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Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2020
Graca, S., Bryant, R., Lawton-Barrett, K., Gilbert, P., Hooper, G., Jones, N., Blackburn, B., McCormack, T., Mitchell, S., Nunn, J., O'Neill, M. and Owens, J. Bryant, S. and Bryant, R. (ed.) 2019. Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2020. Oxford Oxford University Press.Book
Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2021
Graca, S., Bryant, R., Lawton-Barrett, K., Gilbert, P., Hooper, G., Jones, N., Blackburn, B., McCormack, T., Mitchell, S., Nunn, J., O'Neill, M. and Owens, J. Bryant, S. and Bryant, R. (ed.) 2020. Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2021. Oxford Oxford University Press.Book
Race, policing, and Black Lives Matter
Althea Legal-Miller 2022. Race, policing, and Black Lives Matter. in: Gillian Peele, Bruce Cain, Jon Herbert and Andrew Wroe (ed.) Developments in American Politics 9 Cham Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 33-48Book chapter
More lesson learning, less risk aversion in England and Wales? Prospects for the police (conduct) regulations 2020
Heaton, R. and Tong, Stephen 2022. More lesson learning, less risk aversion in England and Wales? Prospects for the police (conduct) regulations 2020. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles. article
Section 45 of the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015: an examination of police investigations
Lloyd, D. 2021. Section 45 of the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015: an examination of police investigations. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Psychology and Life SciencesMasters Thesis
Authority, legitimacy and limits – who shapes police education? Reflections from England
Hallenberg, K. 2021. Authority, legitimacy and limits – who shapes police education? Reflections from England.Conference keynote
Police professionalisation: Some structural, cultural and pedagogic issues
Hallenberg, K. and Cockcroft, T. 2019. Police professionalisation: Some structural, cultural and pedagogic issues.Conference paper
Can Community Policing be used to improve public perception of the Police and how has this been affected in times of austerity?
Mcilwain, C. 2021. Can Community Policing be used to improve public perception of the Police and how has this been affected in times of austerity? Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis
Unpacking the Blue Box: structure, control and education in policing
Cockcroft, T. and Hallenberg, K. 2021. Unpacking the Blue Box: structure, control and education in policing. Policing and Society. 32 (9), pp. 1146-1165. article
Assessing the consequences of Brexit on UK police cooperation with the EU
Shellaker, M. 2021. Assessing the consequences of Brexit on UK police cooperation with the EU. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis
Male sexual victimisation and the specialist officer: a critical analysis of the police response to adult males
Phillips, K. 2021. Male sexual victimisation and the specialist officer: a critical analysis of the police response to adult males. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis
Illusions of consent – Police and Crown Prosecution Service responses to victims of professional sexual abuse in mental health services
Melville-Wiseman, J. 2021. Illusions of consent – Police and Crown Prosecution Service responses to victims of professional sexual abuse in mental health services.Conference paper
Policing the Police: an analysis of practitioner views of the IOPC’s Learning the Lessons Magazine
Staddon, L. 2021. Policing the Police: an analysis of practitioner views of the IOPC’s Learning the Lessons Magazine. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis
‘Getting on with the job’: A systematised literature review of secondary trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in policing within the United Kingdom (UK)
Foley, J., Hassett, Alex and Williams, Emma 2021. ‘Getting on with the job’: A systematised literature review of secondary trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in policing within the United Kingdom (UK). The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles. 95 (1), pp. 224-252. article
Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police. By SalNicolazzo. New Haven: Yale. 2021. 320p. £50 (hb). ISBN 9780300241310
Hitchcock, Dave 2021. Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police. By SalNicolazzo. New Haven: Yale. 2021. 320p. £50 (hb). ISBN 9780300241310. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. article
Police officers' understanding of human trafficking in Kent: invesitigation, training and knowledge
Clarke, E. 2020. Police officers' understanding of human trafficking in Kent: invesitigation, training and knowledge. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis
Professionalising the police: the unfulfilled promise of police training by Nigel G. Fielding, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, £42.33 (paperback), ISBN:978-0-19-881747-5
Norman, J. 2020. Professionalising the police: the unfulfilled promise of police training by Nigel G. Fielding, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, £42.33 (paperback), ISBN:978-0-19-881747-5. Policing and Society. 30 (5), pp. 599-600. article
Kutatás a Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Fő-kapitányságon
Farkas, J., Borbely, Zs., Tegyei, A.C., Tozser, E., Molnár, R. and Ivaskevics, K. 2020. Kutatás a Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Fő-kapitányságon. in: Farkas, J. (ed.) Szervezeti kultúrák és kutatásuk NKE. pp. 162-175Book chapter
Using technology to improve assessment facilitation on a Policing Apprenticeship Programme: From COVID-19 contingency to best practice
Honess, Richard, Clarke, Scott, Jones, Gary and Owens, and Jane 2021. Using technology to improve assessment facilitation on a Policing Apprenticeship Programme: From COVID-19 contingency to best practice. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 16 (1), pp. 63-72. article
Kids aren’t the problem. Understanding police officer – school staff relationships within Safer School Partnerships.
Sweeney, S. 2020. Kids aren’t the problem. Understanding police officer – school staff relationships within Safer School Partnerships. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Law, Policing and Social SciencesMasters Thesis