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2048 results found
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Benefits and challenges of academic police education
Hallenberg, K. 2016. Benefits and challenges of academic police education. in: Phillips, S. (ed.) Change and Reform in Law Enforcement: Old and New Efforts from Across the Globe IPES. pp. 3-26

Book chapter

Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift?
Silvestri, M., Tong, S. and Brown, J. 2013. Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift? International Journal of Police Science and Management. 15 (1), pp. 61-72.

Journal article

Police culture and transformational leadership: outlining the contours of a troubled relationship
Cockcroft, T. 2014. Police culture and transformational leadership: outlining the contours of a troubled relationship. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice. 8 (1), pp. 5-13.

Journal article

Performance culture in the UK police forces, a case study of Kent Police.
Goodman, C. 2012. Performance culture in the UK police forces, a case study of Kent Police. Masters Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Business School

Masters Thesis

Sexting: the challenges of policing the ever changing world of internet child pornography under austerity
Massey, K. 2013. Sexting: the challenges of policing the ever changing world of internet child pornography under austerity.


Policing digital crime
Bryant, R., Bryant, R., Bennett, D., Day, E., Kennedy, I. and Stephens, P. Bryant, R. and Bryant, R. (ed.) 2014. Policing digital crime. Farnham Ashgate.


Exploring the myth of the bobby and the intrusion of the state into social space
Brunger, M. 2013. Exploring the myth of the bobby and the intrusion of the state into social space. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law/ Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique. 2013 (April).

Journal article

Police training and education: past, present and future
Bryant, R., Cockcroft, T., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2013. Police training and education: past, present and future. in: Brown, J. (ed.) The Future of Policing London Routledge.

Book chapter

Private policing: Mark Brunger considers the recent proposals to outsource elements of frontline policing to private providers.
Brunger, M. and Criminal Justice Matters 2012. Private policing: Mark Brunger considers the recent proposals to outsource elements of frontline policing to private providers. Criminal Justice Matters. 89 (1), pp. 10-11.

Journal article

Chief police leadership in England and Wales
Caless, B. 2012. Chief police leadership in England and Wales.

Conference paper

Blackstone's policing for the special constable
Caless, B. (ed.) 2013. Blackstone's policing for the special constable. Oxford Oxford University Press.


Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.)
Bryant, R., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2012. Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.). London Home Office.


Why is more policing always the answer?
Wood, D. 2010. Why is more policing always the answer?

Conference paper

Responding to the Neyroud Review: the higher education forum for learning and development in policing perspective
Wood, D. 2011. Responding to the Neyroud Review: the higher education forum for learning and development in policing perspective.

Conference paper

Policing at a crossroads: the demise of constabulary independence and the rise of purposeful policing
Wood, D. 2011. Policing at a crossroads: the demise of constabulary independence and the rise of purposeful policing.

Conference paper

Human rights and the future prospects for liberal policing in the UK
Wood, D. 2010. Human rights and the future prospects for liberal policing in the UK.

Conference paper

Democratising police governance? A critical reflection on the likely impact of Police and Crime Commissioners
Wood, D. and Furness, M. 2012. Democratising police governance? A critical reflection on the likely impact of Police and Crime Commissioners.

Conference paper

Police Complaints in the United Kingdom
Wood, D. 2012. Police Complaints in the United Kingdom. in: MacAlister, D. (ed.) Police Involved Deaths. The Need for Reform Vancouver, British Columbia BC Civil Liberties Association. pp. 73-99

Book chapter

Investigating effectiveness: competing ideologies and police performance management
Tong, S. 2002. Investigating effectiveness: competing ideologies and police performance management.

Conference paper

Reviewing rape and rape allegations in London: what are the vulnerabilities of the victims who report to the police?
Williams, E. and Stanko, B. 2009. Reviewing rape and rape allegations in London: what are the vulnerabilities of the victims who report to the police? in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking Cullompton Willan. pp. 207-228

Book chapter

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