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2110 results found
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Policing as politics
Wood, D. 2009. Policing as politics.

Conference paper

Policing as social engineering : Reflections on the ''Hamsterdam'' experiment
Wood, D. 2009. Policing as social engineering : Reflections on the ''Hamsterdam'' experiment.

Conference paper

From liberal to democratic policing: Is there a role for toleration within contemporary policing?
Wood, D. 2009. From liberal to democratic policing: Is there a role for toleration within contemporary policing?

Conference paper

Conducting research interviews in a policing context
Tong, S. 2009. Conducting research interviews in a policing context.

Conference paper

Do consequences matter? Police ethics in an 'age of terror'
Wood, D. 2007. Do consequences matter? Police ethics in an 'age of terror'.

Conference paper

Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK
Phipps, J., Tong, S. and Wood, D. 2007. Initial police training: challenges and developments in the UK.

Conference paper

Policing, security and crime prevention in the night-time economy: the case study of Margate
Graca, S. 2007. Policing, security and crime prevention in the night-time economy: the case study of Margate.

Conference paper

Blackstone's student police officer handbook
Bryant, R. (ed.) 2006. Blackstone's student police officer handbook. Oxford Oxford University Press.


Blackstone's student police officer handbook 2009
Bryant, R. and Bryant, S. (ed.) 2008. Blackstone's student police officer handbook 2009. Oxford Oxford University Press.


Blackstone's student police officer handbook
Bryant, R. (ed.) 2008. Blackstone's student police officer handbook. Oxford, UK Oxford University Press.


Teaching the police to program: building a simple IDE to teach shell scripting and reduce syntax errors
Stephens, P. 2010. Teaching the police to program: building a simple IDE to teach shell scripting and reduce syntax errors.

Conference paper

Blackstone's student police officer handbook and workbook pack 2011
Bryant, R. and Bryant, S. (ed.) 2010. Blackstone's student police officer handbook and workbook pack 2011. Oxford, UK Oxford University Press.


Blackstone's student police officer handbook 2011
Bryant, R. and Bryant, S. (ed.) 2010. Blackstone's student police officer handbook 2011. Oxford, UK Oxford University Press.


The shame of OFSTED: not improving but policing
Parsons, C. 1998. The shame of OFSTED: not improving but policing. Improving Schools. 1 (2), pp. 38-42.

Journal article

Interagency policing
Tong, S. 2008. Interagency policing. in: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. (ed.) Dictionary of Policing Abingdon, UK Willan. pp. 148-149

Book chapter

Police discretion: a British perspective
Tong, S. 2011. Police discretion: a British perspective. in: Palmiotto, M. and Unnithan, N. (ed.) Policing and Society: A Global Approach New York Cengage Learning.

Book chapter

The role of police 'discretion’ in Britain and an analysis of proposals for reform
Poyser, S. 2004. The role of police 'discretion’ in Britain and an analysis of proposals for reform. The Police Journal. 77 (1), pp. 5-18.

Journal article

Oral history and the cultures of the police
Cockcroft, T. 1999. Oral history and the cultures of the police. in: Brookman, F., Noaks, L. and Wincup, E. (ed.) Qualitative Research in Criminology Farnham, UK Ashgate.

Book chapter

Towards a criminological appreciation of police oral histories
Cockcroft, T. 2010. Towards a criminological appreciation of police oral histories. in: Berliere, J. and Levy, R. (ed.) Le témoin, le sociologue et l'historien Paris Nouveau Monde Editions.

Book chapter

Numties in yellow jackets: the nature of hostility towards the police community support officer in neighbourhood policing teams
Caless, B. 2007. Numties in yellow jackets: the nature of hostility towards the police community support officer in neighbourhood policing teams. Policing. 1 (2), pp. 187-195.

Journal article

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