Dr Andrew Butler

NameDr Andrew Butler
Job titleSenior Lecturer
Research instituteSchool of Creative Arts and Industries

Research outputs

Iain M. Banks

Butler, A. 2009. Iain M. Banks. in: Bould, M., Butler, A., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction Oxford, UK Routledge. pp. 12-17

Jean Baudrillard

Butler, A. 2009. Jean Baudrillard. in: Bould, M., Butler, A., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction Oxford, UK Routledge. pp. 17-22

Philip K. Dick

Butler, A. 2009. Philip K. Dick. in: Bould, M., Butler, A., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction Oxford Routledge. pp. 66-71

Medusa laughs: birds, thieves and other unruly women

Butler, A. 2009. Medusa laughs: birds, thieves and other unruly women. in: Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) On Joanna Russ Connecticut, USA Wesleyan University Press. pp. 143-156

Between the ''Deaths'' of science fiction: a skeptical view of anti-genres

Butler, A. 2005. Between the ''Deaths'' of science fiction: a skeptical view of anti-genres. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 15 (3), pp. 208-216.

The View from the Erasmus Building

Butler, A. 2005. The View from the Erasmus Building. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 239, pp. 3-3.

Reading 'Red': portrait of a fairy tale

Butler, A. 2005. Reading 'Red': portrait of a fairy tale. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 239, pp. 12-17.

The View from Alderney - Kenneth Vye Bailey (1914-2005)

Butler, A. 2005. The View from Alderney - Kenneth Vye Bailey (1914-2005). Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 240, pp. 3-3.

The View from Behind the Sofa

Butler, A. 2005. The View from Behind the Sofa. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 241, pp. 3-3.

Robert Sheckley's Comic Labyrinths

Butler, A. 2005. Robert Sheckley's Comic Labyrinths. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 242, pp. 13-16.

The View from the Stool and Steps

Butler, A. 2005. The View from the Stool and Steps. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 242, pp. 3-3.

The View from the Armadillo

Butler, A. 2005. The View from the Armadillo. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 243, pp. 3-3.

The View from Retirement

Butler, A. 2005. The View from Retirement. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 244, pp. 3-4.

Beyond Competing for Beer Money: The Criticism of Christopher Priest

Butler, A. 2005. Beyond Competing for Beer Money: The Criticism of Christopher Priest. in: Butler, A. (ed.) Christopher Priest: The Interaction UK Science Fiction Foundation. pp. 129-145

''The rumour is we're slaves'' Michael Coney's early novels

Butler, A. 2005. ''The rumour is we're slaves'' Michael Coney's early novels. in: Weiss, A. (ed.) Further Perspectives on the Canadian Fantastic: Proceedings of the 2003 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Canada ACCSFF. pp. 85-96

William Gibson: Neuromancer

Butler, A. 2005. William Gibson: Neuromancer. in: Seed, D. (ed.) A Companion to Science Fiction Oxford, UK Blackwell. pp. 534-543

Blade Runner

Butler, A. 2005. Blade Runner. in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 934-936


Butler, A. 2005. Comedy. in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 144-146

The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling (1990)

Butler, A. 2005. The Difference Engine by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling (1990). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 993-994

The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard

Butler, A. 2005. The Drowned World by J.G. Ballard. in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1014-1016

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Butler, A. 2005. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1023-1025

Postmodernism and science fiction

Butler, A. 2003. Postmodernism and science fiction. in: James, E. and Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction Cambridge Cambridge University Press. pp. 137-148

Work and masculine identity in Kevin Smith's New Jersey Trilogy

Butler, A. 2001. Work and masculine identity in Kevin Smith's New Jersey Trilogy. M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture. 4 (5).

Philip Pullman

Butler, A. 2003. Philip Pullman. in: Bleiler, R. (ed.) Supernatural Fiction Writers Charles Scribner's Sons.

Science fiction writing

Butler, A. 1999. Science fiction writing. in: Cook, C. (ed.) Pears Cyclopaedia 1998-1999 London Penguin.

Science fiction as postmodernism: the case of Philip K. Dick

Butler, A. 1996. Science fiction as postmodernism: the case of Philip K. Dick. in: Littlewood, D. and Stockwell, P. (ed.) Impossibility Fiction: Alternativity, Extrapolation, Speculation Amsterdam Rodopi.

Going Uphill: An interview with Gwyneth Jones

Butler, A. 2004. Going Uphill: An interview with Gwyneth Jones. FemSpec.

The Arthur C. Clarke Award: a critical anthology

Kincaid, P. and Butler, A. (ed.) 2006. The Arthur C. Clarke Award: a critical anthology. Serendip Foundation.

A celebration of British science fiction

Sawyer, A., Butler, A. and Mendlesohn, F. 2005. A celebration of British science fiction. Guildford Science Fiction Foundation.

