and semi-professional men’s football in the UK. Sport, Education and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2024.2324376

Journal article

Social and environmental justice for a sustainable future
Hallenberg, K., Maclean, A., Consorte-McCrea, A., Ali, Z., Makinde, M. and Martin, E. 2023. Social and environmental justice for a sustainable future.

Conference paper

The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good
O'Leary, S., Gulyas, A., Lieberman, S., Ogilvie, M., Bates, D., Heath, T. and Shalet, D. 2022. The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good. Graduate College Working Papers.

Journal article

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