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Growing up In lockdown
Bristow, J. 2021. Growing up In lockdown. London Academy of Ideas.

Discussion paper

Mr Robert Hoddinott

Policing Independent Assessor

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Miss Naomi Morrison

Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Setting up a mediation clinic
Waters, B. 2020. Setting up a mediation clinic.

Conference paper

Ms Sam Colbear-Pyke

Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Educating the effective digital forensics practitioner: academic, professional, graduate and student perspectives
Humphries, G. 2019. Educating the effective digital forensics practitioner: academic, professional, graduate and student perspectives. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Engineering, Technology and Design

PhD Thesis

Ms Tracey McIntyre

Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Mr Graham Weaver

Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Performers' Rights in Sri Lanka: Singers' Melancholia
Nanayakkara, G. 2019. Performers' Rights in Sri Lanka: Singers' Melancholia. Singapore Palgrave Macmillan.


Social disadvantage and the role of physical education and sport-for-all in young people at Cyprus and Greece: discourse of social class, gender and race
Papadopoulou, F. 2019. Social disadvantage and the role of physical education and sport-for-all in young people at Cyprus and Greece: discourse of social class, gender and race . PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Human and Life Science

PhD Thesis

All over the world like a fever: Martin Luther King Jr.’s World House and the movement for Black lives in the United States and United Kingdom
McCormack, Michael and Legal-Miller, A. 2019. All over the world like a fever: Martin Luther King Jr.’s World House and the movement for Black lives in the United States and United Kingdom. in: Reclaiming the Great World House: The Global Vision of Martin Luther King Jr. Athens University of Georgia Press. pp. 254-282

Book chapter

Ms Helen Sykes

Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Mr Scott Clarke

Principal Lecturer in Policing

School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Preventing digital crime
Bennett, D. and Stephens, P. 2016. Preventing digital crime. in: Bryant, R. (ed.) Policing Digital Crime New York Routledge. pp. 63-82

Book chapter

Report on USA visit into the establishment of a mediation clinic
Waters, B. 2007. Report on USA visit into the establishment of a mediation clinic.

Project report

Researching sexual violence
Williams, E. and Stanko, B. 2016. Researching sexual violence. in: Brunger, M., Tong, S. and Martin, D. (ed.) Policing Research: Taking Lessons from Practice Routledge.

Book chapter

Domestic violence policy and legislation in the UK: a discussion of immigrant women’s vulnerabilities
Graca, S. 2017. Domestic violence policy and legislation in the UK: a discussion of immigrant women’s vulnerabilities. European Journal of Current Legal Issues. 22 (1).

Journal article

OSIRT: a tool for law enforcement research and investigation
Williams, J. and Stephens, P. 2015. OSIRT: a tool for law enforcement research and investigation.

Conference keynote

Digitizing criminal justice: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of supply-chain integration across four EU Member States
Iannacci, F., Seepma, A. and de Blok, C. 2015. Digitizing criminal justice: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of supply-chain integration across four EU Member States.

Conference paper

Coordinating criminal justice: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of inter-organisational information sharing of four EU Member States
Iannacci, F., Seepma, A. and de Blok, C. 2015. Coordinating criminal justice: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of inter-organisational information sharing of four EU Member States.

Conference paper

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