Beyond New Worlds: John Carnell’s new writings

Butler, A. 2014. Beyond New Worlds: John Carnell’s new writings.

Quest for Love: a cosy uchronia?

Butler, A. 2015. Quest for Love: a cosy uchronia?

Sleeping/waking: politicizing the sublime in science fiction film special effects

Butler, A. 2015. Sleeping/waking: politicizing the sublime in science fiction film special effects. in: Redmond, S. and Marvell, L. (ed.) Endangering Science Fiction Film New York and London Routledge. pp. 117-131

“Why don’t you go home?”: The folk horror revival in contemporary Cornish gothic films

Butler, Andrew M 2023. “Why don’t you go home?”: The folk horror revival in contemporary Cornish gothic films. in: Johnson, W. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Folk Horror London Routledge.

Post-imperial melancholy in English utopias of the long seventies

Butler, A. 2022. Post-imperial melancholy in English utopias of the long seventies. in: The Cambridge Companion to British Utopian Literature and Culture, 1945-2020 Cambridge University Press.

Science fiction at a crossroads?

Butler, A. 2022. Science fiction at a crossroads? Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 51 (142), pp. 5-12.

Fabulation and salvation [in Reviews of books]

Butler, A. 2018. Fabulation and salvation [in Reviews of books]. Extrapolation. 59 (2), pp. 186-189. https://doi.org/10.3828/extr.2018.12

New Wave At-itudes

Butler, A. 2015. New Wave At-itudes. Science Fiction Studies. 42 (1), pp. 166-170. https://doi.org/10.5621/sciefictstud.42.1.0166

Cogging-ative estrangement

Butler, A. 2017. Cogging-ative estrangement. Science Fiction Studies. 44 (3), pp. 599-601. https://doi.org/10.5621/sciefictstud.44.3.0599

Terry Pratchett appreciation

Butler, A. 2015. Terry Pratchett appreciation. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 120.

The Arthur C. Clarke award: thirty years on

Butler, A. 2016. The Arthur C. Clarke award: thirty years on. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction.


Butler, A. 2014. Futurology. in: Latham, R. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction Oxford Oxford University Press.

Abjection and the constructions of race and racism in district 9

Butler, A. 2015. Abjection and the constructions of race and racism in district 9. in: Küchler, U., Maehl, S. and Stout, G. (ed.) Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism New York Bloomsbury. pp. 95-112

British science fiction

Butler, A. 2016. British science fiction. in: Einaus, A. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the English Short Story Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

Strange boys, queer boys: gay representations in young adult fantastic fiction

Butler, A. 2016. Strange boys, queer boys: gay representations in young adult fantastic fiction. in: Roberts, J. and MacCallum-Stewart, E. (ed.) Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Popular Fantasy: Beyond Boy Wizards and ‘Kick-Ass’ Chicks London Routledge.

Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship

Butler, A. 2016. Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship. in: Callow, jr, C. and McFarlane, A. (ed.) Adam Roberts Critical Essays Canterbury Gylphi.

Riding the new wave

Butler, A. 2018. Riding the new wave. in: Canavan, G. and Link, E. (ed.) The Cambridge History of Science Fiction Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

Invoking the holy trilogy: star wars in the Askewniverse

Butler, A. 2018. Invoking the holy trilogy: star wars in the Askewniverse. in: Hassler-Forest, D. and Guynes, S. (ed.) Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press. pp. 177-198

[Review of] Peter Dickens and James S. Ormrod, eds. the Palgrave handbook of society, culture and outer space. Houndmills, Basingstoke and London, 2016. 480 pp. Cloth, £135, ISBN 978-1-137-36351-0.

Butler, A. 2017. [Review of] Peter Dickens and James S. Ormrod, eds. the Palgrave handbook of society, culture and outer space. Houndmills, Basingstoke and London, 2016. 480 pp. Cloth, £135, ISBN 978-1-137-36351-0. Utopian Studies. 28 (2), pp. 348-353. https://doi.org/10.5325/utopianstudies.28.2.0348

Walking in the Canterbury night-time economy: drinking destination or destination drinking?

Butler, A. and McPherson, R. 2016. Walking in the Canterbury night-time economy: drinking destination or destination drinking?

The estranged case of Ivan Istochnikov: the uncanny indexicality of SF photographs

Butler, A. 2015. The estranged case of Ivan Istochnikov: the uncanny indexicality of SF photographs.

Disfigured myth: the destruction of London in postmillennial SF film

Butler, A. 2015. Disfigured myth: the destruction of London in postmillennial SF film. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 44 (122), pp. 20-32.

Bearly conscious? Deconstructing Pullman’s postmodern marionettes

Butler, A. 2014. Bearly conscious? Deconstructing Pullman’s postmodern marionettes. in: Butler, C. and Halsdorf, T. (ed.) Philip Pullman London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 96-112

The Tain and the Tain: China Miéville’s gift of uncanny London

Butler, A. 2013. The Tain and the Tain: China Miéville’s gift of uncanny London. CR: The New Centennial Review. 13 (2).

