Mr Antonio Sama

NameMr Antonio Sama
Job titleSenior Lecturer
Research instituteChrist Church Business School

Research outputs

Ways of working between third sector organizations and UK universities: are we getting it right?

Fearon, C., Sama, A. and van Vuuren, W. 2017. Ways of working between third sector organizations and UK universities: are we getting it right? Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal. 31 (4), pp. 17-20.


Sama, A. 2016. Prefazione. in: Falcone, F. (ed.) Lavorare con la ricerca azione Santarcangelo di Romagna Maggioli Editore. pp. 3-8

Pensiero critico e ragionamento clinico: prendere la decisione

Sama, A. 2016. Pensiero critico e ragionamento clinico: prendere la decisione. in: Crisafulli, F. (ed.) E.P. Educatore Professionale. Competenze, formazione e ricerca, strumenti e metodologie Santarcangelo di Romagna Maggioli Editore. pp. 205-216

Il listening post

Sama, A. and Foresti, G. 2014. Il listening post. in: Quaglino, G. (ed.) Formazione. I metodi Milan Raffaello Cortina Editore.

OPUS global report

Stapley, L., Laimou, E. and Sama, A. 2014. OPUS global report. Organisational and Social Dynamics. 14 (1), pp. 178-202.

Shall we walk together

Sama, A. and Adams, A. 2010. Shall we walk together.

Lifelong learning in judgement and decision-making

Standing, M. and Sama, A. 2010. Lifelong learning in judgement and decision-making. in: Standing, M. (ed.) Clinical Judgement and Decision-Making in Nursing and Interprofessional Healthcare Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 80-99

Assessment of young carers' needs in the Canterbury district

Griffiths, V., Woods, M. and Sama, A. 2009. Assessment of young carers' needs in the Canterbury district. Canterbury Local Children's Services Partnership.
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