Dr Sarah Lieberman

NameDr Sarah Lieberman
Job titleReader
Research instituteSchool of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Research outputs

The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: Motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good

O'Leary, S., Lieberman, S., Gulyas, A., Ogilvie, M., Bates, D., Heath, T., Pelz, C., Williams, S. and Shalet, D. 2022. The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: Motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good. Graduate College Working Papers.

Finding space for the European Space Agency

Lieberman, S. and Hoerber, T. 2024. Finding space for the European Space Agency. Space Policy. 68, p. 101637. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spacepol.2024.101637

Space diplomacy and the International Space Station

Cashman, L. and Lieberman, S. 2023. Space diplomacy and the International Space Station. European Review of International Studies. 10` (23), p. 276–302. https://doi.org/10.1163/21967415-10030002

The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good

O'Leary, S., Gulyas, A., Lieberman, S., Ogilvie, M., Bates, D., Heath, T. and Shalet, D. 2022. The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good. Graduate College Working Papers.

Management actions to address the climate emergency: Motivations and barriers for SMEs and other societal micro/meso-level groups

O'Leary, S., Lieberman, S., Gulyas, A., Ogilvie, M., Bates, D., Heath, T., Pelz, C., Williams, S. and Shalet, D. 2023. Management actions to address the climate emergency: Motivations and barriers for SMEs and other societal micro/meso-level groups. The International Journal of Management Education. 21 (3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2023.100831

Critical spaces: European and U.S. institutions for outer space

Brandenburg, Matthea and Lieberman, Sarah 2022. Critical spaces: European and U.S. institutions for outer space. Astropolitics. 20 (1), pp. 93-111. https://doi.org/10.1080/14777622.2022.2098014

ESA and NASA: an historical institutionalist reading of European space policy in an age of autonomy and isolationism

Lieberman, S. 2019. ESA and NASA: an historical institutionalist reading of European space policy in an age of autonomy and isolationism. in: Hoerber, T. and Lieberman, S. (ed.) European Space Policy: Past Consolidation, Present Challenges and Future Perspectives Routledge.

European space policy: past consolidation, present challenges and future perspectives

Hoerber, T. and Lieberman, S. Hoerber, T. and Lieberman, S. (ed.) 2019. European space policy: past consolidation, present challenges and future perspectives. Routledge.

Understanding our changing relationship with space: an international political economy reading of space popularisation

Lieberman, S. 2017. Understanding our changing relationship with space: an international political economy reading of space popularisation. Space Policy. 41, pp. 53-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spacepol.2017.04.004

Using Facebook as an interactive learning environment in European political studies

Lieberman, S. 2013. Using Facebook as an interactive learning environment in European political studies. European Political Science. 10 (1057). https://doi.org/10.1057/EPS.2013.30

Moratoria in international politics: a comparative analysis of the moratoria on genetically modified products and commercial whaling

Lieberman, S., Gray, T. and Groom, A. 2012. Moratoria in international politics: a comparative analysis of the moratoria on genetically modified products and commercial whaling. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations. 14 (4), pp. 518-533. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-856X.2011.00479.x

Contested frames: comparing EU versus US GMO policy

Lieberman, S. and Zito, A. 2012. Contested frames: comparing EU versus US GMO policy. in: Howlett, M. and Laycock, D. (ed.) Regulating Next Generation Agri-Food Biotechnologies London Routledge. pp. 95-110

The World Trade Organisation's report on the EU's moratorium on biotech products

Lieberman, S. 2007. The World Trade Organisation's report on the EU's moratorium on biotech products.

The role of political myth in the international conflict between the USA and the EU over genetically modified foods and crops

Lieberman, S. and Gray, T. 2007. The role of political myth in the international conflict between the USA and the EU over genetically modified foods and crops. European Environment. 17 (6), pp. 376-386. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.466

GMOs and the developing world: a precautionary interpretation of biotechnology

Lieberman, S. and Gray, T. 2008. GMOs and the developing world: a precautionary interpretation of biotechnology. The British Journal of Politics & International Relations. 10 (3), pp. 395-411. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-856X.2007.00304.x

The World Trade Organization's report on the EU's moratorium on biotech products: the wisdom of the US challenge to the EU in the WTO

Lieberman, S. and Gray, T. 2008. The World Trade Organization's report on the EU's moratorium on biotech products: the wisdom of the US challenge to the EU in the WTO. Global Environmental Politics. 8 (1), pp. 33-52. https://doi.org/10.1162/glep.2008.8.1.33

The so-called ‘moratorium’ on the licensing of new genetically modified (GM) products by the European Union 1998–2004: a study in ambiguity

Lieberman, S. and Gray, T. 2006. The so-called ‘moratorium’ on the licensing of new genetically modified (GM) products by the European Union 1998–2004: a study in ambiguity. Environmental Politics. 15 (4), pp. 592-609. https://doi.org/10.1080/09644010600785218
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