Taming death: the construction of human/alien nature in Avatar

Butler, A. 2013. Taming death: the construction of human/alien nature in Avatar.

Moon: toward the cognitive uncanny

Butler, A. 2012. Moon: toward the cognitive uncanny.

Worlds apart? Hollywood, Philip K. Dick and other war crimes

Butler, A. 2013. Worlds apart? Hollywood, Philip K. Dick and other war crimes.

Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship

Butler, A. 2013. Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship.

He do the polis in different voices: Mieville’s uncanny cities in The City and The City

Butler, A. 2012. He do the polis in different voices: Mieville’s uncanny cities in The City and The City.

Psychoanalysis and fantasy

Butler, A. 2012. Psychoanalysis and fantasy. in: James, E. and Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Modern Fantasy Literature Cambridge Cambridge University Press.

Solar flares: science fiction in the 1970s

Butler, A. 2012. Solar flares: science fiction in the 1970s. Liverpool Liverpool University Press.

Unimportant failures? The fall and rise of The Man Who Fell to Earth

Butler, A. 2013. Unimportant failures? The fall and rise of The Man Who Fell to Earth. in: Van Parys, T. and Hunter, I. (ed.) Science Fiction across Media: Adaptation/Novelization Canterbury Gylphi. pp. 81-96

Journeys beyond being: the cyberpunk-flavoured novels of Jeff Noon

Butler, A. 2000. Journeys beyond being: the cyberpunk-flavoured novels of Jeff Noon. in: Gatt-Rutter, J. (ed.) Novel Turns Towards 2000: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Narrative Writing from Western Europe Melbourne Vox Hispanica.

Proto-SF/proto-queer: the strange cases of Dr Frankenstein and Mr Hyde

Butler, A. 2002. Proto-SF/proto-queer: the strange cases of Dr Frankenstein and Mr Hyde. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 86, pp. 7-16.


Butler, A. 2009. Psychoanalysis. in: Butler, A., Bould, M., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction Oxford, UK Routledge. pp. 288-297

Unimportant failures: The fall and rise of the man who fell to Earth

Butler, A. 2009. Unimportant failures: The fall and rise of the man who fell to Earth.

Machines extraordinaires: Going beyond the Gernsback-Campbell Continuum in Seventies Science Fiction

Butler, A. 2009. Machines extraordinaires: Going beyond the Gernsback-Campbell Continuum in Seventies Science Fiction.

Saying the words you can't say on television on television: Dysphemism and the poetics of ''bad'' language

Butler, A. 2009. Saying the words you can't say on television on television: Dysphemism and the poetics of ''bad'' language.

Peeling, crashing, crying and electric love: The discovery of male homosexuality in 1970s science fiction

Butler, A. 2009. Peeling, crashing, crying and electric love: The discovery of male homosexuality in 1970s science fiction.

Loving that which you can lose: Solaris, the Seventies and the Science Fiction Art Film

Butler, A. 2009. Loving that which you can lose: Solaris, the Seventies and the Science Fiction Art Film.

Christopher Priest: the interaction

Butler, A. (ed.) 2005. Christopher Priest: the interaction. London Science Fiction Foundation.

An unofficial companion to the novels of Terry Pratchett

Butler, A. 2008. An unofficial companion to the novels of Terry Pratchett. Santa Barbara, USA Praeger.

Terry Pratchett

Butler, A. 2007. Terry Pratchett. Harpenden, UK Pocket Essentials.

Philip K. Dick

Butler, A. 2007. Philip K. Dick. Harpenden, UK Pocket Essentials.

'My particular virus': (re)reading Jack Womack’s Dryco Chronicles

Butler, A. 2000. 'My particular virus': (re)reading Jack Womack’s Dryco Chronicles. in: Sawyer, A. and Seed, D. (ed.) Speaking Science Fiction: Dialogues and Interpretations Liverpool Liverpool University Press. pp. 188-200

The good life? The cosiness of survivors

Butler, A. 2010. The good life? The cosiness of survivors.

Beyond the Gernsback/Campbell continuum: rereading and rewriting Wells for the 1970s

Butler, A. 2010. Beyond the Gernsback/Campbell continuum: rereading and rewriting Wells for the 1970s.

Journeys beyond being: the cyberpunk-flavored novels of Jeff Noon

Butler, A. 2010. Journeys beyond being: the cyberpunk-flavored novels of Jeff Noon. in: Murphy, G. and Vint, S. (ed.) Beyond Cyberpunk: New Critical Perspectives Abingdon, UK Routledge. pp. 65-78

Fifty key figures in science fiction

Bould, M., Butler, A., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) 2009. Fifty key figures in science fiction. Oxford, UK Routledge.

