Mrs Lauren Martins

NameMrs Lauren Martins
Job titleSenior Lecturer
Research instituteSchool of Allied and Public Health Professions
ORCID (unauthenticated)

Research outputs

A change of scene: Moving pedagogical practice from the classroom to the court room. What impact does this have on social work students’ feelings of confidence?

Martins, L. 2024. A change of scene: Moving pedagogical practice from the classroom to the court room. What impact does this have on social work students’ feelings of confidence? The British Journal of Social Work.

Does the combined application of social work law module teaching and practical court skills days increase students’ confidence in their court skills?

Martins, L. 2023. Does the combined application of social work law module teaching and practical court skills days increase students’ confidence in their court skills?

How effective are current joint working practices between children and family social workers and mental health care coordinators in supporting families in which there is a primary care-giver with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder?

Martins, L. and Tucker, Laura A. 2023. How effective are current joint working practices between children and family social workers and mental health care coordinators in supporting families in which there is a primary care-giver with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder? The British Journal of Social Work.
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