Dr Lisa Brundle

NameDr Lisa Brundle
Job titleAcademic Sessional

Research outputs

The Taplow drinking horn: gripping-arm gestures and female performance in the migration period

Brundle, L. 2018. The Taplow drinking horn: gripping-arm gestures and female performance in the migration period. in: Semple, S., Orsini, C. and Mui, S. (ed.) Life on the Edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum with the Internationales Sachsensymposion. pp. 373-381

The body on display: exploring the role and use of figurines in earlyAnglo-Saxon England

Brundle, L. 2013. The body on display: exploring the role and use of figurines in earlyAnglo-Saxon England. Journal of Social Archaeology. 13 (2), pp. 197-219. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469605312469455
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