The Routledge companion to science fiction

Bould, M., Butler, A., Roberts, A. and Vint, S. (ed.) 2009. The Routledge companion to science fiction. London Routledge.

Towards a language for science fiction studies: narratives

Butler, A. 2000. Towards a language for science fiction studies: narratives. M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture. 2 (9).

Life, liberty and the pursuit of the post-human: An interview with Ken MacLeod

Butler, A. 2003. Life, liberty and the pursuit of the post-human: An interview with Ken MacLeod. in: Butler, A. and Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod Reading The Science Fiction Foundation.

Theories of humour

Butler, A. 2004. Theories of humour. in: Butler, A., James, E. and Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature Baltimore, USA Old Earth Books. pp. 67-88

Total Recall (1990)

Butler, A. 2005. Total Recall (1990). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1307-1309


Butler, A. 2005. Sexuality. in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 711-713

Metropolis (1926)

Butler, A. 2005. Metropolis (1926). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1172-1174

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (1962)

Butler, A. 2005. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick (1962). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1152-1154

Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1985)

Butler, A. 2005. Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1985). in: Westfahl, G. (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Themes, Works and Wonders Santa Barbara, USA Greenwood Press. pp. 1056-1058

The Republic of Heaven: The betrayal of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy

Butler, A. 2005. The Republic of Heaven: The betrayal of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. in: Moody, N. and Horrocks, C. (ed.) Children's Fantasy Fiction: Debates for the Twenty First Century Liverpool, UK Media Critical and Creative Arts, Liverpool John Moores University and Association for Research in Popular Fictions. pp. 285-298

Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Butler, A. 2005. Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in: Johnson, D. (ed.) The Popular and the Canonical: Debating Twentieth-Century Literature 1940-2000 Abingdon, UK Routledge. pp. 108-152

“We Has Found the Enemy and They Is Us”: Virtual war and empathy in four children’s science fiction novels

Butler, A. 2004. “We Has Found the Enemy and They Is Us”: Virtual war and empathy in four children’s science fiction novels. The Lion and the Unicorn. 28 (2), pp. 171-185.

Thirteen ways of looking at the British boom

Butler, A. 2003. Thirteen ways of looking at the British boom. Science Fiction Studies. 30 (3), pp. 374-393.

Non-linear narrative(s) in Philip Pullman's Penny Dreadfuls

Butler, A. 2003. Non-linear narrative(s) in Philip Pullman's Penny Dreadfuls. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 88, pp. 75-87.

Purloining of an agenda, or, a spectre is haunting John Clute

Butler, A. 2006. Purloining of an agenda, or, a spectre is haunting John Clute. in: Mendlesohn, F. (ed.) Polder: A Festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute Baltimore, USA Old Earth Books. pp. 163-174

The Sparrow: music, food, sex

Butler, A. 2006. The Sparrow: music, food, sex. in: Kincaid, P. and Butler, A. (ed.) The Arthur C. Clarke Award: a critical anthology Serendip Foundation. pp. 141-151

Roundtable on science fiction criticism

Butler, A. 2006. Roundtable on science fiction criticism. Science Fiction Studies. 33 (3).

Thanks for the memories: The films of Philip K. Dick

Butler, A. 2005. Thanks for the memories: The films of Philip K. Dick. Vector: The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association. 244, pp. 7-10.

LSD, Lying Ink and Lies, Inc

Butler, A. 2005. LSD, Lying Ink and Lies, Inc. Science Fiction Studies. 32 (2), pp. 265-280.

Discontinuity and D.G. Compton's The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe

Butler, A. 2005. Discontinuity and D.G. Compton's The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe. Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction. 93, pp. 67-75.

"The man who fell to earth": the messiah and the amphicatastrophe

Butler, A. 2011. "The man who fell to earth": the messiah and the amphicatastrophe. in: Berman, M. and Dalvi, R. (ed.) Heroes, Monsters and Values: Science Fiction Films of the 1970s Newcastle Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 179-196

“A New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel”: Non-places in William Gibson’s screen adaptations

Butler, A. 2021. “A New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel”: Non-places in William Gibson’s screen adaptations. in: Murray, M. R. and Milges, M. (ed.) William Gibson and the Future of Contemporary Culture Iowa City University of Iowa Press. pp. 97-109

Quest for Love: A cosy uchronia?

Butler, A. 2019. Quest for Love: A cosy uchronia? in: Morgan, G. and Palmer-Patel, C. (ed.) Sideways in Time: Critical Essays on Alternate History Fiction Liverpool Liverpool University Press. pp. 163-177

Early cyberpunk film (1980-1999)

Butler, A. 2019. Early cyberpunk film (1980-1999). in: McFarlane, A., Schmeink, L. and Murphy, G. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture London Routledge.
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